2,942 research outputs found

    Synthesis of isoindolinones by Pd-catalyzed coupling between N-methoxybenzamide and styrene derivatives

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    An atom-economical protocol for a tandem process involving Fujiwara-Moritani-aza-Wacker reactions has been developed for the Pd-catalyzed coupling between N-methoxy benzamide with styrene derivatives. The generality of the methodology was demonstrated by the synthesis of a library of twenty-five 3-benzylidene isoindolinones in moderate to good yields. A further twenty-two 3-benzyl derivatives were obtained by telescoping the process with a catalytic hydrogenation reaction

    A non-invasive technique for standing surgical repair of urinary bladder rupture in a post-partum mare: a case report

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    An 11-year-old mare presented 36 hours after foaling with a ruptured bladder. Uroperitoneum was diagnosed on ultrasound and from the creatinine concentration of the peritoneal fluid. Bladder endoscopy demonstrated tissue necrosis and a rent in the dorsocranial aspect of the bladder. Following stabilisation, including abdominal drainage and lavage, the mare was taken to standing surgery. Under continuous sedation and epidural anaesthesia, and after surgical preparation, a Balfour retractor was placed in the vagina. Using sterile lubricant and moderate force, it was possible to insert a hand into the bladder. The tear was easily palpable on the dorsal portion of the bladder. Two fingers were inserted through the tear and used to provide traction to evert the bladder completely into the vagina where it could grasped with the surgeons other hand to prevent further trauma. A second surgeon could then visualise the entire tear and repaired this using a single layer of size zero PDS suture in a single continuous pattern. As soon as the bladder was repaired, it was replaced via the urethra. The mare did well after surgery and was discharged after 48 hours, apparently normal

    Adaptation of the carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (CPS) enzyme in an extremophile fish

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    Tetrapods and fish have adapted distinct carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (CPS) enzymes to initiate the ornithine urea cycle during the detoxification of nitrogenous wastes. We report evidence that in the ureotelic subgenus of extremophile fish Oreochromis Alcolapia, CPS III has undergone convergent evolution and adapted its substrate affinity to ammonia which is typical of terrestrial vertebrate CPS I. Unusually, unlike in other vertebrates, the expression of CPS III in Alcolapia is localised to the skeletal muscle and is activated in the myogenic lineage during early embryonic development with expression remaining in mature fish. We propose that adaptation in Alcolapia included both convergent evolution of CPS function to that of terrestrial vertebrates, as well as changes in development mechanisms redirecting CPS III gene expression to the skeletal muscle

    Elderly Patients' Perspectives on the Acceptability of Deprescribing Medicines: A Qualitative Study Protocol

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    The ageing population has resulted in an increase in multimorbidity and polypharmacy, and subsequently the complexity of optimising elderly patients’ medicines. The need for deprescribing can arise from factors such as increased susceptibility to adverse effects of medicines in older age, due to functional and cognitive changes, which increases elderly people’s risk of harm. Previous questionnaire-survey-based research suggests that patients tend not to disagree with deprescribing, but qualitative research on patients’ perspectives on deprescribing appears sparse and focused on specific conditions, circumstances (e.g., terminal illness) or medicines. Further exploration of this area is therefore important for health professionals, and greater understanding in particular is needed about elderly patients’ perspectives on the acceptability of deprescribing and how best to conduct deprescribing consultations. This study aims to explore these issues, with an approach informed by the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA). Semi-structured, audio-recorded interviews will therefore be undertaken with a purposive sample of approximately 20 hospital in-patients who are ≥65years of age, prescribed at least one regular medicine and have multimorbidities and/or frailty. Two acute Trusts were identified through existing networks where patients will be identified by the ward pharmacist and recruited to the study by the researcher. Due to the nature of the discussion and the potential vulnerable nature of participants, a distress protocol has been created to support management of any distress or fatigue that may occur. The TFA has been used so far to develop the study objectives and interview guide topics. The interview guide has been structured into five broad topics, which will cover the constructs of the TFA. Interview recordings will be transcribed verbatim and analysed using the Framework Analysis technique, informed by the TFA

    Exploring the expression of cardiac regulators in a vertebrate adapted to an extreme environment: the cichlid fish Oreochromis (Alcolapia) alcalica

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    Although it is widely accepted that the cellular and molecular mechanisms of vertebrate cardiac development are evolutionarily conserved, this is on the basis of data from only a few model organisms suited to laboratory studies. Here, we investigate gene expression during cardiac development in the extremophile, non-model fish species, Oreochromis (Alcolapia) alcalica. We first characterise the early development of O. alcalica and observe extensive vascularisation across the yolk prior to hatching. We further investigate heart development by identifying and cloning O. alcalica orthologues of conserved cardiac transcription factors gata4, tbx5, and mef2c for analysis by in situ hybridisation. Expression of these three key cardiac developmental regulators also reveals other aspects of O. alcalica development, as these genes are expressed in developing blood, limb, eyes, and muscle, as well as the heart. Our data support the notion that O. alcalica is a direct-developing vertebrate that shares the highly conserved molecular regulation of the vertebrate body plan. However, the expression of gata4 in O. alcalica reveals interesting di erences in the development of the circulatory system distinct from that of the well-studied zebrafish. Understanding the development of O. alcalica embryos is an important step towards providing a model for future research into the adaptation to extreme conditions; this is particularly relevant given that anthropogenic-driven climate change will likely result in more freshwater organisms being exposed to less favourable conditions

