18 research outputs found

    International Blue Whiting Spawning Stock Survey (IBWSS) Spring 2017

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    Coordination of the survey was initiated in the meeting of the Working Group on International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS) and continued by correspondence until the start of the survey. During the survey effort was refined and adjusted by the coordinator based on real time observations. The survey design applied followed methods described in ICES Survey design Manual (2015) and allowed for a flexible transect design and comprehensive coverage of the spawning aggregations. Overall weather conditions were mixed with periods of poor and good weather. All vessels, with the exception of Kings Bay experienced some downtime due to conditions with the Faroes experiencing the most prolonged period of bad weather at the end of the survey period. The entire survey was undertaken within 20 days and below the 21 day target threshold. The bulk of the survey was temporally consistent with the exception of one transect in the southern Rockall Trough

    Communauté africaine-américaine : Education, progrès social et limites de l\u27action de l\u27Etat Fédéral aux Etats-Unis de 1863 à 1903

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    Widely Noreus, à présent doctorant, présente ses recherches de Master 2 à travers la présentation de son mémoire intitulé " Communauté africaine-américaine : Education, progrès social et limites de l\u27action de l\u27Etat Fédéral aux Etats-Unis de 1863 à 1903

    A description logic with transitive and inverse roles and role hierarchies

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    transitive roles play an important rôle in the adequate representation of aggregated objects: they allow these objects to be described by referring to their parts without specifying a level of decomposition. In [Horrocks & Gough, 1997], the Description Logic (DL) ALCH R + is presented, which extends ALC with transitive roles and a role hierarchy. It is argued in [Sattler, 1998] that ALCH R + is well-suited to the representation of aggregated objects in applications that require various part-whole relations to be distinguished, some of which are transitive. For example, a medical knowledge base could contain the following entries defining two different parts of the brain, namely the gyrus and the cerebellum. In contrast to a gyrus, a cerebellum is an integral organ and, furthermore, a functional component of the brain. Hence the role is component (which is a non-transitive sub-role of is part) is used to describe the relation between the brain and the cerebellum: is component ⊑ is part gyrus:= (∀consists.brain mass) ⊓ (∃is part.brain) cerebellum:= organ ⊓ (∃is component.brain) However, ALCH R + does not allow the simultaneous description of parts by means of the whole to which they belong and of wholes by means of their constituent parts: one or other is possible, but not both. To overcome this limitation, we present the DL ALCHI R + which extends ALCH R + with inverse (converse) roles, allowing, for example, the use of has part as well as is part. 1 Using ALCHIR +, we can define a tumorous brain as: tumorous brain:= brain ⊓ (tumorous ⊔ (∃has part.tumorous)) Part of this work was carried out while being a guest at IRST