1,090 research outputs found

    The challenges of change:Exploring the dynamics of police reform in Scotland

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    Despite a long tradition of pessimism regarding the scope for meaningful change in police practices, recent structural reforms to police organizations in several European countries suggest that significant change in policing is possible. Drawing on recent research into the establishment and consequences of a national police force in Scotland, this article uses instrumental, cultural and myth perspectives taken from organization theory to examine how change happened and with what effects. It highlights how police reform involves a complex interplay between the strategic aims of government, the cultural norms of police organizations and the importance of alignment with wider views about the nature of the public sector. The article concludes by identifying a set of wider lessons from the experience of organizational change in policing

    Systems Alignment: Linking Tertiary Institution Learning Modes and Graduate Attributes to Business Enhancement

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    In recent years moves towards flexible learning have taken many forms across the tertiary institution sector. Along the way, many formats and approaches have been trialed. Previous research has examined influences between tertiary learning modes and student outcomes, or the influences between student outcomes and graduate students’ employability. This paper takes a holistic view, and develops a Business Value Enhancement Model, which maps the tertiary institution learning offerings to student learning outcomes, and to business enhancement (delivered by employed graduate students)

    The Ipad: A Tablet Toolkit Supporting Blended And Flexible Learning

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    Learning has shifted along the learning continuum from the traditional face-to-face classroom into interactive ICTsupported environments. The ‘cone of learning’ assists in understanding this learning shift. Emerging portable ICT content management systems (CMS) such as the iPad offer new student-empowered, interactive, non-linear, selflearning opportunities. The ‘interactive 3P learning system’ framework presented herein, enables researchers to test the effectiveness (and value) of the iPad as a mobile student CMS across blended and flexible learning environments. This environment enables testing for improved student personal interactivity (and recognition), and for improved student learning outcomes (measured (i) quantitative student-perceptions, and (ii) qualitative achieved-results)

    Engaging Technologies-Savvy Consumers With The Internet Of Things

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    Consumers today engage in and with interactive online activities. These activities are compiled from a vast array of online-hosted components loosely termed the Internet of Things (IoT). At the same time innovative corporates are delivering latest IoT-related and consumer-targeted smart solutions. This paper proposes the MVL model as a pathway to examine consumer value relationships, and to then map these relationships against relevant IoT-generated revenue streams. Hence, by capturing and tracking their IoT savvy consumer’s actions and activities, the corporate can gauge the success of their IoT offerings

    The Cone of Learning: A Tertiary Level Empirical Study across Traditional, Blended and Flexible Learning Modes

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    Tertiary institutions are moving towards more flexible teaching and learning environments. Relationships between tertiary teaching and learning modes, student outcomes, and learning perceptions have engaged partial studies. This article employs a holistic view. It develops and tests a tertiary teaching and learning environment from a value enhancement approach. Here student-preferred teaching and learning modes are assessed. The tertiary institution teaching and learning offerings or modes are mapped against student learning outcomes, as defined by the tertiary institution ‘business enhancement measurement model’. This research shows tertiary institutions can more closely align their educational teaching and learning solutions towards their student’s perceived learning requirements, whilst also enhancing its student’s skills

    Extending the Biggs 3P Teaching and Learning Model: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    A structural equation modeling approach is used to build understanding of the Biggs 3P model of teaching and learning within the tertiary institution sector. A learning quality dependent construct is used to show the Biggs 3P construct blocks do display significant two way interactions between each and every construct, and so act as an interlinked system

    Big data values deliverance: OSS model

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    Open source software (OSS) repositories, like GitHub, conjointly build numerous big data projects. GitHub developers and/or its responders extend/enhance a project’s software capabilities. Over time, GitHub’s repositories are mined for new knowledge and capabilities. This study’s values-deliverance staging system data mines, isolates, collates and incorporates relevant GitHub text into values deliverance model constructs. This suggests differential construct effects influence a project’s activities levels. The study suggests OSS big data platforms can be software data mined to isolate and assess the values embedded. This also elucidates pathways where behavioral values deliverance improvements to GitHub can likely be most beneficial

    The Value-Expectations Model: A Service Industry Relationship for Targeting Customers

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    This study builds an equation relating business service expectation options (measured as expectation intention and expectation extension) against three multi-dimensional customer perceived value dimensions (measured as performance, service and satisfaction). The model is suitable for investigation of customer perceived service value under structural equation modeling approaches

    Gauging Loyalty: A Local Swim School Fitness Training Study

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    Local swim schools are places where parents can pay and have their children undertake useful fitness training programs. This study follows a pre-event, at-event and post-event behavioral model to gauge how parent loyalty may be promoted over time. This value model shows swim schools with quality products, reasonable pricing, good servicing and offering an emotionally satisfying experience likely generate ongoing parent loyalty. Hence swim schools monitoring parent perceptions of their fitness training programs should deploy skilled (and personable) fitness trainers (or coaches) and should build programs that grow the parent’s motivation to attend
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