32 research outputs found

    Electrical safety in spinal cord stimulation: current density analysis by computer modeling

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    The possibility of tissue damage in spinal cord stimulation was investigated in a computer modeling study. A decrease of the electrode area in monopolar stimulation resulted in an increase of the current density at the electrode surface. When comparing the modeling results with experimental data from literature, it was concluded that even with a small electrode area (0.7 mm2) tissue damage in spinal cord stimulation is improbabl

    A model of the electrical behaviour of myelinated sensory nerve fibres based on human data

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    Calculation of the response of human myelinated sensory nerve fibres to spinal cord stimulation initiated the development of a fibre model based on electro-physiological and morphometric data for human sensory nerve fibres. The model encompasses a mathematical description of the kinetics of the nodal membrane, and a non-linear fibre geometry. Fine tuning of only a few, not well-established parameters was performed by fitting the shape of a propagating action potential and its diameter-dependent propagation velocity. The quantitative behaviour of this model corresponds better to experimentally determined human fibre properties than other mammalian, non-human models do. Typical characteristics, such as the shape of the action potential, the propagation velocity and the strength-duration behaviour show a good fit with experimental data. The introduced diameter-dependent parameters did not result in a noticeable diameter dependency of action potential duration and refractory period. The presented model provides an improved tool to analyse the electrical behaviour of human myelinated sensory nerve fibres

    Multi-electrode nerve cuff recording - model analysis of the effects of finite cuff length

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    The effect of finite cuff length on the signals recorded by electrodes at different positions along the nerve was analysed in a model study. Relations were derived using a one-dimensional model. These were evaluated in a more realistic axially symmetric 3D model. This evaluation indicated that the cuff appeared shorter because of edge effects at the beginning and end of the cuff. The method for velocity selective filtering introduced by Donaldson was subsequently analysed. In this method, velocity selective filtering is achieved by summing the signals of subsequent tripoles after applying time shifts tuned to a certain conduction velocity. It was also found that the optimum electrode distance for a given cuff length for maximum summed RMS of symmetrical tripoles in the cuff is larger than when evaluating peak-peak amplitudes of single fibre action potentials. Velocity selective filtering yields better selectivity when using symmetrical tripoles, but may yield larger signal RMS when using the wider asymmetrical tripoles, potentially allowing for shorter cuffs. It is speculated that application of a multi-electrode reference may improve velocity selectivity for asymmetrical tripoles

    A simulation model of the electrical characteristics of human myelinated sensory nerve fibers

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    A new nerve fiber model has been developed, incorporating electrical characteristics of human myelinated sensory nerve fibers. It will be used to determine the response of myelinated somatosensory nerve fibers in the spinal cord to electrical stimulation with an epidurally placed electrod

    Computer aided analysis of spinal cord stimulation

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