31 research outputs found

    Gamma-gamma directional correlation measurements in the decay of Ba133

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    The gamma rays following the electron capture decay of Ba133 have been studied using coincidence and directional correlation techniques. The existence of gamma rays with energies of 162 keV and 222 keV has been ascertained. The correlation functions for the 356 keV-82 kev, 302keV-82 keV, 80 keV-82 keV and 276 keV-162 keV cascades are found to be, respectively: W([theta]) = 1+(0.0331+/-0.0017)P2(cos [theta])+(0.0045+/-0.0033)P4(cos [theta]), W([theta]) = 1-(0.0238+/-0.0060)P2(cos [theta])+(0.0061+/-0.0089)P4(cos [theta]), W([theta]) = 1+(0.0319)+/-0.0045)P2(cos [theta])+(0.005+/-0.009)P4(cos [theta]), W([theta]) = 1-(0.328+/-0.009)P2(cos [theta])-(0.067+/-0.016)P4(cos [theta]).These results support the spin sequence of , for the ground state, 82, 162, 384 and 438 keV levels of Cs133. The measured mixing ratios of the following gamma rays are: 80 keV:(63+/-9)% E2+(37+/-9)% M1; 82keV: (97.6+/-0.1)% M1+(2.4+/-0.1)% E2; 162 keV: (95.1+/-0.6)% E2+(4.9+/-0.6)% M1; 276 keV: pure E2; 302 keV: (99.7+/-0.1)% M1+(0.3+/-0.1)% E2; 356 keV: pure E2.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32122/1/0000175.pd

    Precision energy measurements of high energy gamma rays occuring in the decays of 46Sc, 82Br, 99Mo and 110Agm

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    Curved-crystal spectrometers have been utilized to determine the energies of 21 gamma rays following the decays of . Seventeen of these gamma ray have energies in the range between 550 keV and 1121 keV and thus provide a number of calibration standards which supplement the earlier standards published by Raeside and others.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34006/1/0000279.pd

    Measurement of angular correlation solid angle corrections for a coaxial Ge(Li) detector

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    Experimental finite solid-angle corrections have been determined for a coaxial Ge(Li) detector. A comparison between these experimental values and calculated values is shown.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32803/1/0000176.pd

    The curved-crystal spectrometer at the university of Michigan

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    A precision curved-crystal spectrometer, following the design of Seppi, Henrickson, Boehm and DuMond, has been built and put into operation. The use of a tantalum collimator and germanium crystals has greatly extended the useful range of this instrument. Results are presented concerning the relative properties of four crystals; quartz (310), quartz (112), germanium (400) and germanium (). Measurements of the energies of the gamma-rays following the decay of Au198 and Au199 are also presented.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32041/1/0000084.pd

    Energy levels of Re187

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    The gamma rays of Re187 following beta decay of the 24-hr. W187 have been studied using prompt and delayed coincidence techniques. A total of 25 gamma rays was found. Relative intensities are given for the gamma transitions. The directional correlation of the 552-keV-134-keV cascade has been measured. A decay scheme is proposed on the basis of the coincidence measurements. Spins and parities of the principal levels are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32406/1/0000481.pd

    The decay of 147Nd

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    Precision energy measurements on 8 gamma rays in the 147Nd-->147Pm decay were made with a 2m curved-crystal spectrometer. Energies of the 6 other gamma rays were determined with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. The relative intensities of all gamma rays were determined. A level scheme is proposed for 147Pm which includes a new level at 680.4 keV. Evidence is given to support the exclusion of several levels reported by earlier investigators. Results are compared with predictions of intermediate coupling theory.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33320/1/0000715.pd

    The relative detection efficiency calibration of a Ge(Li) detector at low energies

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    The relative detection efficiency of gamma-ray full energy peaks in the energy region 20-100 keV was determined using a modified pair-point method. An overall accuracy of 15% was obtained in this energy region.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33113/1/0000499.pd

    Energies and mixing ratios of transitions in 72Ge

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    The lower energy [gamma]-rays of 72Ge from the decay of 14 h 72Ga have been studied using a 2 m curved-crystal spectrometer. Mixing ratios for the 601, 630, 894 and 1051 keV transitions were determined from the [gamma]-[gamma] directional correlations. The E0 content of the 630 keV, 2+' --> 2+ transition was found to be less than 2%. A spin of 3 for the 2065 keV level has been uniquely determined.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22412/1/0000862.pd

    The level structure of Dy160

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    Gamma rays in Dy160 following beta decay of the 72 day Tb160 have been studied using coincidence and angular correlation methods. The relative intensity and coincidence measurements confirm the principal features of the decay scheme proposed by Nathan1). Angular correlation measurements were made on six cascades. The spin and parity of the 0.087 MeV, 0.964 MeV, and 1.262 MeV levels were found to be 2+, 2+, and 2- respectively. The measurements favour spins of 4 and 3 for the 0.283 MeV and 1.359 MeV levels. These assignments are in agreement with previous assignments by Ofer2).The multi- polarities of the main gamma transitions are given.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32460/1/0000544.pd

    The level scheme of 134Ba

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    The gamma-ray spectrum associated with the beta decay of 134Cs has been studied with curved-crystal and Ge(Li) spectrometers. The data provide energy and intensity measurements of 11 gamma rays. Coincidence spectra were taken using a Ge(Li)---NaI(Tl) combination. The data fail to support the previously proposed levels at 1570 and 1773 keV.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33329/1/0000725.pd