113 research outputs found

    Estrogen stimulates dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase activity and the metabolism of asymmetric dimethylarginine.

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    Background— Experimental evidence suggests that estrogens stimulate the production of nitric oxide (NO) by vascular endothelial cells. This effect has been attributed to increased expression and enzymatic activity of both the constitutive and inducible isoforms of NO synthase. In this study, we have investigated whether estrogens regulate the metabolism or release of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous inhibitor of NO synthase. Methods and Results— The concentration of ADMA in the plasma of 15 postmenopausal women was 0.722±0.04 μmol/L (mean±SEM). Two weeks after subcutaneous implantation with estradiol, there was an increase in plasma estradiol concentration from 0.693±0.075 to 0.81±87 nmol/L, which was accompanied by a significant fall in plasma ADMA concentration to 0.588±0.03 μmol/L (P=0.006). Human and murine endothelial cell lines previously cultured in estrogen-free medium and then exposed to 17β-estradiol showed a dose-dependent decrease in the release of ADMA. This reached statistical significance at 10−14 mol/L 17β-estradiol and was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the activity of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), an enzyme that catalyzes the metabolism of ADMA. Conclusions— We have demonstrated that estrogens can alter the catabolism and release of ADMA in vitro and reduce the circulating concentration in vivo. We therefore propose that increased DDAH activity and the subsequent fall in ADMA could contribute to the positive effect of estrogen on NO synthesis

    Strategies for investigating the maternal-fetal interface in the first trimester of pregnancy: What can we learn about pathology?

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    The pathologies of the pregnancy complications pre-eclampsia (PE) and fetal growth restriction (FGR) are established in the first trimester of human pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, decidual spiral arteries are transformed into wide diameter, non-vasoactive vessels capable of meeting the increased demands of the developing fetus for nutrients and oxygen. Disruption of this transformation is associated with PE and FGR. Very little is known of how these first trimester changes are regulated normally and even less is known about how they are compromised in complicated pregnancies. Interactions between maternal and placental cells are essential for pregnancy to progress and this review will summarise the challenges in investigating this area. We will discuss how first trimester studies of pregnancies with an increased risk of developing PE/FGR have started to provide valuable information about pregnancy at this most dynamic and crucial time. We will discuss where there is scope to progress these studies further by refining the ability to identify compromised pregnancies at an early stage, by integrating information from many cell types from the same pregnancy, and by improving our methods for modelling the maternal-fetal interface in vitro

    Impaired decidual natural killer cell regulation of vascular remodelling in early human pregnancies with high uterine artery resistance

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    During human pregnancy, natural killer (NK) cells accumulate in the maternal decidua, but their specific roles remain to be determined. Decidual NK (dNK) cells are present during trophoblast invasion and uterine spiral artery remodelling. These events are crucial for successful placentation and the provision of an adequate blood supply to the developing fetus. Remodelling of spiral arteries is impaired in the dangerous pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia. We studied dNK cells isolated from pregnancies at 9-14 weeks' gestation, screened by uterine artery Doppler ultrasound to determine resistance indices which relate to the extent of spiral artery remodelling. dNK cells were able to promote the invasive behaviour of fetal trophoblast cells, partly through HGF. Cells isolated from pregnancies with higher resistance indices were less able to do this and secreted fewer pro-invasive factors. dNK cells from pregnancies with normal resistance indices could induce apoptotic changes in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells in vitro, events of importance in vessel remodelling, partly through Fas signalling. dNK cells isolated from high resistance index pregnancies failed to induce vascular apoptosis and secreted fewer pro-apoptotic factors. We have modelled the cellular interactions at the maternal-fetal interface and provide the first demonstration of a functional role for dNK cells in influencing vascular cells. A potential mechanism contributing to impaired vessel remodelling in pregnancies with a higher uterine artery resistance is presented. These findings may be informative in determining the cellular interactions contributing to the pathology of pregnancy disorders where remodelling is impaired, such as pre-eclampsia. Copyright © 2012 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Uterine spiral artery remodeling involves endothelial apoptosis induced by extravillous trophoblasts through Fas/FasL interactions.

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    Objective— Invasion of uterine spiral arteries by extravillous trophoblasts in the first trimester of pregnancy results in loss of endothelial and musculoelastic layers. This remodeling is crucial for an adequate blood supply to the fetus with a failure to remodel implicated in the etiology of the hypertensive disorder preeclampsia. The mechanism by which trophoblasts induce this key process is unknown. This study gives the first insights into the potential mechanisms involved. Methods and Results— Spiral arteries were dissected from nonplacental bed biopsies obtained at Caesarean section, and a novel model was used to mimic in vivo events. Arteries were cultured with trophoblasts in the lumen, and apoptotic changes in the endothelial layer were detected after 20 hours, leading to loss of endothelium by 96 hours. In vitro, coculture experiments showed that trophoblasts stimulated apoptosis of primary decidual endothelial cells and an endothelial cell line. This was blocked by caspase inhibition and NOK2, a FasL blocking antibody. NOK2 also abrogated trophoblast-induced endothelial apoptosis in the vessel model. Conclusions— Extravillous trophoblast induction of endothelial apoptosis is a possible mechanism by which the endothelium is removed, and vascular remodeling may occur in uterine spiral arteries. Fas/FasL interactions have an important role in trophoblast-induced endothelial apoptosis

    Fetal-derived trophoblast use the apoptotic cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha-related apoptosis-inducing ligand to induce smooth muscle cell death.

