37 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional Collagen Scaffolds in Cultures of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Used for Severed Spinal Cord Regeneration

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    BACKGROUND/AIM: The regeneration of a completely damaged spinal cord is still a challenge in modern medicine. A promising treatment method is autologous transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). This study aimed primarily to test methods of culturing OECs with the use of materials and reagents that are certified for pharmaceutical use in the production of an advanced cell therapy product intended for humans. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The culture of OECs was performed using various modifications of the surface of the culture vessels (with fibronectin and poly-D-lysine). The number of cells was assessed after immunofluorescence staining using anti-fibronectin and anti-p75 NGF receptor antibodies. The study compared, in terms of surgical manipulations, scaffolds with OECs prepared based on 3 types of collagen: Acid Solubilized Telo Collagen and Pepsin Solubilized Atelocollagen, and the popular Corning collagen. RESULTS: We have shown that when suspending OECs in collagen gel, it is much better to use acid-solubilized collagen (ASC) than pepsin-solubilized collagen (PSC) because the 3D collagen scaffold from ASC provides much easier handling of the product during a surgical procedure. We also found that the OEC cultures should be grown on the surface modified with fibronectin. Furthermore, we have also shown that the optimal concentration of fetal bovine serum (FBS) for culturing these cells should be around 10%. CONCLUSION: The culture of OECs based on reagents intended for human use can be successfully carried out, obtaining sufficient OECs content in the heterogeneous cell culture to produce a functional advanced therapy medicinal product

    PC12 and THP-1 Cell Lines as Neuronal and Microglia Model in Neurobiological Research

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    Models based on cell cultures have become a useful tool in modern scientific research. Since primary cell lines are difficult to obtain and handle, neoplasm-derived lines like PC12 and THP-1 offer a cheap and flexible solution for neurobiological studies but require prior differentiation to serve as a neuronal or microglia model. PC12 cells constitute a suitable research model only after differentiation by incubation with nerve growth factor (NGF) and THP-1 cells after administering a differentiation factor such as phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Still, quite often, studies are performed on these cancer cells without differentiation. The study aimed to assess the impact of PC12 or THP-1 cell differentiation on sensitivity to harmful factors such as Aβ25-35 (0.001–5 µM) (considered as one of the major detrimental factors in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease) or lipopolysaccharide (1–100 µM) (LPS; a pro-inflammatory factor of bacterial origin). Results showed that in most of the tests performed, the response of PC12 and THP-1 cells induced to differentiation varied significantly from the effect in undifferentiated cells. In general, differentiated cells showed greater sensitivity to harmful factors in terms of metabolic activity and DNA damage, while in the case of the free radicals, the results were heterogeneous. Obtained data emphasize the importance of proper differentiation of cell lines of neoplastic origin in neurobiological research and standardization of cell culture handling protocols to ensure reliable results

    Bioactive Olivacine Derivatives—Potential Application in Cancer Therapy

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    Olivacine and its derivatives are characterized by multidirectional biological activity. Noteworthy is their antiproliferative effect related to various mechanisms, such as inhibition of growth factors, enzymes, kinases and others. The activity of these compounds was tested on cell lines of various tumors. In most publications, the most active olivacine derivatives exceeded the effects of doxorubicin (a commonly used anticancer drug), so in the future, they may become the main new anticancer drugs. In this publication, we present the groups of the most active olivacine derivatives obtained. In this work, the in vitro and in vivo activity of olivacine and its most active derivatives are presented. We describe olivacine derivatives that have been in clinical trials. We conducted a structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis that may be used to obtain new olivacine derivatives with better properties than the available anticancer drugs

    Investigation of the Properties of Linen Fibers and Dressings

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    In antiquity, flax was used as a dressing for healing wounds. Currently, work is underway on the genetic modification of flax fibers to improve their properties. Genetic modifications have resulted in an increased content of antioxidants and more favorable mechanical properties. The works published so far have presented independent tests of fibers and dressings after appropriate technological treatments in cell cultures. This study aimed to compare the properties of the fibers and the dressing produced in cell cultures—hamster fibroblasts—V79. The research material was traditional NIKE fibers; genetically modified M, B, and MB fibers; and linen dressings obtained from these fibers. The extract from 48-h incubation of 40 mg of fiber in the culture medium, which was desolved into 10, 20, and 30 mg, was administered to the cell culture. On the other hand, a linen dressing was placed on cells with an area of 0.5 cm2, 1 cm2, 1.5 cm2, and 2 cm2. Cells with fiber or dressing were incubated for 48 h, and then, biological tests were performed, including cell viability (in propidium iodide staining), cell proliferation (in the SRB assay), evaluation of the intracellular free radical level (in the DCF-DA assay), genotoxicity (in the comet assay), assessment of the apoptotic and necrotic cells (in staining anexin-V and iodide propidium), the course of the cell cycle, and the scratch test. The correlation between apoptosis and genotoxicity and the levels of free radicals and genotoxicity were determined for the tested linen fibers and fabrics. The tests presented that the fibers are characterized by the ability to eliminate damaged cells in the elimination phase. However, the obtained fabrics gain different properties during the technological processing of the fibers into linen dressings. Linen fabrics have better regenerative properties for cells than fibers. The linseed dressing made of MB fiber has the most favorable regenerative properties

