8 research outputs found


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    This research was motivated by the results of observations carried out at SDN Tiron 4 Kediri, it was discovered that during the learning of water cycle material in class V of SDN TIRON 4 it was found that during the learning process the teacher did not use learning media. Teachers only use teaching materials in the form of student books which contain material summaries and unattractive illustrations of the water cycle. Students find it difficult if they only read the material and observe illustrations in the form of pictures of the water cycle in student books. This results in students being less able to explain the stages of the water cycle. The aim of this research and development is to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of animation-based learning video media using the CapCut application for water cycle material for class V students at SDN Tiron 4 Kediri. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) research method with the ADDIE development model. The ADDIE development model has five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The data collection instruments used were questionnaires and tests. Data analysis techniques were in the categories of validity, practicality and effectiveness.The results of this development research are: (1) The results of media validation obtained a score of 88% (very valid), material validation obtained 92% (very valid), validation of evaluation questions obtained 88% (very valid), and validation of learning tools obtained 92% ( very valid), (2) Practicality based on teacher response questionnaires obtained a score of 92% on limited trials and 90% on extensive trials as well as student response questionnaires with a score of 97.6% on limited trials and 98% on extensive trials, ( 3) Effectiveness based on evaluation results in limited trials got an average percentage of 92.6% and in extensive trials got an average percentage of 96.5%

    Mother's knowledge and attitudes towards Visual Acetate Acid Inspection test in Surabaya

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    Background: The incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia is still high due to the poor awareness of married women about the necessity to check themselves with a pap smear/IVA test for early detection and possible cure. The implementation of the IVA examination still experiences obstacles due to lack of knowledge and fear. Design and Methods: This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers with IVA test, using the analytical and cross-sectional study. Data were obtained from mothers that visited the family planning section of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Center. Out of a total of 184 mothers, 126 samples were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Results: The results showed that 59.5% of respondents had scarce knowledge on IVA tests, 66.7% had unsupportive attitudes towards it, and 54.8% were not willing to carry out the tests. This study explains that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and attitude with a P-value of 0.000.Conclusions: In conclusion, various factors influence the participation of IVA examination, namely lack of knowledge, inability to access information, and fear

    Family support and adaptation mechanisms of adults outpatients with schizophrenia

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    Background: The presence of psychotic symptoms in adults’ with schizophrenia need an increase in family control and support to prevent the risk of aggressive behavior. However, the issue of whether psychotic symptoms hold any clinical relevance in relatively stable outpatient samples has not been established. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to identify the relationship between family supports and adaptation mechanisms of adults’ outpatients with schizophrenia. Design and methods: The study design involves quantitative research and descriptive correlation, attained through purposive sampling approach. 101 samples were obtained from the population of schizophrenia outpatients. The questionnaires of House and Kahn were used as an instrument to evaluate family support, while Nursalam questionnaires were used to access adaptation skills. Results: Findings from Spearman’s rho test showed P<0.005, indicating the provision of high family support, while patients were highly adaptive to the symptoms of schizophrenia. Conclusions: This study indicates the positive influence of family support on the adaptability of schizophrenia outpatients, hence there is need for relatives to provide good level of support, in order to facilitate adaptability

    Bimbingan Belajar Nonformal Berkonsep Asuransi Sampah sebagai Upaya Menanamkan Character Building Masyarakat dan Perbaikan Lingkungan

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    Tujuan Bimbingan Belajar Non Formal  yaitu menanamkan character building terhadap anak, menanamkan cinta lingkungan, memberi wawasan pengetahuan tentang alam dan memberdayakan masyarakat untuk mengolah sampah menjadi barang bernilai ekonomis. Dalam pelaksanaan program ini telah bekerjasama dengan karang taruna. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan beberapa metode yang saling mendukung, antara lain dengan survey, perijinan tempat, pengadaan alat dan bahan, pengadaan bimbingan belajar, dan pemberdayaan sampah. Kegiatan ini telah mecapai target hasil dan luaran yakni: (1) Terciptanya bimbingan belajar alam nonformal berkonsep asuransi sampah; (2) Terwujudnya character building pada masyarakat; (3) Terciptanya produk bernilai ekonomi hasil pengolahan sampah; (4) Sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat; (5) Publikasi kegiatan ke media masa (surat kabar lokal); (5) Publikasi ke jurnal nasional (jurnal surya abdimas LPPM UM Purworejo)


