1,752 research outputs found

    Predictive Value of Positive Surgical Margins after Radical Prostatectomy for Lymph Node Metastasis in Locally Advanced Prostate Carcinoma

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    Introduction. Suspected locally advanced prostate carcinoma shows lymph node involvement in a high percentage of cases. For a long time, such patients were not radically prostatectomised. In recent years, however, this viewpoint has changed. Material and Methods. We analysed a single-centre series of 34 patients with suspected locally advanced prostate cancer to establish predictive parameters for lymph node metastasis. All patients underwent radical prostatectomy between 2007 and 2010. Results. Of the 34 patients, 26% showed pathological stage T3a, 59% pT3b, and 15% pT4. Median preoperative PSA level was 25 ng/mL, and five patients had had neoadjuvant antihormonal treatment. Positive margins were found in 76% of patients. Patients without neoadjuvant treatment showed it in 79%, and after preoperative antihormonal treatment the rate was 60%. Positive margins were associated with lymph node involvement in 85% of cases, complete resection was associated only in 50% of cases. Conclusions. Positive surgical margins play an important predictive role when estimating lymph node involvement in patients with locally advanced prostate carcinoma. Neoadjuvant antihormonal therapy is associated with a relevant reduction in the rate of positive margins but not with the rate of lymph node metastasis. As such, a combination of antihormonal and surgical treatment should be considered

    NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) P187S polymorphism and prostate cancer risk in Caucasians

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    NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) catalyses the reduction of quinoid compounds to hydroquinones, preventing the generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen. A “C” to “T” transversion at position 609 of NQO1, leading to a nonsynonymous amino acid change (Pro187Ser, P187S), results in an altered enzyme activity. No NQO1 protein activity was detected in NQO1 609TT genotype, and low to intermediate activity was detected in NQO1 609CT genotype compared with 609CC genotype. Thus, this polymorphism may result in altered cancer predisposition. For prostate cancer, only sparse data are available. We therefore analyzed the distribution of the NQO1 P187S SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) in prostate cancer patients and a healthy control group. Allelic variants were determined using RFLP analysis. Overall, 232 patients without any malignancy and 119 consecutive prostate cancer patients were investigated. The genotype distribution in our cohorts followed the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in cases and controls. The distribution of the NQO1 codon 187 SNP did not differ significantly between prostate cancer patients and the control group (p = 0.242). There was also no association between the allelic variants and stage or Gleason score of the tumors. The NQO1 P187S SNP was not significantly associated with an increased prostate cancer risk in our cohorts. The SNP has also no influence on histopathological characteristics of the tumors. A combined analysis of all available data from published European studies also showed no significant differences in the genotype distribution between controls and prostate cancer patients. Our data suggest a minor role of the NQO1 nucleotide 609 polymorphism in prostate carcinogenesis

    Vacuum-assisted closure therapy in ureteroileal anastomotic leakage after surgical therapy of bladder cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) is an acknowledged method of treating wound healing disorders, but has been viewed as a contraindication in therapy of intraabdominal fistulas. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the case of an 83-year old patient with ureteroileal anastomotic insufficiency following cystectomy and urinary diversion by Bricker ileal conduit due to urothelial bladder cancer. After developing an open abdomen on the 16(th )postoperative day a leakage of the ureteroileal anastomosis appeared that cannot be managed by surgical means. To stopp the continued leakage we tried a modified VAC therapy with a silicon covered polyurethane foam under a suction of 125 mmHg. After 32 days with regularly changes of the VAC foam under general anesthesia the fistula resolved without further problems of ureteroileal leakage. CONCLUSION: We present the first report of VAC therapy successfully performed in urinary tract leakage after surgical treatment of bladder cancer. VAC therapy of such disorders requires greater care than of superficial application to avoid mechanical alterations of internal organs but opens new opportunities in cases without surgical alternatives

    Predictive Value of Positive Surgical Margins after Radical Prostatectomy for Lymph Node Metastasis in Locally Advanced Prostate Carcinoma

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    Introduction. Suspected locally advanced prostate carcinoma shows lymph node involvement in a high percentage of cases. For a long time, such patients were not radically prostatectomised. In recent years, however, this viewpoint has changed. Material and Methods. We analysed a single-centre series of 34 patients with suspected locally advanced prostate cancer to establish predictive parameters for lymph node metastasis. All patients underwent radical prostatectomy between 2007 and 2010. Results. Of the 34 patients, 26% showed pathological stage T3a, 59% pT3b, and 15% pT4. Median preoperative PSA level was 25 ng/mL, and five patients had had neoadjuvant antihormonal treatment. Positive margins were found in 76% of patients. Patients without neoadjuvant treatment showed it in 79%, and after preoperative antihormonal treatment the rate was 60%. Positive margins were associated with lymph node involvement in 85% of cases, complete resection was associated only in 50% of cases. Conclusions. Positive surgical margins play an important predictive role when estimating lymph node involvement in patients with locally advanced prostate carcinoma. Neoadjuvant antihormonal therapy is associated with a relevant reduction in the rate of positive margins but not with the rate of lymph node metastasis. As such, a combination of antihormonal and surgical treatment should be considered

    Spontaneous ventral urethral fistula in a young diabetic man: a case report

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    We present the first case reported in the medical literature of a patient with a spontaneous ventral urethral fistula accompanied by severe infection due to diabetes mellitus. A 34-year-old man with poor controlled adult-onset diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital with a large subcutaneous abscess involving the complete penis, scrotum and perineum. The patient did not report any history of any penile trauma or local infection but has experienced transient swelling of the perineal region following urination. Initial surgical treatment consisted of surgical debridement of necrotic tissue. At this time reconstructive surgery was impossible and a suprapubic cystostomy was performed. After 4 months of suprapubic urinary diversion the urethral fistula resolved and function of external genitalia was reestablished. In a follow-up period of 40 months no recurrence occurred. Spontaneous diabetes-associated ventral urethral fistulas are extremely rare and we are not aware of any other published case report

    Разработка и особенности применения аэромобильного пожарно-спасательного комплекса контейнерного типа для защиты объектов жизнеобеспечения от угрозы подтопления

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    В статье рассмотрена необходимость применения аэромобильного пожарноспасательного комплекса контейнерного типа в ЧС, который позволит значительно повысить уровень защиты различных объектов жизнеобеспечения от угрозы подтопления за счет минимизации сроков доставки комплекса к месту развертывания, сокращения времени установки и развертывания водозащитной дамбы, уменьшения материальных затрат на возведение самой дамбы и экономии людских и машинных ресурсов.The article considers the necessity of using a container-type airmobile fire-and-rescue complex in the emergency situation that will significantly increase the level of protection of various life support facilities from the threat of flooding by minimizing the delivery time of the complex to the site of deployment, reducing the installation time and deploying a water-protective dam, reducing the material costs of erection the dam itself and the economy of human and machine resources