8 research outputs found

    Time-specific innovation transfer from corporate incubators - Derivation of design options based on the phases of initiation and execution

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    External innovation units for supporting a corporate innovation system with radical innovations, like corporate incubator or innovation labs, are becoming more and more important within the last few years. Due to the development of innovations within a separated environment, one of the major challenge corporates are facing within this topic is the reintegration of innovations into the parent company. One major aspect that influences this process is the time frame of the initiation and execution of the innovation transfer. Depending on the variable setup of these phases different requirements are demanded. Within this scientific research, different design options for a transfer process from corporate incubators to a parent company in dependency of the phase of the development process were identified and evaluated. Recommendation for action for a time-specific transfer process are derived within this paper, taking effort and potential as well as design options for different process phases into account

    Next generation hardware development: Framework for a tailorable development method

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    Companies are adapting their traditional development processes, aiming for project-specific designs that are referred to as Agile Product Development flexible, adaptive and accelerated processes. Implementing these principles supports developers to react to challenges such as shortened innovation cycles and increased market dynamics. The project-specific tailoring of a development process has to be carried out right from the start. Early on, companies have to create a unique path for each development project by choosing the right development approach plan-driven, agile or hybrid, assembling properly skilled development teams and creating an enabling environment and applicable process design. But, due to the lack of appropriate methodologies for a project-specific tailoring, companies find it difficult to adjust development methods according to the project requirements at hand. Therefore, development projects often do not meet expected budgets, deadlines or product goals. As a first step, the authors present a selection of essential development method elements based on a literature review. These elements, classified in content- and process-related elements, form the basis for a comprehensive method framework. The method framework supports companies in identifying and configuring crucial method elements based on which project-specific development strategies can be derived

    Radikale Innovationen heißt radikal Umdenken

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    Mehr und mehr setzen massiv finanzierte Start-Ups etablierte Unternehmen unter Druck. Legten viele Unternehmen bisher den Fokus auf Kosteneinsparungen und inkrementelle Verbesserungen ihres Produktportfolios, so müssen sie heute verstärkt an radikalen Innovationen arbeiten, die das Potenzial bergen, auch die zukünftige Geschäftstätigkeit ihres Unternehmens zu sichern. Konventionelle Stage-Gate-Prozesse haben sich für diese Art von Innovationen aufgrund ihrer Behäbigkeit als nicht optimal herausgestellt. Radikale Innovationen brechen mit Althergebrachtem. Sie erfordern neue, flexible Denkweisen und Prozesse. Die neuen Player machen es vor: Geschwindigkeit und Leichtigkeit sind das Geheimnis ihres Erfolgs. Bereits 2003 legte EVERSHEIM mit dem W-Modell den Grundstein für das Innovationsmanagement von heute, das sich im Invention Center auf dem RWTH Aachen Campus manifestiert hat und als Systemlösung für ein modernes Management disruptiver Innovationen verstanden wird. Das Invention Center hat sich zu einem einmaligen und robusten Netzwerk aus Zukunftsmanagern entwickelt, welches mit modernen Ansätzen und Methoden aus dem Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement erfolgreich den Herausforderungen der heutigen Zeit begegnet