9 research outputs found

    Assessment of Students in Online Industrial Practice Activities Using Machine Learning Based on Mobile Application

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    All of the learning in the pandemic era uses online learning including practical in the industry that should do all of the students to apply their knowledge.  The practical industry online is very difficult to assement students that the assessment is given from both company and the university. Companies have many parameters to assessment and each company has different parameters. This study uses 14 parameters that are generally used in assessment for practical students and the university side using 10 parameters. The problem is that every parameter has a different weight than it makes it confusing to give marks with manual assessment. This research uses machine learning to fix this problem based on mobile applications for the user interfaces. The result of testing this application had an average accuracy for assessment students based on parameters of companies and universities that is 83,3%

    Implementation of Chinese Folklore Virtual Content Using an Expert System

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased use of information technology in all community activities, especially in the field of education. One technology used for learning is the virtual laboratory with online learning media. The use of virtual laboratories in Revolution 4.0 was very effective, especially in the current COVID-19 pandemic. Usually, virtual laboratories do not provide feedback to users, especially on how to develop their skills. This study developed a virtual laboratory with personalized Chinese folklore content using artificial intelligence. The ability and willingness of the user are processed by artificial intelligence to determine the model, media and material that the user wants. When tested, this virtual laboratory’s personalization methods obtained an accuracy value of 89.2% according to the users. Keywords: virtual content, Chinese folklore, expert syste

    New Smart Augmented Reality Content to Improve Student Learning Activities in Chinese Language

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    This study focuses on the development of AR-loaded Listening teaching materials. Based on the results of observations and interviews at the Mandarin language education at Universitas Negeri Malang, it was found that some students felt less interested in the learning model that used printed books provided by the school. In addition, teachers of related subjects also stated that the available learning tools were limited. This research and development use the ADDIE model. Observations and interviews were used to collect the initial data of the study. The sample of the trial subjects of this study were students of the State University of Malang. Research data collection was carried out using questionnaires and observation sheets. Based on the results of field trials, this research and development resulted in a product in the form of digital teaching materials with augmented reality (AR) content which was declared very suitable to be used as teaching materials and could be used in the learning process to foster learning activity with a percentage score of 86.3%


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan disinfeksi secara kimia dengan menggunakan cairan disinfektan yang diperoleh dari hasil racikan benzilkonium klorida dan karbol dengan bahan aktif pine oil, menjadi salah satu solusi yang telah diterapkan untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19 di Kelurahan Tamanan Kota Kediri. Kegiatan disinfeksi yang dilakukan di kelurahan Tamanan ini merupakan disinfeksi secara kimia dengan menggunakan cairan disinfektan. Racikan disinfektan untuk takaran penambahan air sebanyak 1 liter terdiri dari 50 ml karbol dan 15 ml Benzilkonium klorida. Pembersihan lingkungan rumah, permukaan benda di dalam rumah, serta fasiitas umum desa dengan menggunakan disinfektan yang dilakukan secara rutin dapat mengurangi keberadaan virus corona. Upaya disinfeksi yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi keberadaan virus corona di lingkungan merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penularan dan mengurangi angka kasus Covid-19. Abstract: Chemical disinfection activities using disinfectant liquid obtained from the mixture of benzylkonium chloride and carbolic acid with the active ingredient pine oil, have become one of the solutions that have been implemented to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 in the Tamanan Village, Kediri City.The disinfection activity carried out in the Tamanan village is a chemical disinfection using a liquid disinfectant. The disinfectant concoction for the addition of 1 liter of water consisted of 50 ml of carbolic acid and 15 ml of Benzylkonium chloride. Cleaning the home environment, surface objects in the house, as well as village public facilities using disinfectants that are carried out regularly can reduce the presence of the corona virus. Disinfection efforts aimed at reducing the presence of the corona virus in the environment are one of the efforts that can be made to break the chain of transmission and reduce the number of Covid-19 cases

    Pengembangan Desain Produk Kerajinan Anyaman Mendong untuk Peningkatan Kesempatan Kerja dan Kesejahteraan Perajin di Desa Ngawonggo Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang

