41 research outputs found

    Implementing efficient concerted rotations using Mathematica and C code

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    In this article we demonstrate a general and efficient metaprogramming implementation of concerted rotations using Mathematica. Concerted rotations allow the movement of a fixed portion of a polymer backbone with fixed bending angles, like a protein, while maintaining the correct geometry of the backbone and the initial and final points of the portion fixed. Our implementation uses Mathematica to generate a C code which is then wrapped in a library by a Python script. The user can modify the Mathematica notebook to generate a set of concerted rotations suited for a particular backbone geometry, without having to write the C code himself. The resulting code is highly optimized, performing on the order of thousands of operations per second

    Accommodation of aminoacyl-tRNA into the ribosome involves reversible excursions along multiple pathways

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    The ribosome is a massive ribonucleoprotein complex (∼2.4 MDa) that utilizes large-scale structural fluctuations to produce unidirectional protein synthesis. Accommodation is a key conformational change during transfer RNA (tRNA) selection that allows movement of tRNA into the ribosome. Here, we address the structure–function relationship that governs accommodation using all-atom molecular simulations and single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET). Simulations that employ an all-atom, structure-based (Gō-like) model illuminate the interplay between configurational entropy and effective enthalpy during the accommodation process. This delicate balance leads to spontaneous reversible accommodation attempts, which are corroborated by smFRET measurements. The dynamics about the endpoints of accommodation (the A/T and A/A conformations) obtained from structure-based simulations are validated by multiple 100–200 ns explicit-solvent simulations (3.2 million atoms for a cumulative 1.4 μs), and previous crystallographic analysis. We find that the configurational entropy of the 3′-CCA end of aminoacyl-tRNA resists accommodation, leading to a multistep accommodation process that encompasses a distribution of parallel pathways. The calculated mechanism is robust across simulation methods and protocols, suggesting that the structure of the accommodation corridor imposes stringent limitations on the accessible pathways. The identified mechanism and observed parallel pathways establish an atomistic framework for interpreting a large body of biochemical data and demonstrate that conformational changes during translation occur through a stochastic trial-and-error process, rather than in concerted lock-step motions

    Treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia and New Zealand: a position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Lung Foundation Australia

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF ) is a fibrosing interstitial lung disease (ILD ) of unknown aetiology with a median survival of only 2–5 years. It is characterized by progressive dyspnoea and worsening lung function, ultimately resulting in death. Until recently, there were no effective therapies for IPF ; however, with the publication of two landmark clinical trials in 2014, the anti‐fibrotic therapies, nintedanib and pirfenidone, have gained widespread approval. This position paper aims to highlight the current evidence for the treatment of IPF , with particular application to the Australian and New Zealand population. We also consider areas in which evidence is currently lacking, especially with regard to the broader IPF severity spectrum and treatment of co‐morbid conditions. The utility of non‐pharmacological therapies including pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen as well as symptom management thought to be important in the holistic care of IPF patients are also discussed