26 research outputs found

    Securities Regulation: Shareholder Derivative Actions Against Insiders Under Rule 10b-5

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    After a general examination of Rule 10b-5 in the context of its traditional application, this comment focuses on the recent developments concerning the rule\u27s function as a weapon for the enforcement of controlling insiders\u27 duties to their corporation

    The Grizzly, March 24, 1992

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    Sororities Honored for Participation in Blood Drive ‱ Economist Speaks on Recession ‱ Sailing on the Chesapeake ‱ U.S.G.A. Minutes ‱ Consider Women\u27s Studies Next Semester ‱ Senior Class: Please Give ‱ Fraternity Pledging Ends ‱ Admitted Students Reception ‱ Precipitation Indication ‱ Maquette Exhibit ‱ Movie Review: Hot Shots ‱ New Sculpture Exhibit to Open ‱ Movie Review: My Cousin Vinny ‱ CAB Performers Humor and Hypnotize ‱ Touchstone Ensemble\u27s Interpretation of Candide ‱ Stop Complaining; Start Conserving ‱ Letters: More Responses to Airband Controversy ‱ (Sic)\u27em: A Concern Over Grizzly Policy ‱ Men and Women Swimmers End Season ‱ Derstine, Cauley at Nationals ‱ Freshman Power and the Liberty Bell ‱ Gymnasts Finish Seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1293/thumbnail.jp

    Offentlig-Privat Samhällssäkerhet : En principal-agentstudie om svenska kommuners samverkan med privata aktörer inom krisberedskap- och hantering

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    Med bakgrund av de satsningar som görs på Sveriges civila försvar och beredskap samt trenden av offentlig-privat samverkan för samhällssäkerhet, undersöker den här pilotstudien hur sju svenska kommuner samverkar med privata aktörer inom krisberedskap- och hantering. Studien utgår ifrån ett principal-agentperspektiv där kommunen är principal och privata aktörer är agent. Genom sju semistrukturerade informantintervjuer med säkerhetschefer på Haninge, Huddinge, Nacka, Norrtälje, Salem, Solna och Värmdö kommun undersöks former för samverkan samt om det uppstår några principal-agentproblem i samverkan med privata aktörer. Analysen görs genom kvalitativ tematisk textanalys på det transkriberade materialet och finner att samverkan med privata aktörer i kommunerna befinner sig i en uppstartsfas och att det finns utvecklingspotential. Formerna för samverkan är informell och dialogbaserad. Några principal-agentproblem kan inte beläggas vilket kan härledas till formerna för samverkan samt att de intervjuade kommunerna nyligen kommit igång med samverkansarbetet.

    Ultrasonic Methods for Quantitative Carotid Plaque Characterization

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide and improved diagnostic methods are needed for early intervention and to select the most suitable treatment for patients. Currently, carotid artery plaque vulnerability is typically determined by visually assessing ultrasound B-mode images, which is influenced by user-subjectivity. Since plaque vulnerability is correlated to the mechanical properties of the plaque, quantitative techniques are needed to estimate plaque stiffness as a surrogate for plaque vulnerability, which would reduce subjectivity during plaque assessment. The work in this thesis focused on three noninvasive ultrasound-based techniques to quantitatively assess plaque vulnerability and measure arterial stiffness. In Study I, a speckle tracking algorithm was validated in vitro to assess strain in common carotid artery (CCA) phantom plaques and thereafter applied in vivo to carotid atherosclerotic plaques where the strain results were compared to visual assessments by experienced physicians. In Study II, hard and soft CCA phantom plaques were characterized with shear wave elastography (SWE) by using phase and group velocity analysis while being hydrostatically pressurized followed by validating the results with mechanical tensile testing. In Study III, feasibility of assessing the stiffness of simulated plaques and the arterial wall with SWE was demonstrated in an ex vivo setup in small porcine aortas used as a human CCA model. In Study IV, SWE and pulse wave imaging (PWI) were compared when characterizing homogeneous CCA soft phantom plaques. The techniques developed in this thesis have demonstrated potential to characterize carotid artery plaques. The results show that the techniques have the ability to noninvasively evaluate the mechanical properties of carotid artery plaques, provide additional data when visually assessing B-mode images, and potentially provide improved diagnoses for patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases.Doctoral thesis in medical technology and medical sciencesQC 20160921</p

    SAMMA FENOMEN – SAMMA BEGREPP? En Path Dependency-analys av SĂ€kerhetspolisens syn pĂ„ begreppet vĂ„ldsbejakande extremism