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    Pendahuluan: Anak toddler adalah anak usia 12–36 bulan, dimana masa eksplorasi lingkungan yang intensif karena anak berusaha mencari tahu bagaimana semua terjadi. Tantrum yaitu luapan emosi yang meledak-ledak dan tidak terkontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas reinforcing competing behaviors terhadap perilaku tantrum anak toddler. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimental. Populasi sebanyak 65 anak usia 1-3 tahun yang tantrum. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling sebanyak 56 anak usia 1-3 tahun yang tantrum, dan dibagi dalam kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, dan analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kelompok intervensi (pre test) didapatkan hampir setengah 13 responden (46.4%) anak mengalami tantrum sedang, sedangkan (post test) setengahnya yaitu 14 responden (50.0%) anak mengalami tantrum sedang. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan nilai P = 0,003 < 0,05 H0 ditolak sehingga ada perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan reinforcing competing behaviors terhadap perilaku tantrum. Kesimpulan: Implikasi hasil penelitian menunjukkan reinforcing competing behaviors dapat mempengaruhi perilaku tantrum. Diharapkan orang tua dapat menerapkan reinforcing competing behaviors saat anak tantru

    Analisis Respon Psikologis Klien Hemodialisa Di Ruang Hemodialisa Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya

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    Terapi hemodialisa merupakan stressor atau ancaman fisik dan psikologi bagi individu. Adanya ancaman terhadap keutuhan seseorang, keamanan dan pengendalian menyebabkan kecemasan, dimana kecemasan merupakan salah satu respon psikologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran respon psikologis klien yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa, gambaran sebab-sebab masalah perasaan klien,gambaran masalah pembiayaan terapi, gambaran respon keluarga terhadap klien yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa,gambaran keluhan yang dirasakan klien saat terapi,dan gambaran tindakan klien untuk mengurangi keluhan saat menjalani terapi hemodialisa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi eksploratif kualitatif dengan uji content analysis. Populasi penelitian ini adalah klien yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa pada tanggal 10 — 15 Januari 2005 di ruang hemodialisa Rumkital dr. Ramelan Surabaya yang berjumlah 24 orang. Besar sampel adalah 23 orang. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa karakteristik responden adalah sebagian besar laki-laki, berusia > 50 tahun, berpendidikan menengah (SLTP/SLTA) dan berprofesi sebagai pegawai negeri/TNI/pensiunan. Selain itu penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa respon psikologis klien yang menjalani terapi hemodialisa mengalami kecemasan dan ketakutan., untuk itu perlu pemetaan respon psikologi sehingga ditemukan pola penanganan yang tepat

    Depression levels associated with quality of life for the older people at Jambangan nursing home in Surabaya

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    Background: Psychosocial problems in the older people often occur because physical changes will naturally decrease, in line with increasing age, so that the older people become vulnerable to various degenerative and chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, resulting in several disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship between depression level and the quality of life of the older people at the Jambangan Nursing Home in Surabaya. Methods: The design of this research is correlational analytic with approach cross sectional. The sample using simple random sampling is 80 older people at UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. The independent variable in this study was the depression level as measured by the questionnaire instrument Geriatric Depression Scale. The dependent variable in this study was the quality of life as measured by questionnaire instrument the WHOQOL-BREF. Data analysis using Spearman rho test = 0.05. Results: The results of this study indicate that most of the older people have moderate psychosocial levels as many as 27 respondents (33.8%) and most of the older people in the category of good quality of life as many as 53 respondents (66.3%)