2,899 research outputs found

    The Triangle Anomaly in the Triple-Regge Limit

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    The U(1) triangle anomaly is present, as an infra-red divergence, in the six-reggeon triple-regge interaction vertex obtained from a maximally non-planar Feynman diagram in the full triple-regge limit of three-to-three quark scattering.Comment: 7 pages, with 5 PS figures in the text. Talk presented at the XXIX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics ``QCD & Multiparticle Production'', Brown University, Providence, August 9-13, 199

    Could a Weak Coupling Massless SU(5) Theory Underly the Standard Model S-Matrix?

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    The unitary Critical Pomeron connects to a unique massless left-handed SU(5) theory that, remarkably, might provide an unconventional underlying unification for the Standard Model. Multi-regge theory suggests the existence of a {\it bound-state high-energy S-Matrix} that replicates Standard Model states and interactions via massless fermion anomaly dynamics. Configurations of anomalous wee gauge boson reggeons play a vacuum-like role. All particles, including neutrinos, are bound-states with dynamical masses (there is no Higgs field) that are formed (in part) by anomaly poles. The contributing zero-momentum chirality transitions break the SU(5) symmetry to vector SU(3)xU(1) in the S-Matrix. The high-energy interactions are vector reggeon exchanges accompanied by wee boson sums (odd-signature for the strong interaction and even-signature for the electroweak interaction) that strongly enhance couplings. The very small SU(5) coupling, ~ 1/120, should be reflected in small (Majorana) neutrino masses. A color sextet quark sector, still to be discovered, produces both Dark Matter and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. Anomaly color factors imply this sector could be produced at the LHC with large cross-sections, and would be definitively identified in double pomeron processes.Comment: Contributed to the Proceedings of the Gribov-80 Memorial Workshop (without the Appendix

    Past, Present, and Future Multi-Regge Theory

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    The connection of the unitary Critical Pomeron to QUD - a unique massless, infra-red fixed-point, left-handed SU(5) field theory that might provide an unconventional underlying unification for the Standard Model, is discussed in the context of developments in past, present, and future multi-regge theory. The QUD bound-state S-Matrix is accessible via elaborate (non-planar) multi-regge theory. Standard Model states and interactions are replicated via massless fermion anomaly dynamics in which configurations of infra-red divergent anomalous gauge boson reggeons play a wee parton vacuum-like role. All particles, including neutrinos, are bound-states with dynamical masses and there is no Higgs field. A color sextet quark sector, that could be discovered at the LHC, produces both Dark Matter and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the very small QUD coupling should be reflected in the smallness of neutrino masses. The origin of the Standard Model could be that it is reproducing the unique, unitary, S-Matrix
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