30 research outputs found
Uji Coba Larvisida Spherifix (Bacillus Sphaericus Vcrc B 42) Terhadap Larva Anopheles Sundaicus Di Gerumbul Klaces, Ujung Alang - Kabupaten Cilacap
A biological larvicide spherifix containing Bacillus sphaericus VCRC B 42 was investigated against Anopheles sundaicus in Klaces hamlet, Cilacap regency. This study was conducted to determine the effectivity of spherifix on An. sundaicus larvae at a dosage of 2.5 kg/Ha. Observations were conducted one day before application of the larvicide, 24, 36, 48 hours, day 4, 7, and 14 after application. The larval reduction rates were calculated using the formula of Mulia et al, 1971, and a reduction of the results were 16.69 % after 24 hours, 20.95 % after 36 hours, 34.07 % after 48 hours, 65.08 % after 4 days, 85.98 % after 7 days, and 90.81 % after 14 days. B. sphaericus has capabilities to function as a biological larvicide
Kemampuan Makan Mesocyclops Aspericornis Terhadap Jentik Aedes Aegypti Pada Medium Rendaman Seresah Salvinia Dan Rendaman Tinja Kambing Dilaboratorium
A study was conducted to determine the feeding capacity of Mesocyclops aspericornis on Aedes aegypti larvae in the Salvinia and goat dropping infusion media in the laboratory. Five concentration of media were used in this study with ratio of (media : well water) 7 : 3, 5 : 5, 3:7,1 : 9, and 0 : 10 (Control). First instar larvae of Ae. aegypti were used in each concentration of the media mentioned above during 4 days observations. The results showed that feeding capacity ofM. aspericornis on Ae. aegypti larvae were 20.69 (82.76%) and 15.44 (61.76%) at the lowest concentration of Salvinia and goat dropping infusion media respectively. There was no significant difference in the feeding capacity of M. aspericornis on Ae. aegypti larvae between the two media (P > 0.05). A significant difference was revealed among concentrations in each media (P < 0.05)
Analisis Spasial pada Kejadian Luar Biasa (Klb) Malaria di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga
Malaria seringkali muncul pada kejadian luar biasa (KLB) maupun peningkatan kasus baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa. Dilaporkannya peningkatan kasus atau KLB malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga menimbulkan pemikiran faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi terjadinya KLB malaria. Tujuan penelitian adalah analisis spasial kasus malaria, konfirmasi vektor yang berperan dalam penularan malaria dan bioekologi nyamuk tersangka vektor. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Konfirmasi vektor dilakukan dengan elisa sporozoit dari semua nyamuk Anopheles sp yang diperoleh. Analisis kasus malaria digunakan metoda GIS dan dilanjutkan uji spatially weighted regression (spatial error model) dengan GeoDa. Survei entomologi dilakukan sesuai standart penangkapan nyamuk oleh WHO. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa berdasarkan elisa sporozoit, vektor yang berperan di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang adalah Anopheles maculatus hasil penangkapan hinggap pada manusia diluar rumah pada jam 18.00. Kejadian luar biasa malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga, semula kasus import namun karena keberadaan vektor (daerah reseptif), sehingga terjadi penularan lokal. Analisis spasial kasus malaria di kedua desa mengelompok dan berdekatan dengan habitat perkembangbiakan An. maculatus yaitu ditepi aliran sungai. Mencermati vektor yang berperan di daerah KLB adalah An. maculatus dengan aktivitas sore sampai malam hari, maka perlu diinformasikan kepada masyarakat agar menjaga tidak kontak dengan nyamuk dan melindungi masyarakat dengan kelambu berinsektisida yang mempunyai daya lindung lama (LLIN) sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya penularan.Kata Kunci : analisis spasial, KLB, Anopheles maculatus dan malariaAbstractMalaria outbreak or increase cases has came up very often inside or outside of Java Island. The increase malaria cases from Purbalingga Regency is reported remain high enough with 94 people sick in Panusupan Village and 37 people in Rembang Village Purbalingga Regency. Due to the reason, it is important to conduct a confirmation of malaria vector and another factors that take an important role in those area.This research was conducted to investigate the confirmation of malaria vectors, spacial analysis malaria cases, entomological indicator and another factors in relation with the malaria outbreak. The study was carried out in two malaria endemic villages namely: Panusupan Village Rembang Subdistrict and Sidareja Village, Kaligondang Subdistrict Purbalingga Regency. The confirmation of malaria vectors was carried out using sporozoid elisa, spatial analysis of malaria cases using geographical information system (GIS) and entomological indicator using WHO standart. The result of the outdoor landing on man collecting revealed that mosquito species remain malaria vectors only An. maculatus from Panusupan Village Rembang Subdistrict was positive sporozoid. Spatial analysis on the two areas show that malaria cases were distributed on clumped/cluster, buffer zones against breeding habitat (<400 meters), indicate local transmission (indigenous) due to vector behaviour. Based on these results we conclude that An. maculatus is the vector of malaria in those areas, so that it can be useful as information for the program to perform a control or prevention further spread of malaria in that areas. Due to the vector behaviour activity at evening until midnight when the community heavy sleep, therefore vector control using Long Lasting Insectiside Nets (LLIN) will protect them from man-mosquito contact so that the malaria transmision could be minimized. Intensified the need for migration surveys for people returning from malaria-endemic area outside Java.Keywords : spacial analisis, outbreak, Anopheles maculatus and malari
Tinjauan Penelitian Pengendalian Vektor Malaria secara Hayati dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
With increasing reports on negative side effects of chemical insecticides, there is a greater need to further develop a malaria vector control technic that is environmentally friendly. Several different biological agents and also environmental management could potentially be developed for vector control although their operational use are still limited. Some of these agents already in use at the Health Ecology Research Centre of NIHRD are : Poecilia reticulata fish, Baccillus thuringiensis H-14 and Bacillus sphaericus bacteria, while Romanomermis iyengari nematode/round worm is still under investigation. P. reticulata and Cyprinus carpio fisher cultivation in rice fields is able to reduce malaria vector Anopheles aconitus population up to 99.7 % and decreases malaria SPR 98.8 %. Six days after B. thuringiensis H-14 spray in Singaraja, Bali, no Anopheles sundaicus larvae larvae were found. Effectivity trial in the laboratory using B. thuringiensis H-14 2,5 lb/acre (0,28 gr/m2) against Anopheles barbirostris resulted in 80 - 100 % deaths. The Vector Research Centre is able to isolate 92 - 100 % B. thuringiensis from An. aconitus in a 24 hours pathogenicity trial. B. sphaericus is able to reduce An. sundaicus larvae density up to 90.81 % when used in water (Cilacap, C. Java) and in a laboratory trial for LC50 it needed a concentration of 0.59 mg/l while for LC90 it required 2.14 mg/l. R. iyengari, a nematode parasite of mosquito larvae has great potential for malaria vector control, whithparasitemicidal effect 36 -100 % against An. aconitus and An. farauti when tried in the laboratory. Beside using biological agents there are other methods of environmental management. In this case periodical drying of rice fields. Four months rice fields drying in Tingkir village, Semarang regency, is able to reduce mosquito population density from 0.61 mosquitoes/m2 to 0.00 mosquito/m