214 research outputs found

    Gall-forming insects concentrate on hybrid phenotypes of Eucalyptus hosts

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    We examined distributions of 33 gall forming insect species on parent species and three hybrid phenotypes in two Eucalyptus hybrid zones in Australia. Variation in insect abundance among hybrid classes was greater than variation between species suggesting that hybrid zones are sites of dynamic interactions between plants and herbivores. For instance, of 25 galling species in Victoria, 52% showed significant differences in abundance among hybrid classes, whereas only 24% differed between pure host species. While some components of hybrid use were very predictable, others were not. Based on galler use of pure species, we could accurately predict which hybrid phenotype would be most used. Our data show that most gall species concentrate on the hybrid class that is most similar to the parent species on which it is most abundant. However, species related taxonomically or by feeding guild did not exhibit consistent responses to hybrid and parent hosts. Thus pooling either hybrid classes or insect species for statistical analysis may mask underlying patterns. Overall, galler responses to three hybrid phenotypes are consistent with the hypothesis that plant hybrid zones and especially backcross hybrids are centers of insect species richness and abundance. Furthermore, galler response to hybrids plants suggests that the narrow host specificity characteristic of gallers may be less strongly influenced by plant developmental processes than generally thought. Our observations support the hypothesis that genetic differences among host plants in hybrid zones underlies patterns of insect host use. They also suggest that other mechanisms might be involved. Hybrid zone studies may have much to tell us about the ecology and evolution of plant-herbivore interactions

    The theory of habitat selection: Examined and extended using Pemphigus aphids

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    Grinnell (1914, 1922) was the first to hypothesize an ecological basis for dispersal. He concluded that since the probability of survival for dispersers was so low, “the interests of the individual are sacrificed in the interests of the species” (Grinnell 1922, p. 379). If all dispersing individuals suffer reduced fitness, however, the trait would not evolve (MacArthur 1972). Increased individual fitness should form the basis for dispersal and habitat selection

    A conditional trophic cascade: Birds benefit faster growing trees with strong links between predators and plants

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    Terrestrial systems are thought to be organized predominantly from the bottom-up, but there is a growing literature documenting top-down trophic cascades under certain ecological conditions. We conducted an experiment to examine how arthropod community structure on a foundation riparian tree mediates the ability of insectivorous birds to influence tree growth. We built whole-tree bird exclosures around 35 mature cottonwood (Populus spp.) trees at two sites in northern Utah, USA, to measure the effect of bird predation on arthropod herbivore and predator species richness, abundance, and biomass, and on tree performance. We maintained bird exclosures over two growing seasons and conducted nondestructive arthropod surveys that recorded 63652 arthropods of 689 morphospecies representing 19 orders. Five major patterns emerged: (1) We found a significant trophic cascade (18% reduction in trunk growth when birds were excluded) only at one site in one year. (2) The significant trophic cascade was associated with higher precipitation, tree growth, and arthropod abundance, richness, and biomass than other site–year combinations. (3) The trophic cascade was weak or not evident when tree growth and insect populations were low apparently due to drought. (4) Concurrent with the stronger trophic cascade, bird predation significantly reduced total arthropod abundance, richness, and biomass. Arthropod biomass was 67% greater on trees without bird predation. This pattern was driven largely by two herbivore groups (folivores and non-aphid sap-feeders) suggesting that birds targeted these groups. (5) Three species of folivores (Orthoptera: Melanoplus spp.) were strong links between birds and trees and were only present in the site and the year in which the stronger trophic cascade occurred. Our results suggest that this trophic system is predominately bottom-up driven, but under certain conditions the influence of top predators can stimulate whole tree growth. When the most limiting factor for tree growth switched from water availability to herbivory, the avian predators gained the potential to reduce herbivory. This potential could be realized when strong links between the birds and plant, i.e., species that were both abundant herbivores and preferred prey, were present

    Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivory: The advantage of being eaten

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    Plants of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata, are exposed to high levels of mammalian herbivory (by mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, and elk, Cervus elaphus) early in the season, before flowering. During the period of this study, up to 56% of all individuals experienced a 95% reduction in aboveground biomass. Browsed plants rapidly responded by producing new inflorescences and flowering within 3 weeks. Unbrowsed plants produced only single inflorescences, whereas browsed plants produced multiple inflorescences. Field observations and experimental manipulations showed that plants with multiple inflorescences produced significantly greater numbers of flowers and fruits than unbrowsed individuals. There was no difference in between browsed and unbrowsed individuals in the number of seeds produced per fruit, seed weight, subsequent germination success, and survival. Relative fitness, in terms of seed production and subsequent seeding survival, averages 2.4 times that of the uneaten controls. The authors conclude that under natural field conditions plants can benefit from the effects of herbivory