    Esophageal Motility Disorders in the Natural History of Acid-Dependent Causes of Dysphagia and Their Influence on Patients’ Quality of Life—A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Esophageal dysmotility may be the cause or a secondary effect of gastric acid-dependent diseases: erosive reflux disease (ERD), Schatzki ring (SR) and eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Methods: This study aims to compare concomitant dysphagia with ERD, SR and EoE, considering manometric patterns, their role in the natural history and their impact on assessing quality of life. Fifty-eight patients with dysphagia underwent high-resolution manometry and esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGD) with an assessment of SR, ERD and sampling for EoE, completed a questionnaire with the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) and the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index. Based on endoscopic images and the histopathological criterion of EoE (≥15 eosinophils/high-power field), patients were assigned to groups with ERD, EoE, SR and with normal endoscopic and histopathological images. In the data analysis, p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. This trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (no. NCT04803162). Results: Both EoE, SR and ERD correlate with ineffective motility. In ERD, normal peristalsis precedes the development of the disease, unlike EoE, which develops later and leads to absent contractility. The development of SR is associated with disorders of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES). In the group with SR and ERD, UES insufficiency significantly reduces the quality of life. Patients with normal esophagus in EGD scored the lowest quality of life and those with SR had the most severe dysphagia. Conclusion: The esophageal motility disorders co-occurring with endoscopic and histological anomalies do not significantly affect the severity of dysphagia, however, in the case of patients with ERD and SR and concomitant UES insufficiency, this motor dysfunction has a significant impact on the reduction in the patients’ quality of life. Although no specific esophageal motility pattern typical of EoE, ERD and SR has been identified, comparative assessment of manometric features may have a potential role in differential diagnosis

    The Incidence and Severity of Post-Vaccination Reactions after Vaccination against COVID-19

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    The pandemic of COVID-19 might be limited by vaccination. Society should be vaccinated to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and to protect persons who are at high risk for complications. In Poland, the National Vaccination Program has been introduced, which is a strategy for planning activities to ensure safe and effective vaccinations among Polish citizens. It includes not only the purchase of an appropriate number of vaccines, their distribution but also monitoring of the course and effectiveness of vaccination and the safety of Poles. The national COVID-19 immunization program has been divided into four stages. Stage 0 covers the healthcare workers to be vaccinated first, as they are most at risk of being infected with the coronavirus. The study aims to prove the thesis that GIS statistical data on the incidence of COVID-19 post-vaccination reactions should be verified, as patients do not report their occurrence through the procedure indicated by GIS. In March 2021, an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted using an electronic questionnaire among persons belonging to group zero of the National Vaccination Program. The survey consisted of 19 short questions concerning, inter alia, getting COVID-19, post-vaccination reactions after receiving the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and motivation to proceed with vaccination. A total of 1678 complete responses were received. It has been shown that only a small number of post-vaccination reactions are reported to the Sanitary Inspection, which makes GIS statistics on the incidence of post-vaccination reactions in COVID-19 unreliable. In addition, having earlier suffered from COVID-19 had an impact on the occurrence of more severe side effects after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine

    Patients’ Habits and the Role of Pharmacists and Telemedicine as Elements of a Modern Health Care System during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Aims/Introduction: The Polish government introduced the epidemic on 20 March 2020, after The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in January 2020. Patients’ access to specialist clinics and family medicine clinics was limited. In this situation, pharmacists were likely the first option for patient’s health information. On 18 March 2020, the National Health Fund issued modifications that increased the accessibility to primary health care such as telemedicine. The development of e-health in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic included the implementation of electronic medical records (EDM), telemedicine development, e-prescription, and e-referrals implementation. We investigated this emergency’s effect on patients’ health habits, access to healthcare, and attitude to vaccination. Materials and methods: An anonymous study in the form of an electronic and paper questionnaire was conducted in March 2021 among 926 pharmacies patients in Poland. The content of the questionnaire included access to medical care, performing preventive examinations, implementation of e-prescriptions, patient satisfaction with telepathing, pharmaceutical care, and COVID-19 vaccination. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, 456 (49.2%) patients experienced worse access to a doctor. On the other hand, 483 (52.2%) patients did not perform preventive examinations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost half of the patients (45.4% (n = 420)) were not satisfied with the teleconsultation visit to the doctor. A total of 90% (n = 833) of the respondents do not need help in making an appointment with a doctor and buying medications prescribed by a doctor in the form of an e-prescription. In the absence of access to medical consultation, 38.2% (n = 354) of respondents choose the Internet as a source of medical advice. However, in the absence of contact with a doctor, 229 persons (24.7%) who took part in the survey consulted a pharmacist. In addition, 239 persons (25.8%) used pharmacist advice more often during the COVID-19 pandemic than before its outbreak on 12 March 2020. Moreover, 457 (49.4%) respondents are satisfied with the advice provided by pharmacists, and even 439 patients of pharmacies (47.4%) expect an increase in the scope of pharmaceutical care in the future, including medical advice provided by pharmacists. Most of the respondents, 45.6% (n = 422), want to be vaccinated in a hospital or clinic, but at the same time, for a slightly smaller number of people, 44.6% (n = 413), it has no meaning where they are will be vaccinated against COVID-19. Conclusions: Telemedicine is appreciated by patients but also has some limitations. The COVID-19 pandemic is the chance for telemedicine to transform from implementations to a routine healthcare system structure. However, some patients still need face-to-face contact with the doctor or pharmacist. Pharmacists are essential contributors to public health and play an essential role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Integration of pharmaceutical care with public health care and strong growth in the professional group of pharmacists may have optimized patient care