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    Remodeling of the uterine spiral arteries during pregnancy transforms them from high to low resistance vessels that lack vasoconstrictive properties. This process is essential to meet the demand for increased blood flow imposed by the growing fetus. Loss of endothelial and smooth muscle cells (SMC) is evident in remodeled arteries but the mechanisms underlying this transformation remain unknown. This study investigated the hypothesis that fetal trophoblast invading from the placenta instigate remodeling by triggering cell death in vascular SMC. Specifically, a role for trophoblast-derived death inducing cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) was investigated. Expression of the activating TRAIL receptors R1 and R2 was detected by flow cytometry on human aortic SMC and by immunohistochemistry on spiral artery SMC. Recombinant human TRAIL induced human aortic SMC apoptosis, which was inhibited by antibodies against TRAIL-R1 or -R2. Perfusion of denuded spiral artery segments with recombinant human TRAIL also induced SMC apoptosis. Trophoblasts isolated from first trimester placenta expressed membrane-associated TRAIL and induced apoptosis of human aortic SMC; apoptosis was significantly inhibited by a recombinant human TRAIL-R1:Fc construct. Trophoblast within the first trimester placental bed also expressed TRAIL. These data show that: 1) TRAIL causes SMC death; 2) trophoblast produce the apoptotic cytokine TRAIL; and 3) trophoblast induce SMC apoptosis via a TRAIL-dependent mechanism. We conclude that TRAIL produced by trophoblast causes apoptosis of SMC and thus may contribute to SMC loss during spiral artery remodeling in pregnancy

    Decidual natural killer cells regulate vessel stability: implications for impaired spiral artery remodelling.

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    Decidual NK (dNK) cells are present during uterine spiral artery remodelling, an event that is crucial for successful placentation and the provision of an adequate blood supply to the developing fetus. Spiral artery remodelling is impaired in the pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia. Although dNK cells are known to play active roles at the maternal-fetal interface, little is known about their effect on endothelial integrity, an important component of vessel stability. We present a study in which we have modelled dNK-endothelium interactions, using first-trimester dNK cells isolated from both normal pregnancies and those with impaired spiral artery remodelling. dNK cells were isolated from first-trimester pregnancies, screened by uterine artery Doppler ultrasound to determine resistance indices (RI) that relate to the extent of spiral artery remodelling. dNK culture supernatant from normal-RI pregnancies (but not high-RI pregnancies) destabilised endothelial tube-like structures in Matrigel, and normal-RI dNK cells induced endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and tumour necrosis factor-α expression to a greater extent than high-RI dNK cells. We have established a functional role for dNK cells in the disruption of endothelial structures and have suggested how impairment of this process may be contributing to the reduced vessel remodelling in pregnancies with a high uterine artery resistance index. These findings have implications for our understanding of the pathology of pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy disorders where remodelling is impaired

    Decidual cell regulation of trophoblast is altered in pregnancies at risk of pre-eclampsia

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    Successful implantation and placentation are dependent on the interaction between decidual stromal cells (DSC) and extravillous trophoblast (EVT) cells. The extent of trophoblast invasion relies on communication between the placenta and maternal decidua. The cyclical process of decidualisation induces a transformation of endometrial fibroblasts to secretory DSC; these secreted products have many functions including the control of trophoblast invasion. Inadequate trophoblast invasion and remodelling of the uterine vessels (the spiral arteries) are associated with pregnancy disorders such as pre-eclampsia. Uterine artery Doppler resistance index (RI) in the first trimester of pregnancy can be used as a proxy measure of remodelling. DSC were isolated from pregnancies with normal (normal RI) or impaired (high RI) spiral artery remodelling. Following isolation, DSC were re-decidualised using cAMP and MPA and secretion of the decidualisation markers IGFBP-1 and prolactin assessed. We examined the impact of DSC secreted factors on trophoblast cell function, using the EVT cell line SGHPL-4. We demonstrated that DSC exposed to decidual factors were able to re-decidualise in vitro and that the chemoattraction of trophoblasts by DSC is impaired in pregnancies with high RI. This study provides new insights into the role that DSC play in regulating EVT functions during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is the first study to demonstrate that DSC from pregnancies with impaired vascular remodelling in the first trimester secrete factors that inhibit the directional movement of trophoblast cells. This finding may be important in understanding aberrant trophoblast invasion in pregnancies where vascular remodelling is impaired

    Trophoblast-induced changes in C-x-C motif chemokine 10 expression contribute to vascular smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation during spiral artery remodeling.

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    Objective- During pregnancy, fetal trophoblast disrupt endothelial cell and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) interactions in spiral arteries of the maternal decidua to enable increased nutritional and oxygen delivery to the fetus. Little is known regarding this transformation because of difficulties of studying human pregnancy in vivo. This study investigated how trophoblast-secreted factors affect the interactions of vascular cells and the differentiation status of VSMC during spiral arteries remodeling using 3-dimensional vascular spheroid coculture. Methods and Results— Endothelial cell and VSMC were cocultured in hanging droplets to form spheroids representing an inverted vessel lumen. Control or conditioned media from an extravillous trophoblast (EVT) cell line was incubated with vascular spheroids for 24 hours. Spheroid RNA was then analyzed by Illumina Sentrix BeadChip array. Spheroids incubated with EVT conditioned medium showed significant up/downregulation of 101 genes (>1.5-fold; P<0.05), including an upregulation of C-X-C motif chemokine 10 (IP-10). C-X-C motif chemokine 10 expression was confirmed by qualitative real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of spheroids, and immunohistochemistry of first trimester decidua and ex vivo dissected nonplacental bed spiral arteries. EVT conditioned medium reduced VSMC expression of differentiation markers, and both EVT conditioned medium and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 increased motility of VSMC indicating dedifferentiation of VSMC. Conclusion— EVT-induced C-X-C motif chemokine 10 expression may contribute to spiral arteries remodeling during pregnancy by altering the motility and differentiation status of the VSMC in the vessel
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