31 research outputs found

    Implementing integrated coastal zone management through the use of coastal action plans: lessons from Victoria

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    There are currently no performance indicators in place for assessing the successful implementation of Victoria,\u27s strategic plans (Coastal Action Plans, CAPs) in achieving Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) at a regional level. This article explores the findings of a study which assessed the success of the approach adopted in Victoria under the State Coastal Management Act 1995 to implement ICZM through CAPs. The study developed a set of criteria for measuring this success. We conclude with a discussion of how appropriate such an approach may be in other jurisdictions

    Disintegration or disinterest? Coastal and marine policy in Australia

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    Evolving governance arrangements in multi-tenure reserve networks

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    Multi-tenure reserve networks (MTRNs) aim to connect areas managed for biodiversity conservation across public and private land (for example biosphere reserves (BRs) and conservation management networks (CMNs)). A key function of MTRNs is facilitating communication, information exchange and management activities between land managers of differing tenures not usually in contact with each other; governance arrangements are therefore crucial. Australian MTRNs vary greatly in their goals and measures of success, criteria for entry, ecosystems targeted, geographic extent and financial arrangements. The successful operation of a MTRN is likely to be influenced by a manager\u27s confidence in the governance model/coordination arrangements (Belcher &amp; Wellman 1991). We analysed the organizational structure of three Australian MTRNs (Fig. 1) including the objectives and role of the coordinating body, entry requirements, goals and measures of success, restrictions placed on the geographic or ecological extent of the network and financial arrangements. We highlight how substantial changes in governance arrangements have occurred for two of three networks studied, suggesting a fluid evolution of MTRN structures is likely.<br /

    Perceptions of climate change and adaptation responses in a local community : the Barwon Estuary Complex, Victoria

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    The climate change focus in Australia has shifted from mitigation to adaptation with an emphasis on place-specific case studies. The Barwon Estuary Complex (BEC) on the Bellarine Peninsula, central Victoria, was the focus of this place-specific study in which 37 local stakeholders were consulted through a series of semi-structured interviews on the impacts of climate change on their coastal community. Overall there was uniformity in stakeholder perceptions of the climate change impacts and vulnerabilities pertaining to the BEC. In contrast, discussion on adaptation drew a diversity of responses. While 53 per cent of stakeholders indicated a need to limit the use of hard structures, and rather plan around a changing estuarine environment, opinion amongst the community group was divided. Some believed &lsquo;retreat is the only option&rsquo; whilst others felt &lsquo;there won&rsquo;t be much leaving&rsquo;. The present level of confusion around adaptation highlights the imperative of commencing discussions now to allow sufficient time to develop strategies which are both environmentally and socially responsible. This is important as ultimately it will be the community that will determine whether adaptation strategies are adopted or met with resistance

    Ecosystem conservation in multi-tenure reserve networks : the contribution of land outside of publicly protected areas

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    Multi-tenure reserve networks have been developed as a mechanism to improve cross tenure management and protection of biodiversity, but also as a means of accounting for biodiversity assets managed for conservation outside of protected areas on public land. We evaluated the contribution of multi-tenure reserve networks to enhancing the comprehensiveness and representativeness of ecosystems in publicly protected areas, using three Australian case studies. All networks contributed to enhancing comprehensiveness and representativeness, but this contribution varied between networks and between components of those networks. Significantly, components on private land and &quot;other public land&quot; in all three networks greatly enhanced the protection of some ecosystems at a subregional scale. The Grassy Box Woodlands Conservation Management Network, in particular made a substantial contribution to conservation, with most components protecting remnants of an endangered and under-represented ecosystem. Multi-reserve conservation networks not only act to protect threatened and under-reserved ecosystems, but they also provide a mechanism to account for this protection. Thus, multi-tenure reserve networks have the potential to provide increased knowledge and understanding to conservation planning decision making processes.<br /

    The establishment of large private nature reserves by conservation NGOs : key factors for successful implementation

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    Private nature reserves created by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are increasing, and their growing number and extent means that they can potentially contribute to biodiversity goals at a global scale. However, the success of these reserves depends on the legal, economic and institutional conditions framing their creation and management. We explored these conditions, and the opportunities and challenges facing conservation organizations in managing private nature reserves, across several countries, with an emphasis on Australia. Results from 17 semi-structured interviews with representatives of private conservation organizations indicated that while private reserves may enhance the conservation estate, challenges remain. Legal frameworks, especially tenure and economic laws, vary across and within countries, presenting conservation organizations with significant opportunities or constraints to owning and/or managing private nature reserves. Many acquired land without strategic acquisition procedures and secured funding for property acquisition but not management, affecting the long-term maintenance of properties. Other typical problems were tied to the institutional capacity of the organizations. Greater planning within organizations, especially financial planning, is required and NGOs must understand opportunities and constraints present in legislative frameworks at the outset. Organizations must establish their expertise gaps and address them. To this end, partnerships between organizations and/or with government can prove critical

    Partnerships for capacity building: community, governments and universities working together

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    This paper summarises initiatives in the area of capacity building between communities, governments and universities since Rio 1992.First the global advances through the UN and associated agencies are described with lessons learned and challenges remaining being highlighted. This is followed by a similar approach for first regionally based initiatives and finally some of the better examples of nationally based approaches.Among the key findings from the review were: trying to keep the initial message simple, asking the &ldquo;user&rdquo; what they want and what they need from capacity building, the use of local experts in capacity building where ever possible, universities extending themselves to engage in genuine partnerships as well as offering new courses, subjects, etc., attempting to match the strengths and weaknesses of partners in capacity building, concentrating on improving regional partnerships across national boundaries, deriving methods to sustain capacity building programs over the long term, questioning the absence of the private sector from capacity building partnerships, questioning whether capacity building is receiving the attention, funding and centrality to ICM promotion that it warrants, a proposal to build a global ICM capacity building network, the need for greater critical analysis of capacity building programs, integrating capacity building into ICM practices and recognising that effective capacity building practice may require some time and effort to build up, i.e. there are no universal &ldquo;quick-fixes&rdquo;.<br /

    Back to basics : breakthrough proposals for the Australian environment

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    In this book Dr Geoff Wescott proposes a new approach to environmental decision making. He suggests we move forward from relying solely on individual virtuous action to improve our environment. He argues that the time has come to get ʻback to basicsʼ: for governments to be decisive and courageous and make positive environmental decisions in the interests of their current and future constituents rather than continue to be locked into short term decision making at the beck and call of corporations and large political donors.<br /