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    I Sverige bedrivs ett aktivt arbete för att förebygga vÄldsbejakande extremism. I spetsen för arbetet finns SÀkerhetspolisen. Arbetet krÀver en begreppsapparat vars definition har praktiskt anvÀndbarhet, utan att inskrÀnka pÄ grundlagsfÀsta yttrande- och Äsiktsfriheter. Det existerar dock begreppsrelaterade problem i arbetet mot vÄldsbejakande extremism, i form av vaga definitioner och en oklarhet i vad som inkluderas i begreppet vÄldsbejakande extremism. Problemen manifesterar sig i svÄrigheter med praktisk tillÀmpning dÄ det finns frÄgor kring vaghet och godtycklighet. Tidigare forskning har lyft otydligheter i SÀkerhetspolisens mandat, samt redogörelser frÄn kommunala tjÀnstemÀn som beskriver en rÀdsla för att glida mot angiveri. Dessutom utmÀrker sig den svenska definitionen av vÄldsbejakande extremism jÀmfört med Danmark, Norge och Finland genom att ha ett större fokus pÄ ideologi och Äsikt. Denna studie tar avstamp i den begreppsrelaterade problematiken och försöker förstÄ hur den svenska definitionen av vÄldsbejakande extremism kommit till inom SÀkerhetspolisen. Fokus ligger pÄ SÀkerhetspolisen dÄ det Àr den myndighet med ytterst ansvar för arbetet mot vÄldsbejakande extremism. UtifrÄn teorin om path dependency förstÄs begreppet vÄldsbejakande extremism som en policy, vilken sedan bryts ned till tre delar och analyseras genom kvalitativ textanalys och informantintervjuer för att förstÄ hur begreppets definition utvecklats sedan Är 2000. Resultaten utesluter inte andra förklaringsfaktorer men ligger i linje med path dependency dÄ begreppet vÄldsbejakande extremism och dess definition förblivit likadant sedan Är 2000, trots kritik och utökad kunskap om fenomenet vÄldsbejakande extremism

    Högre förvÀntningar ger bÀttre högskolor

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    Association between temperature, sunlight hours and alcohol consumption.

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    BACKGROUND:Alcohol is a major risk factor for liver cirrhosis. Recently, it was proposed that colder climate might causally lead to increased consumption of alcohol. METHODS:We performed an ecologic study, using monthly updated data on mean temperature, sunlight hours and alcohol consumption from ten regions in Sweden, using publicly available data. A generalised additive model, adjusted for region, was applied to examine the association between mean temperature and mean sunlight hours with mean alcohol consumption. RESULTS:We found a non-linear inverse association between mean monthly temperature and mean alcohol consumption, suggesting that warmer temperature was associated with increased alcohol consumption and colder temperature with a decreased consumption. We found no association between mean sunlight hours and alcohol consumption. Consumption was highest during public holidays. CONCLUSIONS:We found no association between a colder climate and increased alcohol consumption. Socio-economic factors are likely to explain the suggested association

    Initial Experience of the Levodopa–Entacapone–Carbidopa Intestinal Gel in Clinical Practice

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    Patients in fluctuating stages of Parkinson’s disease (PD) require device-aided treatments. Continuous infusion of levodopa–carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) is a well-proven option in clinical practice. We now report the first clinical experience of levodopa–entacapone–carbidopa intestinal gel (LECIG) therapy. An observational study of the first patients to start LECIG in our clinic was performed. Twenty-four patients (11 females, 13 males) were included. The median age was 71.5 years, and the median duration since PD diagnosis was 15.5 years. The median treatment duration was 305 days. Median doses were: 6.0 mL as morning dose, 2.5 mL/h as infusion rate, and 1.0 mL as extra dose. Half of the patients were switched directly from LCIG. These patients express improvements in the size and weight of the pump. Furthermore, most of them considered the new pump to be improved regarding user-friendliness. Six patients discontinued LECIG, three due to diarrhea, one due to hallucinations and two deceased (one cardiac arrest and one COVID-19). LECIG has shown to be possible to use in patients with PD, efficacy and safety as expected. Patients are generally happy with the size and usability of the pump, but some technical improvements of the software are warranted, as well as larger, prospective studies

    Personalized Medicine Approach in Treating Parkinson's Disease, Using Oral Administration of Levodopa/Carbidopa Microtablets in Clinical Practice

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    Background: The most effective symptomatic treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD) is levodopa in standard doses. However, as the disease progresses, there may be a need for a more personalized approach and fine tuning, in accordance with the patients' needs. This study aims to evaluate the individual experience of levodopa/carbidopa 5/1.25 mg microtablets (LC-5) in clinical practice with respect to efficacy, tolerability, and usability. The method used was as follows: patients answered a questionnaire concerning the effect and usability of LC-5, and their medical records were reviewed. Regarding results, thirty-five survey responses were obtained, and 29 patients' medical records were reviewed. The LC-5 dose dispenser usability was generally rated positively and facilitated medication adherence. The majority (85%) of patients reported symptom improvement while using LC-5, compared with previous standard treatments. These results suggest that LC-5 therapy is generally well-tolerated, with favorable patient-reported efficacy and user friendliness, as well as the possibility for an individualized, fine-tuned PD treatment. Further studies with a prospective design and larger study population are needed to confirm the results