30,878 research outputs found

    Magnetic field-tuned Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and evidence for non-Abelian anyons at v=5/2

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    We show that the resistance of the v=5/2 quantum Hall state, confined to an interferometer, oscillates with magnetic field consistent with an Ising-type non-Abelian state. In three quantum Hall interferometers of different sizes, resistance oscillations at v=7/3 and integer filling factors have the magnetic field period expected if the number of quasiparticles contained within the interferometer changes so as to keep the area and the total charge within the interferometer constant. Under these conditions, an Abelian state such as the (3,3,1) state would show oscillations with the same period as at an integer quantum Hall state. However, in an Ising-type non-Abelian state there would be a rapid oscillation associated with the "even-odd effect" and a slower one associated with the accumulated Abelian phase due to both the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the Abelian part of the quasiparticle braiding statistics. Our measurements at v=5/2 are consistent with the latter.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, includes Supplemental Material

    Coulomb Oscillations in Antidots in the Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Regimes

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    We report measurements of resistance oscillations in micron-scale antidots in both the integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes. In the integer regime, we conclude that oscillations are of the Coulomb type from the scaling of magnetic field period with the number of edges bound to the antidot. Based on both gate-voltage and field periods, we find at filling factor {\nu} = 2 a tunneling charge of e and two charged edges. Generalizing this picture to the fractional regime, we find (again, based on field and gate-voltage periods) at {\nu} = 2/3 a tunneling charge of (2/3)e and a single charged edge.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Zero-Bias Anomalies in Narrow Tunnel Junctions in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    We report on the study of cleaved-edge-overgrown line junctions with a serendipitously created narrow opening in an otherwise thin, precise line barrier. Two sets of zero-bias anomalies are observed with an enhanced conductance for filling factors ν>1\nu > 1 and a strongly suppressed conductance for ν<1\nu < 1. A transition between the two behaviors is found near ν≈1\nu \approx 1. The zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) line shapes find explanation in Luttinger liquid models of tunneling between quantum Hall edge states. The ZBA for ν<1\nu < 1 occurs from strong backscattering induced by suppression of quasiparticle tunneling between the edge channels for the n=0n = 0 Landau levels. The ZBA for ν>1\nu > 1 arises from weak tunneling of quasiparticles between the n=1n = 1 edge channels.Comment: version with edits for clarit
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