4 research outputs found
Implementation Of Energy Law Of Hybrid Power Station For Social Welfare
This study was aimed to investigate the Implementation of Energy Law of Hybrid Power Station for Social Welfare in Pantai Baru. The problem formulations are the management and utilization of hybrid power station in Pantai Baru and implementation of energy law of hybrid power station for social welfare in the fields of economy and information in Pantai Baru. Based on data analysis it is concluded that the management of hybrid power station in Pantai Baru is performed collaboratively between government and the society. The existence of hybrid power station in pantai baru has positive impacts in economy and information. Penelitian ini meneliti Pelaksanaan Hukum Energi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hibrid untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat di Bidang Ekonomi dan Informasi di Pantai Baru. Masalah yang diteliti adalah bentuk pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid di Pantai Baru dan pelaksanaan hukum energi pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid untuk kesejahteraan rakyat di bidang ekonomi dan informasi di Pantai Baru. Berdasarkan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid yang ada di pantai baru dilakukan secara kolaboratif, antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Kehadiran pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid yang ada di pantai baru telah memberikan dampak positif di bidang ekonomi dan informasi
Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Kantor Pertanahan Kota Semarang
Organizational performance is an outcome at the level or organization unit analysis. The performance at this organizational level is related to the organizational goals, organizational design, and organizational management. Badan Pertahanan Nasional (BPN) is non-ministerial governmentagencieswhichis under and responsible to the President. It is conducted by the head office (in accordance with Government Regulation number 10 of 2006). BPN has a duty to carry out government task in the land sector of national, regional, and sectoral. This research will analyze organizational performance anddimensions whether support or impede the organizational performance in Land Office of Semarang. This research uses organization theory and five dimensions of work measurement, which are dimensions of productivity, quality of service, responsiveness, responsibility, andaccountability. Methods of collecting data used by researcher are through interview and documentation with all matters related to the Land Office of Semarang. The result of this research shows that Organizational Performance in Land Office of Semarang is still not optimal. This is happened because there are still found some obstacles on dimensions of productivity, like human resources problem and lack of agrarian socialization to the people, and also the length of time to finish a task. While supporting dimensions of organizational performance in Land Office of Semarang that work well are dimensions ofservice quality, responsiveness, responsibility, andaccountability. To solve the problem, there are some solutions to optimize the organization performance that can be done by Land Office of Semarang like doing education and training to improve the quality of human resources, doing socialization to the people regularly and thoroughly, and adding honorary workers to ease the workload in Land Office of Semarang
Penjabaran Asas-Asas Pembaharuan Agraria Berdasarkan Tap MPR No. IX/MPR/2001 dalam Perundang-undangan di Bidang Pertanahan
This research discusses whether Agrarian Reform principles have been synchronous with the Indonesian land laws and Basic Agrarian Law and how those principles are implemented within government regulations on land law. Results show that, instead of manifesting, numerous government regulations are contradicting the principles therefore should be revoked or amended. Penelitian ini membahas apakah asasasas Pembaruan Agraria telah sejalan dengan hukum pertanahan Indonesia dan UUPA serta bagaimana asas-asas tersebut diterapkan dalam peraturan-peraturan pemerintah di bidang pertanahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, alih-alih mengejawantahkan, banyak PP yang bertentangan dengan asas Pembaruan Agraria sehingga harus dicabut atau diamandemen
Peranan Pajak Pemanfaatan dan Pengambilan Air Bawah Tanah terhadap Konservasi Air Tanah
This study examines the role of groundwater conservation tax in Bantul regency. We will analyse the enforcement of groundwater conservation in Bantul and what role that the tax serves for the conservation policy. The study will also discuss the allocation of taxation revenue for the continuation of Bantul groundwater conservation. Penelitian ini menguji peran pajak air bawah tanah air konservasi di Kabupaten Bantul, yaitu pelaksanaan konservasi air bawah tanah di Bantul dan apa peran yang diberikan dari pajak air pada konservasi air bawah tanah dan berapa banyak hasil pajak air dialokasikan untuk program konservasi air bawah tanah di Kabupaten Bantul