1,811 research outputs found

    1 Corinthians and Work

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    Introduction to 1 Corinthians All are called (1 Cor 1:1-3) Spiritual Resources Available (1 Cor 1:4-9) The Need for a Common Vision (1 Cor 1:10-17) Friends in Low Places (1 Cor 1:18-31) It Takes All Sorts (1 Cor 3:1-9) Do Good Work (1 Cor 3:10-17) Leadership as Service (1 Cor 4:1-4) Working with Nonbelievers (1 Cor 5:9-10) Bloom Where You are Planted (1 Cor 7:20-24) Maintain the Proper Perspective (1 Cor 7:29-31) Everyone Gets Their Fair Share (1 Cor 9:7-10) God\u27s Glory is the Ultimate Goal (1 Cor 8 & 10) Gifted Communities (1 Cor 12:1-14:40) Our Work is Not in Vain (1 Cor 15:58) We Share Our Resources with Those in Hardship (1 Cor 16:1-3) Summary to 1 Corinthians Key Verses and Themes in 1 Corinthian

    2 Corinthians and Work

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    Introduction to 2 Corinthians Thank God for Relationships (2 Corinthians 1:1-11) Transparency (2 Corinthians 1:12-23) Working for the Joy of Others (2 Corinthians 1:24) The Priority of Relationships (2 Corinthians 2:12-16) Sincerity (2 Corinthians 2:17) A Genuine Reputation (2 Corinthians 3) Leading and Serving (2 Corinthians 4) Performance and Accountability (2 Corinthians 5:1-15) Reconciling the Whole World (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) Transparency Revisited (2 Corinthians 6:11) Working with Nonbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) The Encouragement of Praise (2 Corinthians 7) Generosity Is Not Optional (2 Corinthians 8:1-9) Timely Fulfillment of Obligations (2 Corinthians 8:10-12) Sharing the Wealth (2 Corinthians 8:13-15) You Can\u27t Out-Give God (2 Corinthians 9) Assessing Performance (2 Corinthians 10-13) Conclusion to 2 Corinthians Key Verses and Themes in 2 Corinthian

    John’s Baptism as a Symbolic Enactment of the Return from Exile

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    John’s baptism continues to be the subject of much discussion among biblical scholars. Attempts to trace its origin to Essene ritual washings or proselyte baptism have proven unconvincing as are recent arguments against the traditional site on the lower reaches of the Jordan River. It is likely that John’s baptism was his own invention and that he intended it to be a symbolic depiction of the return from exile, which was by no means viewed as complete in the first century CE. The baptism itself involved crossing the Jordan River from East to West, not just being immersed in it

    Cluster Cores, Gravitational Lensing, and Cosmology

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    Many multiply--imaged quasars have been found over the years, but none so far with image separation in excess of 8\arcsec. The absence of such large splittings has been used as a test of cosmological models: the standard Cold Dark Matter model has been excluded on the basis that it predicts far too many large--separation double images. These studies assume that the lensing structure has the mass profile of a singular isothermal sphere. However, such large splittings would be produced by very massive systems such as clusters of galaxies, for which other gravitational lensing data suggest less singular mass profiles. Here we analyze two cases of mass profiles for lenses: an isothermal sphere with a finite core radius (density ρ∝(r2+rcore2)−1)\rho \propto (r^2+r_{core}^2)^{-1}), and a Hernquist profile (ρ∝r−1(r+a)−3\rho \propto r^{-1}(r+a)^{-3}). We find that small core radii rcore∌30h−1r_{core} \sim 30 h^{-1} kpc, as suggested by the cluster data, or large a \gsim 300 h^{-1} kpc, as needed for compatibility with gravitational distortion data, would reduce the number of large--angle splittings by an order of magnitude or more. Thus, it appears that these tests are sensitive both to the cosmological model (number density of lenses) and to the inner lens structure, which is unlikely to depend sensitively on the cosmology, making it difficult to test the cosmological models by large--separation quasar lensing until we reliably know the structure of the lenses themselves.Comment: 17 pages, uuencoded compressed tarred postscript file including text and 1 figure. To appear in January 20, 1996 issue of ApJ Letter

    Measuring Molecular, Neutral Atomic, and Warm Ionized Galactic Gas Through X-Ray Absorption

