2,157 research outputs found

    A Greedy Approach to Adapting the Trace Parameter for Temporal Difference Learning

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    One of the main obstacles to broad application of reinforcement learning methods is the parameter sensitivity of our core learning algorithms. In many large-scale applications, online computation and function approximation represent key strategies in scaling up reinforcement learning algorithms. In this setting, we have effective and reasonably well understood algorithms for adapting the learning-rate parameter, online during learning. Such meta-learning approaches can improve robustness of learning and enable specialization to current task, improving learning speed. For temporal-difference learning algorithms which we study here, there is yet another parameter, λ\lambda, that similarly impacts learning speed and stability in practice. Unfortunately, unlike the learning-rate parameter, λ\lambda parametrizes the objective function that temporal-difference methods optimize. Different choices of λ\lambda produce different fixed-point solutions, and thus adapting λ\lambda online and characterizing the optimization is substantially more complex than adapting the learning-rate parameter. There are no meta-learning method for λ\lambda that can achieve (1) incremental updating, (2) compatibility with function approximation, and (3) maintain stability of learning under both on and off-policy sampling. In this paper we contribute a novel objective function for optimizing λ\lambda as a function of state rather than time. We derive a new incremental, linear complexity λ\lambda-adaption algorithm that does not require offline batch updating or access to a model of the world, and present a suite of experiments illustrating the practicality of our new algorithm in three different settings. Taken together, our contributions represent a concrete step towards black-box application of temporal-difference learning methods in real world problems

    Investigating practical linear temporal difference learning

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    Off-policy reinforcement learning has many applications including: learning from demonstration, learning multiple goal seeking policies in parallel, and representing predictive knowledge. Recently there has been an proliferation of new policy-evaluation algorithms that fill a longstanding algorithmic void in reinforcement learning: combining robustness to off-policy sampling, function approximation, linear complexity, and temporal difference (TD) updates. This paper contains two main contributions. First, we derive two new hybrid TD policy-evaluation algorithms, which fill a gap in this collection of algorithms. Second, we perform an empirical comparison to elicit which of these new linear TD methods should be preferred in different situations, and make concrete suggestions about practical use.Comment: Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, 201

    Meta-Learning Representations for Continual Learning

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    A continual learning agent should be able to build on top of existing knowledge to learn on new data quickly while minimizing forgetting. Current intelligent systems based on neural network function approximators arguably do the opposite---they are highly prone to forgetting and rarely trained to facilitate future learning. One reason for this poor behavior is that they learn from a representation that is not explicitly trained for these two goals. In this paper, we propose OML, an objective that directly minimizes catastrophic interference by learning representations that accelerate future learning and are robust to forgetting under online updates in continual learning. We show that it is possible to learn naturally sparse representations that are more effective for online updating. Moreover, our algorithm is complementary to existing continual learning strategies, such as MER and GEM. Finally, we demonstrate that a basic online updating strategy on representations learned by OML is competitive with rehearsal based methods for continual learning. We release an implementation of our method at https://github.com/khurramjaved96/mrcl .Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS19, 15 pages, 10 figures, open-source, representation learning, continual learning, online learnin

    Identifying global optimality for dictionary learning

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    Learning new representations of input observations in machine learning is often tackled using a factorization of the data. For many such problems, including sparse coding and matrix completion, learning these factorizations can be difficult, in terms of efficiency and to guarantee that the solution is a global minimum. Recently, a general class of objectives have been introduced-which we term induced dictionary learning models (DLMs)-that have an induced convex form that enables global optimization. Though attractive theoretically, this induced form is impractical, particularly for large or growing datasets. In this work, we investigate the use of practical alternating minimization algorithms for induced DLMs, that ensure convergence to global optima. We characterize the stationary points of these models, and, using these insights, highlight practical choices for the objectives. We then provide theoretical and empirical evidence that alternating minimization, from a random initialization, converges to global minima for a large subclass of induced DLMs. In particular, we take advantage of the existence of the (potentially unknown) convex induced form, to identify when stationary points are global minima for the dictionary learning objective. We then provide an empirical investigation into practical optimization choices for using alternating minimization for induced DLMs, for both batch and stochastic gradient descent.Comment: Updates to previous version include a small modification to Proposition 2, to only use normed regularizers, and a modification to the main theorem (previously Theorem 13) to focus on the overcomplete, full rank setting and to better characterize non-differentiable induced regularizers. The theory has been significantly modified since version

    Context-Dependent Upper-Confidence Bounds for Directed Exploration

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    Directed exploration strategies for reinforcement learning are critical for learning an optimal policy in a minimal number of interactions with the environment. Many algorithms use optimism to direct exploration, either through visitation estimates or upper confidence bounds, as opposed to data-inefficient strategies like \epsilon-greedy that use random, undirected exploration. Most data-efficient exploration methods require significant computation, typically relying on a learned model to guide exploration. Least-squares methods have the potential to provide some of the data-efficiency benefits of model-based approaches -- because they summarize past interactions -- with the computation closer to that of model-free approaches. In this work, we provide a novel, computationally efficient, incremental exploration strategy, leveraging this property of least-squares temporal difference learning (LSTD). We derive upper confidence bounds on the action-values learned by LSTD, with context-dependent (or state-dependent) noise variance. Such context-dependent noise focuses exploration on a subset of variable states, and allows for reduced exploration in other states. We empirically demonstrate that our algorithm can converge more quickly than other incremental exploration strategies using confidence estimates on action-values.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems 201

