1,147 research outputs found

    Modeling Reactive Wetting when Inertial Effects are Dominant

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    Recent experimental studies of molten metal droplets wetting high temperature reactive substrates have established that the majority of triple-line motion occurs when inertial effects are dominant. In light of these studies, this paper investigates wetting and spreading on reactive substrates when inertial effects are dominant using a thermodynamically derived, diffuse interface model of a binary, three-phase material. The liquid-vapor transition is modeled using a van der Waals diffuse interface approach, while the solid-fluid transition is modeled using a phase field approach. The results from the simulations demonstrate an O \left( t^{-\nicefrac{1}{2}} \right) spreading rate during the inertial regime and oscillations in the triple-line position when the metal droplet transitions from inertial to diffusive spreading. It is found that the spreading extent is reduced by enhancing dissolution by manipulating the initial liquid composition. The results from the model exhibit good qualitative and quantitative agreement with a number of recent experimental studies of high-temperature droplet spreading, particularly experiments of copper droplets spreading on silicon substrates. Analysis of the numerical data from the model suggests that the extent and rate of spreading is regulated by the spreading coefficient calculated from a force balance based on a plausible definition of the instantaneous interface energies. A number of contemporary publications have discussed the likely dissipation mechanism in spreading droplets. Thus, we examine the dissipation mechanism using the entropy-production field and determine that dissipation primarily occurs in the locality of the triple-line region during the inertial stage, but extends along the solid-liquid interface region during the diffusive stage

    Polymorphisms in Calpastatin and mu-Calpain Genes Are Associated with Beef Iron Content

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    The objective of this study was to assess the association of markers in the calpastatin and mu-calpain loci with iron in beef cattle muscle. The population consisted of 259 cross-bred steers from Beefmaster, Brangus, Bonsmara, Romosinuano, Hereford and Angus sires. Total iron and heme iron concentrations were measured. Markers in the calpastatin (referred to as CAST) and mu-calpain (referred to asCAPN4751) genes were used to assess their association with iron levels. The mean and standard error for iron and heme iron content in the population was 35.6 ± 1.3 μg and 27.1 ± 1.4 μg respectively. Significant associations (P \u3c 0.01) of markers were observed for both iron and heme iron content. For CAST, animals with the CC genotype had higher levels of iron and heme iron in longissimus dorsi muscle. ForCAPN4751, individuals with the TT genotype had higher concentrations of iron and heme iron than did animals with the CC and CT genotypes. Genotypes known to be associated with tougher meat were associated with higher levels of iron concentration

    Sire Breed Effect on Beef Longissimus Mineral Concentrations and Their Relationships with Carcass and Palatability Traits

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate sire breed effect on mineral concentration in beef longissimus thoracis (LT) and investigate the correlations between beef mineral concentrations and carcass and palatability traits. Steer progeny (N = 246) from the Germplasm Evaluation project—Cycle VIII were used in this study. In addition to carcass traits, LT was evaluated for mineral concentrations, Warner–Bratzler shear force, and palatability traits. A mixed linear model estimated breed effects on mineral concentrations. No significant sire breed (P ≥ 0.43) or dam breed (P ≥ 0.20) effects were identified for mineral concentrations. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated among mineral concentrations, carcass, and sensory traits. Zinc concentration was positively correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with total iron (r = 0.14), heme iron (r = 0.13), and magnesium (r = 0.19). Significant (P \u3c 0.05) correlations were identified between non-heme or heme iron and most traits in this study. Magnesium concentration was correlated with all carcass and palatability traits

    Signature of the Simplicial Supermetric

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    We investigate the signature of the Lund-Regge metric on spaces of simplicial three-geometries which are important in some formulations of quantum gravity. Tetrahedra can be joined together to make a three-dimensional piecewise linear manifold. A metric on this manifold is specified by assigning a flat metric to the interior of the tetrahedra and values to their squared edge-lengths. The subset of the space of squared edge-lengths obeying triangle and analogous inequalities is simplicial configuration space. We derive the Lund-Regge metric on simplicial configuration space and show how it provides the shortest distance between simplicial three-geometries among all choices of gauge inside the simplices for defining this metric (Regge gauge freedom). We show analytically that there is always at least one physical timelike direction in simplicial configuration space and provide a lower bound on the number of spacelike directions. We show that in the neighborhood of points in this space corresponding to flat metrics there are spacelike directions corresponding to gauge freedom in assigning the edge-lengths. We evaluate the signature numerically for the simplicial configuration spaces based on some simple triangulations of the three-sphere (S^3) and three-torus (T^3). For the surface of a four-simplex triangulation of S^3 we find one timelike direction and all the rest spacelike over all of the simplicial configuration space. For the triangulation of T^3 around flat space we find degeneracies in the simplicial supermetric as well as a few gauge modes corresponding to a positive eigenvalue. Moreover, we have determined that some of the negative eigenvalues are physical, i.e. the corresponding eigenvectors are not generators of diffeomorphisms. We compare our results with the known properties of continuum superspace.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps Figures. Submitted to Classical Quantum Gravit

