157 research outputs found

    Społeczny i narodowy charakter wskazań abpa Antoniego Nowowiejskiego dla duchowieństwa płockiego w kontekście problemów bezrobocia i emigracji po roku 1918

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    Bezrobocie i emigracja były najważniejszymi i najpilniejszymi troskami, które trapiły Polskę wkrótce po jej odrodzeniu w 1918 r. Kościół katolicki podjął działania w obu tych dziedzinach, inspirowany naukami papieży Leona XIII i Piusa XI dotyczącymi tzw. ”. Inspiracje te trafnie zinterpretował i praktycznie zrealizował Antoni Julian Nowowiejski, biskup płocki, znany dziś jako działacz społeczny i reformator. Niniejszy tekst analizuje specyficzne działania duchowieństwa płockiego w okresie międzywojennym, które miały przeciwdziałać negatywnym skutkom społecznym powyższych zagadnień

    Occupation of wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nests by Myrmica and Lasius ants

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    Bird nests can provide habitats for various invertebrates, including ectoparasites, scavengers and predators. Records of ants associating with active bird nests mostly involve the insects searching for food, with some exceptional records of ants raising their broods (eggs, larvae or pupae) within songbird nests in tree cavities. We present data for a previously undocumented, but apparently regular, occurrence of ants and their broods within the active nests of a songbird, the wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein, 1793), which builds domed nests on the ground in European forests. Systematic recording found ants, mostly Myrmica ruginodis Nylander, 1846, in 43% of 80 wood warbler nests in the primary forest of Białowieża National Park (Poland) during the springs of 2016-2017, including ant broods in 30%. Ad hoc records from this site in 2004-2015 found ants in a further 29% of 163 nests, including broods in 20%, indicating a regular association. However, examination of 37 nests from secondary forest in Switzerland and Great Britain founds ants in only 14%, and broods in just 5%. We discuss the potential drivers and mechanisms of the observed association between breeding wood warblers and ants, including the apparent difference in frequency between the primary and secondary forests

    Semigroups of distributions with linear Jacobi parameters

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    We show that a convolution semigroup of measures has Jacobi parameters polynomial in the convolution parameter tt if and only if the measures come from the Meixner class. Moreover, we prove the parallel result, in a more explicit way, for the free convolution and the free Meixner class. We then construct the class of measures satisfying the same property for the two-state free convolution. This class of two-state free convolution semigroups has not been considered explicitly before. We show that it also has Meixner-type properties. Specifically, it contains the analogs of the normal, Poisson, and binomial distributions, has a Laha-Lukacs-type characterization, and is related to the q=0q=0 case of quadratic harnesses.Comment: v3: the article is merged back together with arXiv:1003.4025. A significant revision following suggestions by the referee. 2 pdf figure

    Porosity of closed carbon nanotubes compressed using hydraulic pressure

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    Experimental data of nitrogen adsorption (T = 77.3 K) from gaseous phase measured on commercial closed carbon nanotubes are presented. Additionally, we show the results of N2 adsorption on compressed (using hydraulic press) CNTs. In order to explain the experimental observations the results of GCMC simulations of N2 adsorption on isolated or bundled multi-walled closed nanotubes (four models of bundles) are discussed. We show that the changes of the experimental adsorption isotherms are related to the compression of the investigated adsorbents. They are qualitatively similar to the theoretical observations. Taking into account all results it is concluded that in the "architecture" of nanotubes very important role has been played by isolated nanotubes