    Progeny selection for enhanced forest growth alters soil communities and processes

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    Genetic enhancement of tree species is integral to global forest management practices with mass propagation of enhanced plant material being used to reforest whole landscapes. It is unclear, however, how genetic enhancement of basic traits such as tree growth may influence the function of life supporting soil ecosystems. We studied the potential cascading effects of genetic increases in growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) on a range of soil chemical and biological properties. Because this species is a prime candidate for the genetic enhancement of boreal forest landscapes and it has been introduced around the world, its impacts on soil microbiomes are likely of importance both locally and globally. In a 40-year common garden, we assessed how genetic increases in growth generated through controlled crossing of high-quality "plus" trees from across the central boreal zone of Sweden influenced a range of soil properties beneath the canopies. Properties included pH, carbon, nitrogen, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, respiration rate, and the composition of microbial communities assessed via phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). We found that Norway spruce family significantly affected each of the seven chemical properties assessed, with differences of up to 140% among families, and that three of the seven were significantly correlated with mean family growth rate. We also found that fungal PLFAs varied significantly across Norway spruce families, but these differences were not strongly related to mean family growth rate. This study, representing just one cycle of selective breeding, suggests that genetic increases in tree growth rates may also be inadvertently altering soil communities and ecosystem services. Such alterations across forest landscapes may have unexpected implications for the function of forest ecosystems (i.e., nutrient cycling) as well as processes of global significance (i.e., carbon sequestration)

    Within-species variation in foliar chemistry influences aquatic leaf litter decomposition

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    Leaf-litter inputs provide substrate and energy to stream systems. These contributions vary based on species-specific differences in litter quality, but little is known about how differences in litter quality within a species can affect ecosystem processes. Genetic variation within tree species, such as oaks and cottonwoods, affects ecosystem processes including decomposition and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems and has the potential to do the same in streams. We collected litter from 5 genotypes of each of 4 different cottonwood cross types (Populus fremontii, Populus angustifolia, and natural F1 and backcross hybrids), grown in a common garden, and measured their decomposition rates using litter bags in the Weber River, Utah. The proportion of 35 species-specific P. fremontii restriction-fragment length polymorphism markers in the genotype explained 46% and genetically controlled phytochemical mechanisms (e.g., % soluble condensed tannin in litter) explained .72% of the variation in leaf-litter decomposition rate, respectively. Understanding how natural genetic variation in plants can affect ecosystem processes will provide baseline information with which to address the loss of genetic variation (through habitat fragmentation and global change) and altered genetic variation through hybridization with cultivars and transgenic manipulations in the wild

    Long-term insect herbivory slows soil development in an arid ecosystem

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    Although herbivores are well known to alter litter inputs and soil nutrient fluxes, their long-term influences on soil development are largely unknown because of the difficulty of detecting and attributing changes in carbon and nutrient pools against large background levels. The early phase of primary succession reduces this signal-to-noise problem, particularly in arid systems where individual plants can form islands of fertility. We used natural variation in tree-resistance to herbivory, and a 15 year herbivore-removal experiment in an Arizona piñon-juniper woodland that was established on cinder soils following a volcanic eruption, to quantify how herbivory shapes the development of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) over 36–54 years (i.e., the ages of the trees used in our study). In this semi-arid ecosystem, trees are widely spaced on the landscape, which allows direct examination of herbivore impacts on the nutrient-poor cinder soils. Although chronic insect herbivory increased annual litterfall N per unit area by 50% in this woodland, it slowed annual tree-level soil C and N accumulation by 111% and 96%, respectively. Despite the reduction in soil C accumulation, short-term litterfall-C inputs and soil C-efflux rates per unit soil surface were not impacted by herbivory. Our results demonstrate that the effects of herbivores on soil C and N fluxes and soil C and N accumulation are not necessarily congruent: herbivores can increase N in litterfall, but over time their impact on plant growth and development can slow soil development. In sum, because herbivores slow tree growth, they slow soil development on the landscape. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00411.