    High-confidence error estimates for learned value functions

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    Estimating the value function for a fixed policy is a fundamental problem in reinforcement learning. Policy evaluation algorithms---to estimate value functions---continue to be developed, to improve convergence rates, improve stability and handle variability, particularly for off-policy learning. To understand the properties of these algorithms, the experimenter needs high-confidence estimates of the accuracy of the learned value functions. For environments with small, finite state-spaces, like chains, the true value function can be easily computed, to compute accuracy. For large, or continuous state-spaces, however, this is no longer feasible. In this paper, we address the largely open problem of how to obtain these high-confidence estimates, for general state-spaces. We provide a high-confidence bound on an empirical estimate of the value error to the true value error. We use this bound to design an offline sampling algorithm, which stores the required quantities to repeatedly compute value error estimates for any learned value function. We provide experiments investigating the number of samples required by this offline algorithm in simple benchmark reinforcement learning domains, and highlight that there are still many open questions to be solved for this important problem.Comment: Presented at (UAI) Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 201

    Incremental Truncated LSTD

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    Balancing between computational efficiency and sample efficiency is an important goal in reinforcement learning. Temporal difference (TD) learning algorithms stochastically update the value function, with a linear time complexity in the number of features, whereas least-squares temporal difference (LSTD) algorithms are sample efficient but can be quadratic in the number of features. In this work, we develop an efficient incremental low-rank LSTD({\lambda}) algorithm that progresses towards the goal of better balancing computation and sample efficiency. The algorithm reduces the computation and storage complexity to the number of features times the chosen rank parameter while summarizing past samples efficiently to nearly obtain the sample complexity of LSTD. We derive a simulation bound on the solution given by truncated low-rank approximation, illustrating a bias- variance trade-off dependent on the choice of rank. We demonstrate that the algorithm effectively balances computational complexity and sample efficiency for policy evaluation in a benchmark task and a high-dimensional energy allocation domain.Comment: Accepted to IJCAI 201

    Estimating the class prior and posterior from noisy positives and unlabeled data

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    We develop a classification algorithm for estimating posterior distributions from positive-unlabeled data, that is robust to noise in the positive labels and effective for high-dimensional data. In recent years, several algorithms have been proposed to learn from positive-unlabeled data; however, many of these contributions remain theoretical, performing poorly on real high-dimensional data that is typically contaminated with noise. We build on this previous work to develop two practical classification algorithms that explicitly model the noise in the positive labels and utilize univariate transforms built on discriminative classifiers. We prove that these univariate transforms preserve the class prior, enabling estimation in the univariate space and avoiding kernel density estimation for high-dimensional data. The theoretical development and both parametric and nonparametric algorithms proposed here constitutes an important step towards wide-spread use of robust classification algorithms for positive-unlabeled data.Comment: Fixed a typo in the MSGMM update equations in the appendix. Other minor change

    Organizing Experience: A Deeper Look at Replay Mechanisms for Sample-based Planning in Continuous State Domains

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    Model-based strategies for control are critical to obtain sample efficient learning. Dyna is a planning paradigm that naturally interleaves learning and planning, by simulating one-step experience to update the action-value function. This elegant planning strategy has been mostly explored in the tabular setting. The aim of this paper is to revisit sample-based planning, in stochastic and continuous domains with learned models. We first highlight the flexibility afforded by a model over Experience Replay (ER). Replay-based methods can be seen as stochastic planning methods that repeatedly sample from a buffer of recent agent-environment interactions and perform updates to improve data efficiency. We show that a model, as opposed to a replay buffer, is particularly useful for specifying which states to sample from during planning, such as predecessor states that propagate information in reverse from a state more quickly. We introduce a semi-parametric model learning approach, called Reweighted Experience Models (REMs), that makes it simple to sample next states or predecessors. We demonstrate that REM-Dyna exhibits similar advantages over replay-based methods in learning in continuous state problems, and that the performance gap grows when moving to stochastic domains, of increasing size.Comment: IJCAI 201

    An Off-policy Policy Gradient Theorem Using Emphatic Weightings

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    Policy gradient methods are widely used for control in reinforcement learning, particularly for the continuous action setting. There have been a host of theoretically sound algorithms proposed for the on-policy setting, due to the existence of the policy gradient theorem which provides a simplified form for the gradient. In off-policy learning, however, where the behaviour policy is not necessarily attempting to learn and follow the optimal policy for the given task, the existence of such a theorem has been elusive. In this work, we solve this open problem by providing the first off-policy policy gradient theorem. The key to the derivation is the use of emphaticemphatic weightingsweightings. We develop a new actor-critic algorithm\unicode{x2014}called Actor Critic with Emphatic weightings (ACE)\unicode{x2014}that approximates the simplified gradients provided by the theorem. We demonstrate in a simple counterexample that previous off-policy policy gradient methods\unicode{x2014}particularly OffPAC and DPG\unicode{x2014}converge to the wrong solution whereas ACE finds the optimal solution.Comment: Updated to final NeurIPS versio