    Quantum Cosmology and Higher-Order Lagrangian Theories

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    In this paper the quantum cosmological consequences of introducing a term cubic in the Ricci curvature scalar RR into the Einstein--Hilbert action are investigated. It is argued that this term represents a more generic perturbation to the action than the quadratic correction usually considered. A qualitative argument suggests that there exists a region of parameter space in which neither the tunneling nor the no-boundary boundary conditions predict an epoch of inflation that can solve the horizon and flatness problems of the big bang model. This is in contrast to the R2R^2--theory.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, preprint FERMILAB-Pub-94/XXX-A, March 199

    Supersymmetric Quantization of Anisotropic Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies

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    In this paper we show that the spatially homogeneous Bianchi type I and Kantowski-Sachs cosmologies derived from the Brans-Dicke theory of gravity admit a supersymmetric extension at the quantum level. Global symmetries in the effective one-dimensional actions characterize both classical and quantum solutions. A wide family of exact wavefunctions satisfying the supersymmetric constraints are found. A connection with quantum wormholes is briefly discussed.Comment: In Press, Class. Quantum Grav. 20 pages, Late

    Velocity Selection for Propagating Fronts in Superconductors

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    Using the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations we study the propagation of planar fronts in superconductors, which would appear after a quench to zero applied magnetic field. Our numerical solutions show that the fronts propagate at a unique speed which is controlled by the amount of magnetic flux trapped in the front. For small flux the speed can be determined from the linear marginal stability hypothesis, while for large flux the speed may be calculated using matched asymptotic expansions. At a special point the order parameter and vector potential are dual, leading to an exact solution which is used as the starting point for a perturbative analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Letter

    Solutions to the Wheeler-Dewitt Equation Inspired by the String Effective Action

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    The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is derived from the bosonic sector of the heterotic string effective action assuming a toroidal compactification. The spatially closed, higher dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology is investigated and a suitable change of variables rewrites the equation in a canonical form. Real- and imaginary-phase exact solutions are found and a method of successive approximations is employed to find more general power series solutions. The quantum cosmology of the Bianchi IX universe is also investigated and a class of exact solutions is found.Comment: 21 pages of plain LaTeX, Fermilab-Pub-93/100-

    SGLT2 Inhibitors: Slowing of Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a topic of increasing concern among clinicians involved in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). It is a progressive and costly complication associated with increased risk of adverse cardiovascular (CV) and renal outcomes and mortality. Ongoing monitoring of the estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) rate alongside the urine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) is recommended during regular T2DM reviews to enable a prompt DKD diagnosis or to assess disease progression, providing an understanding of adverse risk for each individual. Many people with DKD will progress to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT), typically haemodialysis or kidney transplantation. A range of lifestyle and pharmacological interventions is recommended to help lower CV risk, slow the advancement of DKD and prevent or delay the need for RRT. Emerging evidence concerning sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2i) agents suggests a role for these medicines in slowing eGFR decline, enabling regression of albuminuria and reducing progression to ESKD. Improvements in renal end points observed in SGLT2i CV outcome trials (CVOTs) highlighted the possible impact of these agents in the management of DKD. Data from the canagliflozin CREDENCE trial (Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Diabetes with Established Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation) have since demonstrated the effectiveness of this medicine in reducing the risk of kidney failure and CV events in a population comprising individuals with T2DM and renal disease. CREDENCE was the first SGLT2i study to examine renal outcomes as the primary end point. Real-world studies have reaffirmed these outcomes in routine clinical practice. This article summarises the evidence regarding the use of SGLT2i medicines in slowing the progression of DKD and examines the possible mechanisms underpinning the renoprotective effects of these agents. The relevant national and international guidance for monitoring and treatment of DKD is also highlighted to help clinicians working to support this vulnerable group

    Observations of SN 2017ein Reveal Shock Breakout Emission and A Massive Progenitor Star for a Type Ic Supernova

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    We present optical and ultraviolet observations of nearby type Ic supernova SN 2017ein as well as detailed analysis of its progenitor properties from both the early-time observations and the prediscovery Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. The optical light curves started from within one day to ∼\sim275 days after explosion, and optical spectra range from ∼\sim2 days to ∼\sim90 days after explosion. Compared to other normal SNe Ic like SN 2007gr and SN 2013ge, \mbox{SN 2017ein} seems to have more prominent C{\footnotesize II} absorption and higher expansion velocities in early phases, suggestive of relatively lower ejecta mass. The earliest photometry obtained for \mbox{SN 2017ein} show indications of shock cooling. The best-fit obtained by including a shock cooling component gives an estimate of the envelope mass as ∼\sim0.02 M⊙_{\odot} and stellar radius as 8±\pm4 R⊙_{\odot}. Examining the pre-explosion images taken with the HST WFPC2, we find that the SN position coincides with a luminous and blue point-like source, with an extinction-corrected absolute magnitude of MV_V∼\sim−-8.2 mag and MI_I∼\sim−-7.7 mag.Comparisons of the observations to the theoretical models indicate that the counterpart source was either a single WR star or a binary with whose members had high initial masses, or a young compact star cluster. To further distinguish between different scenarios requires revisiting the site of the progenitor with HST after the SN fades away.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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