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    We study the column densities of neutral atomic, molecular, and warm ionized Galactic gas through their continuous absorption of extragalactic X-ray spectra at |b| > 25 degrees. For N(H,21cm) < 5x10^20 cm^-2 there is an extremely tight relationship between N(H,21cm) and the X-ray absorption column, N(xray), with a mean ratio along 26 lines of sight of N(xray)/N(H,21cm) = 0.972 +- 0.022. This is significantly less than the anticpated ratio of 1.23, which would occur if He were half He I and half He II in the warm ionized component. We suggest that the ionized component out of the plane is highly ionized, with He being mainly He II and He III. In the limiting case that H is entirely HI, we place an upper limit on the He abundance in the ISM of He/H <= 0.103. At column densities N(xray) > 5x10^20 cm^-2, which occurs at our lower latitudes, the X-ray absorption column N(xray) is nearly double N(H,21cm). This excess column cannot be due to the warm ionized component, even if He were entirely He I, so it must be due to a molecular component. This result implies that for lines of sight out of the plane with |b| ~ 30 degrees, molecular gas is common and with a column density comprable to N(H,21cm). This work bears upon the far infrared background, since a warm ionized component, anticorrelated with N(H,21cm), might produce such a background. Not only is such an anticorrelation absent, but if the dust is destroyed in the warm ionized gas, the far infrared background may be slightly larger than that deduced by Puget et al. (1996).Comment: 1 AASTeX file, 14 PostScript figure files which are linked within the TeX fil

    Valuation Of The Embedded Option In A Non-Cancelable Lease: Theory And Application

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    This paper applies a &ldquo;real&rdquo; option literature based model to valuing the option element of a non-cancelable lease without an early exercise provision. The model is applied to a common lease type &ndash; the closed-end automobile lease. The findings show that the value of the option inherent in an automobile lease is approximately two to six percent of the original asset cost. The analysis discusses ways in which the option value can be captured through the lease contract terms. Management decision makers can use these concepts in evaluating lease/purchase decisions

    On the Lack of a Soft X-Ray Excess from Clusters of Galaxies

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    A soft X-ray excess has been claimed to exist in and around a number of galaxy clusters and this emission has been attributed to the warm-hot intergalactic medium that may constitute most of the baryons in the local universe. We have re-examined a study of the XMM-Newton observations on this topic by Kaastra et al. (2003) and find that the X-ray excess (or deficit) depends upon Galactic latitude and appears to be most closely related to the surface brightness of the 1/4 keV emission, which is largely due to emission from the Local hot bubble and the halo of the Milky Way. We suggest that the presence of the soft X-ray excess is due to incorrect subtraction of the soft X-ray background. An analysis is performed where we choose a 1/4 keV background that is similar to the background near the cluster (and for similar HI column). We find that the soft X-ray excess largely disappears using our background subtraction and conclude that these soft X-ray excesses are not associated with the target clusters. We also show that the detections of "redshifted" O VII lines claimed by Kaastra et al. (2003) are correlated with solar system charge exchange emission suggesting that they are not extragalactic either.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Perspectives of Social Justice Activists: Advocating Against Native-themed Mascots, Nicknames, and Logos

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    This study investigated perspectives of social justice activists who directly advocate for the elimination of Native-themed mascots, nicknames, and logos. Using Consensual Qualitative Research methodology, the research team analyzed transcripts of interviews conducted with eleven social justice activists to generate themes, categories, and domains within the data. Five domains emerged: (a) deleterious impact of Native-themed mascots, nicknames, and logos; (b) components of identity preservation among supporters; (c) reasons why some American Indians might support Native-themed mascots, nicknames, logos; (d) frontline advocacy efforts; and (e) coping strategies for advocates. Results provided insights into the sociopsychological processes which operate—among both non-Indians and Indians—to allow the misappropriation of American Indian culture, symbols, and imagery in sport to continue to exist in society. Findings can help counseling psychologists better understand the lived experience of social justice activists, while also highlighting ways that our field can support efforts to eliminate race-based mascots, nicknames, and logos

    Detection of Bulk Motions in the ICM of the Centaurus Cluster

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    Several recent numerical simulations of off-center cluster mergers predict that significant angular momentum with associated velocities of a few x 10^{3} km/s can be imparted to the resulting cluster. Such gas bulk velocities can be detected by the Doppler shift of X-ray spectral lines with ASCA spectrometers. Using two ASCA observations of the Centaurus cluster, we produced a velocity map for the gas in the cluster's central regions. We also detected radial and azimuthal gradients in temperature and metal abundance distributions, which seem to be associated with the infalling sub-group centered at NGC 4709 (Cen 45). More importantly, we found a significant (>99.8% confidence level) velocity gradient along a line near-perpendicular to the direction of the incoming sub-group and with a maximum velocity difference of ~3.4+-1.1 x 10^{3} km/s. It is unlikely (P < 0.002) that the observed velocity gradient is generated by gain fluctuations across the detectors. While the observed azimuthal temperature and abundance variations can be attributed to the interaction with Cen 45, we argue that the intracluster gas velocity gradient is more likely due to a previous off-center merging event in the main body of the Centaurus cluster.Comment: 13 pages in emulateapj5 style, 8 postscript figures; Accepted by ApJ; Revised version with minor change
