24 research outputs found

    Transposon Mutagenesis in Chlamydia trachomatis Identifies CT339 as a ComEC Homolog Important for DNA Uptake and Lateral Gene Transfer

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    Transposon mutagenesis is a widely applied and powerful genetic tool for the discovery of genes associated with selected phenotypes. Chlamydia trachomatis is a clinically significant, obligate intracellular bacterium for which many conventional genetic tools and capabilities have been developed only recently. This report describes the successful development and application of a Himar transposon mutagenesis system for generating single-insertion mutant clones of C. trachomatis. This system was used to generate a pool of 105 transposon mutant clones that included insertions in genes encoding flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent monooxygenase (C. trachomatis 148 [ct148]), deubiquitinase (ct868), and competence-associated (ct339) proteins. A subset of Tn mutant clones was evaluated for growth differences under cell culture conditions, revealing that most phenocopied the parental strain; however, some strains displayed subtle and yet significant differences in infectious progeny production and inclusion sizes. Bacterial burden studies in mice also supported the idea that a FAD-dependent monooxygenase (ct148) and a deubiquitinase (ct868) were important for these infections. The ct339 gene encodes a hypothetical protein with limited sequence similarity to the DNA-uptake protein ComEC. A transposon insertion in ct339 rendered the mutant incapable of DNA acquisition during recombination experiments. This observation, along with in situ structural analysis, supports the idea that this protein is playing a role in the fundamental process of lateral gene transfer similar to that of ComEC. In all, the development of the Himar transposon system for Chlamydia provides an effective genetic tool for further discovery of genes that are important for basic biology and pathogenesis aspects.S.D.L., Z.E.D., K.S.H., S.B., R.J.S., and P.S.H. were funded by NIH (AI126785)J.W. and P.S.H. were supported by NIH AI125929. P.S.H. was also supported by P20GM113117Support for genomic sequencing was supplemented by P20GM10363

    Chlamydia trachomatis protein CT009 is a structural and functional homolog to the key morphogenesis component RodZ and interacts with division septal plane localized MreB

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kemege, K. E., Hickey, J. M., Barta, M. L., Wickstrum, J., Balwalli, N., Lovell, S., Battaile, K. P. and Hefty, P. S. (2015), Chlamydia trachomatis protein CT009 is a structural and functional homolog to the key morphogenesis component RodZ and interacts with division septal plane localized MreB. Molecular Microbiology, 95: 365–382. doi:10.1111/mmi.12855, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/mmi.12855. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Cell division in Chlamydiae is poorly understood as apparent homologs to most conserved bacterial cell division proteins are lacking and presence of elongation (rod shape) associated proteins indicate non-canonical mechanisms may be employed. The rod-shape determining protein MreB has been proposed as playing a unique role in chlamydial cell division. In other organisms, MreB is part of an elongation complex that requires RodZ for proper function. A recent study reported that the protein encoded by ORF CT009 interacts with MreB despite low sequence similarity to RodZ. The studies herein expand on those observations through protein structure, mutagenesis, and cellular localization analyses. Structural analysis indicated that CT009 shares high level of structural similarity to RodZ, revealing the conserved orientation of two residues critical for MreB interaction. Substitutions eliminated MreB protein interaction and partial complementation provided by CT009 in RodZ deficient E. coli. Cellular localization analysis of CT009 showed uniform membrane staining in Chlamydia. This was in contrast to the localization of MreB, which was restricted to predicted septal planes. MreB localization to septal planes provides direct experimental observation for the role of MreB in cell division and supports the hypothesis that it serves as a functional replacement for FtsZ in Chlamydia

    Amino Acid Contacts between Sigma 70 Domain 4 and the Transcription Activators RhaS and RhaR

