16 research outputs found
The Day of the Locust
Sunday, December 4, 2011 (2:00-3:30PM)
The Day of the Locust, by Nathanael West
Discussion led by Dr. Nick Rosenthal, History Dept.
During his years in Hollywood West wrote The Day of the Locust, a study of the fragility of illusion. Many critics consider it with F. Scott Fitzgerald\u27s unfinished masterpiece The Last Tycoon (1941) among the best novels written about Hollywood. Set in Hollywood during the Depression, the narrator, Tod Hackett, comes to California in the hope of a career as a painter for movie backdrops but soon joins the disenchanted second-rate actors, technicians, laborers and other characters living on the fringes of the movie industry. Tod tries to seduce Faye Greener; she is seventeen. Her protector is an old man named Homer Simpson. Tod finds work on a film called prophetically “The Burning of Los Angeles,” and the dark comic tale ends in an apocalyptic mob riot outside a Hollywood premiere, as the system runs out of control.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/jewishbookgroup/1043/thumbnail.jp
Diversification of forestry portfolios for climate change and market risk mitigation
Investments in forestry are long-term and thus subject to numerous sources of risk. In addition to the volatility from markets, forestry investments are directly exposed to future impacts from climate change. We examined how diversification of forest management regimes can mitigate the expected risks associated with forestry activities in New Zealand based on an application of Modern Portfolio Theory. Uncertainties in the responses of Pinus radiata (D. Don) productivity to climate change, from 2050 to 2090, were simulated with 3-PG, a process-based forest growth model, based on future climate scenarios and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). Future timber market scenarios were based on RCP-specific projections from the Global Timber Model and historical log grade prices. Outputs from 3-PG and the market scenarios were combined to compute annualized forestry returns for four P. radiata regimes for 2050–2090. This information was then used to construct optimal forestry portfolios that minimize investment risk for a given target return under different RCPs, forest productivity and market scenarios. While current P. radiata regimes in New Zealand are largely homogenous, our results suggest that regime diversification can mitigate future risks imposed by climate change and market uncertainty. Nevertheless, optimal portfolio compositions varied substantially across our range of scenarios and portfolio objectives. The application of this framework can help forest managers to better account for future risks in their management decisions
„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns.“
„Wir alle treffen Entscheidungen im Leben, aber letztendlich treffen unsere Entscheidungen uns.“
So erging es den Herausgebern, nachdem sie sich dazu entschlossen hatten, Lehrveranstaltungen an der Universität Potsdam anzubieten, die sich mit dem Medium „Computerspiel“ beschäftigen sollten – und damit auf überraschend große Resonanz stießen. Das Resultat ist vorliegendes Handbuch. Es möchte Eltern, LehrerInnen und MultiplikatorInnen exemplarische Einblicke in die vielschichtigen Welten dieses Phänomens vermitteln. Bei den AutorInnen der Beiträge handelt es sich um EnthusiastInnen aus der Computerspielbranche sowie um videospielbegeisterte SozialarbeiterInnen, KulturwissenschaftlerInnen und LehrerInnen