84 research outputs found
The Effect of Population Growth and Economic Factor to Conversion Function of Agricultural Land Supply Chain in North Aceh District
Population growth and economic factors are the causes of changes agricultural land supply chain use in North Aceh District. The regional development requires land for housing, industry, trade and other purposes while land availability was constant, resulting in land conversion from the function of agricultural land supply chain to non-agricultural. The shifting of land use from 2012 to 2015 was significant in the reduced farm forestry 7,138 ha, agricultural estate 6,465 ha and Wetland area of 227 ha. The purpose of this study was to determine the significance of the effect of population growth and economic factors on the conversion of agricultural land supply chain into non-agricultural land supply chain. The method used was Quantitative Method by using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that population growth and economic factors affect the conversion of land from agricultural land supply chain to non-agricultural land supply chain, especially in urban areas. The shift in the dominant production area for housing, store shops because it is more profitable as a place of business in increasing people's income but this causes the reduction of agricultural land supply chain as a support food suppor
Operation Planning Reservoir with Linear Programming Optimization Model for Water Demand of the Community In Aceh Besar District
On the condition before building a dam, Aceh Besar district often a shortage of water for the needs of the community, so that people difficulty in doing their activities. There is a river in the Aceh Besar district named “Keuliling River”. The river is one of the watershed sub-basins of Krueng Aceh which has large enough potential of water to increase the supply of raw water in order to meet the water needs of the Banda Aceh City and Aceh Besar district.Therefore, a reservoir building was built that able to acomodate a large capacity of water. The resorvoir was named “Keuliling Reservoir”. “Reservoir Keuliling” has 38.20 km2 watershed areas, 259.94 hectares wide puddle on Normal Water Front (MAN), a total of 18,359,078 m3 bin normal water level at an elevation of 45.80 m and has an effective pitcher of 12.99,208 m3. The reservoir also serves as a provider of raw water for the development of inland fisheries, livestock, rice fields and others. The greatest needs are to be served by the reservoir is water requirement for paddy planting season Rendeng in October to December and the gadu growing season from April to June. To meet all these requirements then performed the planning operation of reservoir. Ie, by optimizing the volume of water storage at the end of the month through the optimization of the use of inflow data and outflow data. The optimization performed with optimization models Linear Programming. The results of the optimization is the volume of water in reservoirs that have large water needs, which in October is 13,380,986 m3, in November is 76,640,036 m3 and in December is 38,104,116 m3. Where in each month of the above conditions are still effective volume reservoirs at 12,992,080 m3. The results showed that from month to month never happened reservoir conditions at the level of the dead reservoirs, this illustrates that Keuliling reservoir can meet the water needs of the community
A Channel Drainage Slope Modified as Discharge Supply Chain in the Coastal Area
Slope in the drainage channel system is a primary factor that determines the quantity of water to be gravity discharged. By having bigger slope, the flow velocity becomes larger and the capacity of water discharged becomes more so that there will be no surface runoff. Lhokseumawe is a city located in the coastal area with its height is only 0.95 m above sea level. It is difficult to build the appropriate slope of the channel. For this reason, innovation is needed by modifying the slope of the channel in stages and tiered at each distance of 50 m, by which for channels along the 1,350 m will have 27 stages. The discharge capacity required to flow the rainfall is based on a 2-year return period of 5.10 m3/ sec. Slopes under normal conditions are 0.0013 to get a flow velocity of 1.27 m/sec. Using a section area of 1.32 m2 channel it can get discharge capacity of 1.67 m3/ sec. Furthermore, the slope of the channel was modified to 0.005 at each distance of 50 m and this obtained a flow velocity of 2.46 m/sec so that it was able to drain a discharge capacity of 3.24 m3/ sec. By modifying this channel slope can increase the discharge by 1.57 m3/sec or 93.7% compared to the slope without modified. It has not been able to multiply the overall discharge but at least can reduce the discharge 93.7%