    Population-level effect of HSV-2 therapy on the incidence of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection increases acquisition and transmission of HIV, but the results of trials measuring the impact of HSV-2 therapy on HIV genital shedding and HIV acquisition are mixed, and the potential impact of HSV-2 therapy on the incidence of HIV at the population level is unknown. METHODS: The effects of episodic and suppressive HSV-2 therapy were simulated using the individual-level model STDSIM fitted to data from Cotonou, Benin (relatively low HIV prevalence) and Kisumu, Kenya (high HIV prevalence). Clinician- and patient-initiated episodic therapy, started when symptomatic, were assumed to reduce ulcer duration. Suppressive therapy, given regardless of symptoms, was also assumed to reduce ulcer frequency and HSV-2 infectiousness. RESULTS: Clinician-initiated episodic therapy in the general population had almost no effect on the incidence of HIV. The impact of patient-initiated therapy was higher because of earlier treatment initiation, but still low (20% in the long term. Impact was increased in both cities by also treating a proportion of their clients. Long-term suppressive therapy with high coverage in the general population could reduce HIV incidence by more than 30%. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that HSV-2 therapy could potentially have a population-level impact on the incidence of HIV, especially in more concentrated epidemics. However, a substantial impact requires high coverage and long duration therapy, or very high symptom recognition and treatment-seeking behaviour

    Pulmonary retention of primed neutrophils: a novel protective host response, which is impaired in the acute respiratory distress syndrome.

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    RATIONALE: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) affects over 200000 people annually in the USA. Despite causing severe, and often refractory, hypoxaemia, the high mortality and long-term morbidity of ARDS results mainly from extra-pulmonary organ failure; however the mechanism for this organ crosstalk has not been determined. METHODS: Using autologous radiolabelled neutrophils we investigated the pulmonary transit of primed and unprimed neutrophils in humans. Flow cytometry of whole blood samples was used to assess transpulmonary neutrophil priming gradients in patients with ARDS, sepsis and perioperative controls. MAIN RESULTS: Unprimed neutrophils passed through the lungs with a transit time of 14.2 s, only 2.3 s slower than erythrocytes, and with <5% first-pass retention. Over 97% of neutrophils primed ex vivo with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor were retained on first pass, with 48% still remaining in the lungs at 40 min. Neutrophils exposed to platelet-activating factor were initially retained but subsequently released such that only 14% remained in the lungs at 40 min. Significant transpulmonary gradients of neutrophil CD62L cell surface expression were observed in ARDS compared with perioperative controls and patients with sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated minimal delay and retention of unprimed neutrophils transiting the healthy human pulmonary vasculature, but marked retention of primed neutrophils; these latter cells then 'deprime' and are re-released into the systemic circulation. Further, we show that this physiological depriming mechanism may fail in patients with ARDS, resulting in increased numbers of primed neutrophils within the systemic circulation. This identifies a potential mechanism for the remote organ damage observed in patients with ARDS.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust, MRC (UK), Papworth Hospital R&D, Intensive Care Society and NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.This is the final published version, also available from http://thorax.bmj.com/content/early/2014/04/04/thoraxjnl-2013-204742.full

    Avulsion fracture of the anterior superior iliac spine: misdiagnosis of a bone tumour

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    Avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine are rare. This injury is usually seen in adolescents, as an avulsion fracture of the apophyses, a result of sudden vigorous contraction or repetitive contraction of the sartorius and tensor fasciae latae muscles. Treatment for this injury is usually conservative; however, surgical management has been reported in those with significant displacement. We present a 14 year old male patient who was referred to our unit for biopsy of a possible pathological fracture of his right ilium. The authors feel it is essential to understand the importance of ruling out a bone tumour, if the possibility has been raised, before managing a suspected fracture. If there is any doubt, the case should be referred to an appropriate sarcoma unit for review prior to any intervention

    The IMPROVE trial: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of using lay health workers to improve uptake and completion of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a programme of exercise and education and the most effective treatment for the symptoms and disability associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, the benefits of PR are limited by poor uptake and completion. This trial will determine whether using trained volunteer lay health workers, called "PR buddies," improves uptake and completion of PR and is cost-effective. This trial protocol outlines the methods for evaluating effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and acceptability. METHODS: The IMPROVE trial is a pragmatic, open, cluster randomised controlled trial planned in 38 PR services across England and Wales. PR services will be randomised to either intervention arm-offering support from PR buddies to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-or to usual care as the control arm. PR staff in trial sites randomised to the intervention arm will receive training in recruiting and training PR buddies. They will deliver training to volunteers, recruited from among people who have recently completed PR in their service. The 3-day PR-buddy training programme covers communication skills, confidentiality, boundaries of the PR-buddy role and behaviour change techniques to help patients overcome obstacles to attending PR. An internal pilot will test the implementation of the trial in eight sites (four intervention sites and four in control arm). The primary outcome of the trial is the uptake and completion of PR. A process evaluation will investigate the acceptability of the intervention to patients, PR staff and the volunteer PR buddies, and intervention fidelity. We will also conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis. DISCUSSION: Improving outcomes for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and access to PR are priorities for the UK National Health Service (NHS) in its long-term plan. The trial hypothesis is that volunteer PR buddies, who are recruited and trained by local PR teams, are an effective and cost-effective way to improve the uptake and completion rates of PR. The trial is pragmatic, since it will test whether the intervention can be incorporated into NHS PR services. Information obtained in this trial may be used to influence policy on the use of PR buddies in PR and other similar services in the NHS. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN12658458. Registered on 23/01/2023