    PC12 Cell Line: Cell Types, Coating of Culture Vessels, Differentiation and Other Culture Conditions

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    The PC12 cell line is one of the most commonly used in neuroscience research, including studies on neurotoxicity, neuroprotection, neurosecretion, neuroinflammation, and synaptogenesis. Two types of this line are available in the ATCC collection: traditional PC12 cells grown in suspension and well-attached adherent phenotype. PC12 cells grown in suspension tend to aggregate and adhere poorly to non-coated surfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the surface of culture vessels. This paper aims to characterise the use of two distinct variants of PC12 cells as well as describe their differentiation and neuronal outgrowth with diverse NGF concentrations (rat or human origin) on various surfaces. In our study, we evaluated cell morphology, neurite length, density and outgrowth (measured spectrofluorimetrically), and expression of neuronal biomarkers (doublecortin and NeuN). We found that the collagen coating was the most versatile method of surface modification for both cell lines. For adherent cells, the coating was definitely less important, and the poly-d-lysine surface was as good as collagen. We also demonstrated that the concentration of NGF is of great importance for the degree of differentiation of cells. For suspension cells, we achieved the best neuronal characteristics (length and density of neurites) after 14 days of incubation with 100 ng/mL NGF (change every 48 h), while for adherent cells after 3–5 days, after which they began to proliferate. In the PC12 cell line, doublecortin (DCX) expression in the cytoplasm and NeuN in the cell nucleus were found. In turn, in the PC12 Adh line, DCX was not expressed, and NeuN expression was located in the entire cell (both in the nucleus and cytoplasm). Only the traditional PC12 line grown in suspension after differentiation with NGF should be used for neurobiological studies, especially until the role of the NeuN protein, whose expression has also been noted in the cytoplasm of adherent cells, is well understood

    Design and Synthesis of N-Substituted 3,4-Pyrroledicarboximides as Potential Anti-Inflammatory Agents

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    In the present paper, we describe the biological activity of the newly designed and synthesized series N-substituted 3,4-pyrroledicarboximides 2a–2p. The compounds 2a–2p were obtained in good yields by one-pot, three-component condensation of pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole scaffold (1a–c) with secondary amines and an excess of formaldehyde solution in C2H5OH. The structural properties of the compounds were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR FT-IR, MS, and elemental analysis. Moreover, single crystal X-ray diffraction has been recorded for compound 2h. The colorimetric inhibitor screening assay was used to obtain their potencies to inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. According to the results, all of the tested compounds inhibited the activity of COX-1 and COX-2. Theoretical modeling was also applied to describe the binding properties of compounds towards COX-1 and COX-2 cyclooxygenase isoform. The data were supported by QSAR study

    A New N-Substituted 1H-Isoindole-1,3(2H)-Dione Derivative—Synthesis, Structure and Affinity for Cyclooxygenase Based on In Vitro Studies and Molecular Docking

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    Isoindoline-1,3-dione derivatives constitute an important group of medicinal substances. In this study, nine new 1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-dione derivatives and five potential pharmacophores were obtained in good yield (47.24–92.91%). The structure of the new imides was confirmed by the methods of elemental and spectral analysis: FT–IR, H NMR, and MS. Based on the obtained results of ESI–MS the probable path of the molecules decay and the hypothetical structure of the resulting pseudo-molecular ions have been proposed. The physicochemical properties of the new phthalimides were determined on the basis of Lipiński’s rule. The biological properties were determined in terms of their cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitory activity. Three compounds showed greater inhibition of COX-2, three compounds inhibited COX-1 more strongly than the reference compound meloxicam. From the obtained results, the affinity ratio COX-2/COX-1 was calculated. Two compounds had a value greater than that of meloxicam. All tested compounds showed oxidative or nitrosan stress (ROS and RNS) scavenging activity. The degree of chromatin relaxation outside the cell nucleus was lower than the control after incubation with all test compounds. The newly synthesized phthalimide derivatives showed no cytotoxic activity in the concentration range studied (10–90 µM). A molecular docking study was used to determined interactions inside the active site of cyclooxygenases