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    The RhaS and RhaR proteins are transcription activators that respond to the availability of l-rhamnose and activate transcription of the operons in the Escherichia coli l-rhamnose catabolic regulon. RhaR activates transcription of rhaSR, and RhaS activates transcription of the operon that encodes the l-rhamnose catabolic enzymes, rhaBAD, as well as the operon that encodes the l-rhamnose transport protein, rhaT. RhaS is 30% identical to RhaR at the amino acid level, and both are members of the AraC/XylS family of transcription activators. The RhaS and RhaR binding sites overlap the −35 hexamers of the promoters they regulate, suggesting they may contact the σ(70) subunit of RNA polymerase as part of their mechanisms of transcription activation. In support of this hypothesis, our lab previously identified an interaction between RhaS residue D241 and σ(70) residue R599. In the present study, we first identified two positively charged amino acids in σ(70), K593 and R599, and three negatively charged amino acids in RhaR, D276, E284, and D285, that were important for RhaR-mediated transcription activation of the rhaSR operon. Using a genetic loss-of-contact approach we have obtained evidence for a specific contact between RhaR D276 and σ(70) R599. Finally, previous results from our lab separately showed that RhaS D250A and σ(70) K593A were defective at the rhaBAD promoter. Our genetic loss-of-contact analysis of these residues indicates that they identify a second site of contact between RhaS and σ(70)

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    Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein and RhaR Synergistically Activate Transcription from the l-Rhamnose-Responsive rhaSR Promoter in Escherichia coli

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    The Escherichia coli rhaSR operon encodes two AraC family transcription activator proteins, RhaS and RhaR, which regulate expression of the l-rhamnose catabolic regulon in response to l-rhamnose availability. RhaR positively regulates rhaSR in response to l-rhamnose, and RhaR activation can be enhanced by the cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein (CRP) protein. CRP is a well-studied global transcription regulator that binds to DNA as a dimer and activates transcription in the presence of cAMP. We investigated the mechanism of CRP activation at rhaSR both alone and in combination with RhaR in vivo and in vitro. Base pair substitutions at potential CRP binding sites in the rhaSR-rhaBAD intergenic region demonstrate that CRP site 3, centered at position −111.5 relative to the rhaSR transcription start site, is required for the majority of the CRP-dependent activation of rhaSR. DNase I footprinting confirms that CRP binds to site 3; CRP binding to the other potential CRP sites at rhaSR was not detected. We show that, at least in vitro, CRP is capable of both RhaR-dependent and RhaR-independent activation of rhaSR from a total of three transcription start sites. In vitro transcription assays indicate that the carboxy-terminal domain of the alpha subunit (α-CTD) of RNA polymerase is at least partially dispensable for RhaR-dependent activation but that the α-CTD is required for CRP activation of rhaSR. Although CRP requires the presence of RhaR for efficient in vivo activation of rhaSR, DNase I footprinting assays indicated that cooperative binding between RhaR and CRP does not make a significant contribution to the mechanism of CRP activation at rhaSR. It therefore appears that CRP activates transcription from rhaSR as it would at simple class I promoters, albeit from a relatively distant position

    Conditional gene expression in Chlamydia trachomatis using the tet system.

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is maintained through a complex bi-phasic developmental cycle that incorporates numerous processes that are poorly understood. This is reflective of the previous paucity of genetic tools available. The recent advent of a method for transforming Chlamydia has enabled the development of essential molecular tools to better study these medically important bacteria. Critical for the study of Chlamydia biology and pathogenesis, is a system for tightly controlled inducible gene expression. To accomplish this, a new shuttle vector was generated with gene expression controlled by the Tetracycline repressor and anhydryotetracycline. Evaluation of GFP expression by this system demonstrated tightly controlled gene regulation with rapid protein expression upon induction and restoration of transcription repression following inducer removal. Additionally, induction of expression could be detected relatively early during the developmental cycle and concomitant with conversion into the metabolically active form of Chlamydia. Uniform and strong GFP induction was observed during middle stages of the developmental cycle. Interestingly, variable induced GFP expression by individual organisms within shared inclusions during later stages of development suggesting metabolic diversity is affecting induction and/or expression. These observations support the strong potential of this molecular tool to enable numerous experimental analyses for a better understanding of the biology and pathogenesis of Chlamydia