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    Pemanfaatan tumbuhan mendong di desa Ngawonggo, Kecamatan Tajinan, Kabupaten Malang hanya terbatas pada kegiatan kerajinan anyaman untuk membuat tikar palos sebagai alas tempat duduk atau mengkafani mayat, sehingga harga jualnya relatif murah dengan konsumen yang terbatas dari masyarakat kelas bawah. Upaya mengembangkan desain dan menganekaragamkan produk kerajinan anyaman mendong dengan menggunakan variasi teknik kolase, teknik solaman, dan jahitan yang tidak pemah dilakukan sebelumnya, temayat dapat. menghasilkan produk baru berupa lembaran anyaman mendong dengan aneka corak warna dan variasi bentuk motif anyamannya berupa tatakan alas piring dan gelas meja makan (table mat), tempat tissue, dan tempat pensil dari berbagai ukuran. Produk baru yang dihasilkan memiliki pangsa pasar yang lebih luas dengan konsumen dari berbagai tingkatan masyarakat

    The Development of Malang Raya Tourism Bilingual Catalog

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    This study aimed to develop a tourism catalog of Malang Raya that compiled in bilingual, Indonesian and German. The product has been through a validation process by the media expert and material expert. The field trial was conducted by 10 respondents of the Indonesian Literature Department State University of Malang. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire sheets. This study employed was descriptive quantitative research. The result of this study stated that the catalog is suitable to be used as a tourism reference in Malang Raya, and as literature readings for the related institutions in terms of Malang Raya tourism


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    The purpose of this research and development is to develop “Lass uns spielen” media which supports German learning process in class X language program of senior high school. The development of “Lass uns spielen” media has been adaptsed from Plomp development media and has been modified into 4 steps : (1) preliminary investigation, (2)design, (3) realization or construction, and (4) test, evaluation and revision. In this research, the instrument used to collect data are questionnaires and observation sheets. The quistionnaires ist fulfilled by validator in order to get the data and the result of the experimental observation is analyzed qualitatively descriptively. Based on the results of the questionnaire and the observation, it indicates that the media “Lass uns spielen” is appropriate to be used as media to support German learning in class X language program of senior high school


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    Kesalahan dan koreksi kesalahan adalah dua hal yang penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Seperti yang terjadi pada umumnya bahwa koreksi kesalahan tulis dianggap jauh lebih tidak bermasalah dibandingkan dengan koreksi dalam keterampilan berbicara. Penelitian ini diperlukan untuk mengetahui kesalahan-kesalahan berbicara dan koreksi kesalahan yang dilakukan dosen serta implikasi koreksi terhadap mahasiswa dalam matakuliah Konversation II di Jurusan Sastra Jerman Universitas Negeri Malang. Beberapa kesalahan dianggap tidak perlu dikoreksi atau bisa diabaikan dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kemampuan berbahasa mahasiswayang  berada pada tingkatan kemampuan berbahasa Jerman pemula A2 standar kemampuan berbahasa Jerman Eropa (GER). Oleh sebab itu toleransi kesalahan pada tingkatan ini masih dianggap relatif tinggi, sehingga banyak kesalahan yang masih bisa diabaikan

    Optimizing the certainty factor on k-nearest neighbor to determine the learning model during the pandemic

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    In the pandemic era, the lecture must use an online class, not an offline class. The online course has a significant problem in learning because students must adapt to model learning their lesson, students have their education, and teachers have their style. So it will happen throughout the pandemic era. It is a big problem in learning. At the end of the semester, the student usually gives feedback for their lecture on what kind of model they want. The data of feedback is put in a database online learning. The data can be used to know what students need and what course must choose a model for online learning. This research is applied to determine the kind of model learning suitable for students in the pandemic era. The determination process uses a k-nn algorithm that classifies all parameters and data and makes decisions based on all parameters and data. The data in this research is from database learning Universitas Negeri Malang and data feedback from students. All data is processed and calculated by k-nn. This application has a maximum accuracy of 88.37% in testing the variation of the k value, with k=3, k=5 , and k=8