EVALUASI JARI–JARI TIKUNGAN JALAN (Studi Kasus Simpang Dama Kecamatan Tanah Pasir Kabupaten Aceh Utara)
Abstrak Jalan Propinsi di wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Utara terdapat banyak tikungan yang dibuat sejak zaman penjajahan dan disainnya tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan disain tikungan yang ditetapkan oleh Bina Marga karena pada saat itu tidak terlalu penting kesesuaian disain kar ena yang diutamakan adalah adanya jalan dengan tikungan apa adanya untuk keperluan transportasi dan mobilitas masyarakat. Salah satu tikungan yang ada terdapat pada Simpang Dama, Kecamatan Tanah Pasir. Pada penelitian ini ingin diketahui kondisi eksisting tikungan dan kondisi tikungan standar sesuai dengan yang diatur pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI). Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa kecepatan rata-rata pada daerah tikungan adalah 28-45 km/jam dengan panjang lengkung (Lc) adalah 20 meter. Jari-jari tikungan pada kondisi eksisting yang diukur menggunakan alat Global Positioining System (GPS) Hiper II adalah 33,80 m, sedangkan jari-jari tikungan yang diperlukan adalah 80 m sesuai dengan kecepatan rencana sebesar 50 km/jam, hal ini menggambarkan bahwa jari-jari tikungan kondisi eksisting di Simpang Dama tidak memenuhi persyaratan Bina Marga 1997. Kata kunci: Evaluasi, Jalan Raya, Jari-jari tikungan, Kenyamanan  Abstract The provincial road in the North Aceh Regency area has many bends made since the colonial era and the design is not in accordance with the bend design provisions set by Bina Marga because at that time the suitability of the design was not too important because the priority was the existence of a winding road for public transportation purposes. and mobility. One of the bends is located at Simpang Dama, Tanah Pasir District. In this study, we want to know the existing bend conditions and standard bend conditions as regulated in the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI). The results of the study illustrate that the average speed in the bend area is 28-45 km/hour with a bend length (Lc) of 20 meters. The bend radius in the existing condition as measured using the Global Positioning System (GPS) Hiper II is 33.80 m, while the required bend radius is 80 m according to the design speed of 50 km/hour. - The bend radius at Simpang Dama does not meet the 1997 Highways requirements. Keywords: Evaluation, Highway, Radius of bend, Comfor
Kuat Tekan Beton Ringan Non-Pasir Pada Pemanfaatan Batu Karang Simeulue Sebagai Alternatif Agregat Kasar
Abstrak Batu karang mati banyak ditemukan di pulau Simeulue dan tersebar hamper disetiap pesisir pantainya. Dalam hal Pembangunan daerah, penggunaan bahan penyusun beton seperti agregat kasar sering kali didatangkan dari luar pulau sehingga harganya menjadi mahal. Dalam penelitian ini ingin memanfaatkan batu karang mati sebagai agregat kasar pada campuran beton ringan non-pasir dan beton normal. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya variasi batu karang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk agregat kasar pada beton ringan non-pasir dan beton normal. Perencanaan campuran beton dibuat berdasarkan SNI 7656:2012. Faktor air semen untuk semua variasi adalah 0,40. Pengujian kuat tekan dan porositas daerahdilakukan pada umur beton 28 hari. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data pada peneltian ini dinyatakan bahwa Agregat batu karang Simeulue ini tidak bisa dimanfaatkan dalam campuran beton ringan non-pasir, akan tetapi dapat dimanfaatkan dalam campuran beton normal yang memenuhi kriteria untuk beton struktural minimal kuat tekan 17 MPa. Kata kunci: Batu karang, Beton non-pasir, Beton ringan, Beton ringan non-pasir, Kuat tekan beton  Abstract Dead corals are found on Simeulue Island and are scattered on almost every coast. In terms of regional development, the use of concrete constituent materials such as coarse aggregate is often imported from outside the island so the price is expensive. In this study, we wanted to use dead coral rock as a coarse aggregate in a mixture of non-sand and normal lightweight concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the variety of rocks that can be used for coarse aggregate in non-sand lightweight concrete and normal concrete. Concrete mix planning is based on SNI 7656:2012. Water cement factor for all variations is 0.40. The compressive strength and regional porosity tests were carried out at the age of 28 days of concrete. Based on the results of data analysis in this study it was stated that the Simeulue rock aggregate cannot be used in non-sand lightweight concrete mixtures, but can be used in normal concrete mixtures that meet the criteria for structural concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 17 MPa. Keywords: Rock, No fines concrete, Lightweight concrete, Non-sand lightweight concrete, Compressive strengt
Rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi prasarana jalan, jembatan dan perumahan penduduk yang hancur akibat tsunami akan berdampak terhadap pola mobilitas dan kebutuhan perjalanan masyarakat. Relokasi pemukiman menjadi komplek-komplek perumahan yang menjadi sumber bangkitan bagi lalu lintas dan membentuk pola-pola mobilitas tersendiri. Kebutuhan sarana transportasi masyarakat khususnya sepeda motor meningkat pesat seiring dengan mudahnya kepemilikan melalui sistem kredit sehingga tingkat permintaan terhadap sepeda motor khususnya cukup signifikan dan memicu terjadinya kemacetan terutama di pusat-pusat kota baik di propinsi maupun di kabupaten/kota. Metode kajian melalui kajian literatur berdasarkan penelusuran dokumen pada instansi terkait yang dihubungkan terhadap literatur referensi dan teori-teori yang dianalisis secara langsung. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa komplek pemukiman berdampak pada terkonsentrasinya aktivitas penduduk pada suatu wilayah sehingga menimbulkan bangkitan baru, peningkatan mobilitas, peningkatan permintaan kenderaan bermotor yang berakibat kepada terjadinya kemacetan pada ruas-ruas tertentu serta tingginya tingkat kecelakaan di wilayah perkotaan. Aspek manajemen sistem transportasi belum ada upaya pemerintah daerah..Rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi sangat berpengaruh terhadap aksesibilitas sehingga secara signifikan mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di propinsi Aceh.Kata Kunci : Mobilitas, Sistem Transportas
Keselamatan dalam berlalu lintas sangat dipengaruhi oleh perilaku pengendara sepeda motor. Salah satu aspek indicator perilaku adalah pengetahuan tentang rambu-rambu lalulintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pengetahuan tentang rambu lalu lintas terhadap perilaku pengendara sepeda motor pada kecelakaan lalu lintas. Selain variable pengetahuan rambu lalu lintas juga diteliti variable disiplin pengendara, perawatan kenderaan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan model analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan Analisis Konfirmatori Faktor (CFA) yang dibantu dengan software Analisis Moment Of Structure (AMOS) 20.0. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 190 responden. Karakteristik responden 54,3 berjenis kelamin laki-laki, 55,7% perempuan, usia responden 15-50 tahun. 48,1% adalah pelajar/mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pengetahuan pengendara sepeda motor berpengaruh sebesar 16,2% terhadap perilaku pengendara dengan nilai critical ratio sebesar 2,033 dan nilai p-value 0,04 jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel yang dibentuk faktor perilaku pengemudi terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas diperoleh nilai loading factor sebesar 0,749 dengan p-value signifikan maka dapat menjelaskan kondisi aktual kecelakaan lalu lintas .Kata kunci : Pengetahuan rambu, perilaku pengendara, kecelakaan lalu linta
This study is intended to answer the effect of land use, community participation and their relationship toflooding. The result states that land use has a direct effect to flooding with value of about -0.323, all of the land use does not have an indirect effect, therefore the total score is -0.323. Community participation for flood control has a direct effect of about 1.640. The participation does not have an indirect effect, therefore the total effect is 1.640. Community participation has a direct effect to flooding with score of -0.416. The indirect effect is 2.322, while the total effect is 1.906. Land use for flood control has no direct effect and indirect effect. Land use has a direct effect to flood with score of a bout -0.323. It does not have an indirect effect, while the total effect is -0.323. Flood control effect on flooding has a direct effect of 1.416. It does not have indirect effect, thus the total effect is 1.416. The study reveals that the land use and community participation related to flood variables have significant effect. Moreover, flood control effort also has significant effect to reduce flooding
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