105 research outputs found

    Diffusion and the physics of chemoreception

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    This review provides a manual which enables the reader to perform calculations on the rate with which a biological cell can capture certain chemical compounds (ligands) which are essential to its survival and which diffuse in its environment. After a discussion of spatial diffusion and the capture of ligands by a single receptor in the cell membrane, the theory of one-stage chemoreception is developed for the general case in which the cell is spherical and arbitrary forces act between the ligand and the cell. Our method can also be applied to cells with other shapes. Next we discuss membrane diffusion and develop a theory of two-stage chemoreception. Some hydrodynamic effects are also discussed

    Pore-size distribution in a biomembrane model

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    It is shown that spontaneous formation of pores occurs in a recently proposed exactly solvable model for a two-dimensional lipid bilayer. The statistical distributions of number and size of these pores are calculated from first principles

    Translational friction coefficient of a permeable cylinder in a sheet of viscous fluid

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    The author calculates the translational friction coefficient and the translational diffusion coefficient of a permeable cylinder moving in a sheet of fluid which is embedded on both sides in a fluid of much lower viscosity. The result, which is an asymptotic expression valid in the limit of small ratios of the viscosities, is derived by the method of matched asymptotic expansions

    Path integrals with topological constraints: Aharonov-Bohm effect and polymer entanglements

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    For Wiener- and Feynman integrals over paths with certain topological properties we compare various methods for explicit calculation. This leads to a one-to-one correspondence between the Aharonov-Bohm effect and a certain polymer entanglement problem. We briefly comment on two generalizations of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. First, we consider this effect due to a closed magnetic flux loop of arbitrary shape; next, we consider the combined effect due to a gas of microscopic magnetic flux loops

    The effective coordination number of self-avoiding two-dimensional random walks

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    It is demonstrated that the effective coordination number of self-avoiding random walks in a plane is given by exp(−π2/24) = 0.66283

    Asymptotic expansions for a remarkable class of random walks

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    This paper extends the research of Wiegel (J. Math. Phys. 21 (1980) 2111) on random walks which differ from free random walks through the occurrence of an extra weightfactor (−1) at every crossing of a half-line. Starting from a new closed-form expression for the weight distribution of these walks, we derive various integral representations and asymptotic expansions for the total weight of all walks

    Comments on the Debije-Brinkman equation

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    We present a macroscopic derivation of the Debije-Brinkman equation for the flow of a fluid through a polymer coil. By using an exact relation between the sedimentation coefficient and the permeability it is found that the permeability of the coil is strongly dependent on the nature of the fluid, due to local clustering of the polymer segments

    Plane polymer configurations enclosing a fixed area in an electric field: generating functional and statistical mechanical properties

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    The statistical mechanical properties of plane polymer configurations which enclose a fixed area and are subject to an external electric field are investigated. For this purpose an exact expression for the generating functional is obtained and subsequently used to derive: (a) the distribution function for the enclosed area; (b) the mean square distance of a given repeating unit from the origin; (c) the entropic force on a repeating unit

    Intrinsic viscosity and friction coefficient of polymer molecules in solution: Porous sphere model

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    The intrinsic viscosity [] and the translational friction coefficient f of polymer molecules in solution are calculated on the basis of the porous sphere model. The only information needed to predict [] and f is the polymer molecular weight, the radius of gyration in the solvent, and the permeability as a function of position in the porous sphere. For systems for which this information is available there is satisfactory agreement between predicated and directly measured values of [] and f. No adjustment of parameters is required. The influence of solvent quality is more complex than is suggested by the experimentally verified Flory-Fox relation for []; the simple form of this relation stems from the fact that two quite large effects of solvent quality approximately compensate each other. The complete flow pattern of the solvent around and through the polymer coil can be calculated. Contrary to what is usually believed the solvent flow in the polymer coil is not effectively blocked, even at the center. The connection between the present treatment and the microscopic theory of Kirkwood and Riseman is investigated

    Distribution of ions around a charged sphere

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    Using a new method of calculating the effects of excluded volume, the authors evaluate the distribution of counterions around a charged sphere in thermal equilibrium. In regions of high concentration a saturation of the ion density is found, which is absent in the more conventional Gouy-Chapman model. At the same time the saturation effect of the potential (a property of the Gouy-Chapman model) is removed, giving significant corrections to the values of the potential and concentration at the surface of the sphere
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