1,092 research outputs found

    About the whereabouts of indefinites

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    The paper characterizes three different domains in the German middle field which are relevant for the interpretation of an indefinite. It is argued that the so-called 'strong' reading of an indefinite is the basic one and that the 'weak' reading needs special licensing which is mirrored by certain syntactic requirements. Some popular claims about the relation between the position and the interpretation of indefinites as well as some claims about scrambling are discussed and rejected. From the findings also follows that the strong reading of an indefinite is independent of its information status

    Über Indefinita und ihre Plazierung im Mittelfeld

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    Indefinita und ihre verschiedenen Interpretationsmöglichkeiten sind seit lĂ€ngerem Gegenstand intensiver linguistischer Diskussion. Die folgenden Bemerkungen diskutieren einige in der Literatur hĂ€ufig vertretene Thesen zum Zusammenhang der Positionierung einer indefiniten NP im deutschen Mittelfeld und ihrer Interpretation. Es wird argumentiert, daß diese Thesen den empirischen Gegebenheiten nicht gerecht werden. Dies gilt damit auch fĂŒr einige Thesen zur Umstellung im Mittelfeld (Scrambling)

    Über die syntaktische Position der Satztopiks im Deutschen

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    Das Papier argumentiert anhand einer Reihe von PhĂ€nomenen fĂŒr die Existenz einer ausgezeichneten TopikdomĂ€ne im Mittelfeld des deutschen Satzes. Deutsch ist somit Diskurs-konfigurational hinsichtlich Topiks. Die Beobachtung erlaubt die Beantwortung einiger grundlegender Fragen wie die nach der möglichen Anzahl van Satztopiks, nach der Möglichkeit von Satztopiks in eingebetteten SĂ€tzen oder nach dem Zusammenhang von Scrambling und Topikstatus. Die These, die 'starke' Interpretation einer indefiniten Phrase impliziere deren Topikstatus, wird zurĂŒckgewiesen. Syntaktische Eigenschaften der Topik-Voranstellung im Mittelfeld werden herausgearbeitet und ihre Implikationen fĂŒr die Theoriebildung werden erörtert

    Syntactic requirements on adjuncts

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    The paper proposes structural constraints for different adjunct classes in German and English. Approaches in which syntax has only the task to provide adjunct positions and in which principles of scope are supposed to explain the distribution of adjuncts are rejected as incomplete. The syntactic requirements are not as rigid as other approaches require, such that there is just one possible position for a given adjunct. Rather the syntactic constraints may be fulfilled in different positions

    Adverbialpositionen im deutsch-englischen Vergleich

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    Der Ausgangspunkt ist die These, daß die verschiedenen Adverbialklassen im Deutschen unterschiedliche Basispositionen aufweisen und daß sich diese durch unterschiedliche strukturelle Anforderungen an die Klassen ergeben. Es soll gezeigt werden, daß sich die plausible Vermutung, daß die Adverbialklassen in Sprachen wie dem Deutschen und dem Englischen entsprechenden strukturellen Bedingungen unterliegen, bestĂ€tigt. Unterschiede im Verhalten der Adverbiale in den beiden Sprachen werden demnach nicht durch unterschiedliche Eigenschaften der Adverbiale erfaßt, sondern diese ergeben sich durch die unterschiedlichen Satzstrukturen und die unterschiedlichen Weisen der Argumentverwaltung. Dies wird illustriert anhand von Adverbialen der Art und Weise, Lokal- und Temporaladverbialen, Adverbialen der Subjekthaltung und Satzadverbialen

    Zur Positionierung der Adverbiale im deutschen Mittelfeld

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    Unter Syntaktikern besteht generell die Tendenz, im Deutschen die Freiheit bezĂŒglich der Positionierung der Adverbiale sogar fĂŒr noch grĂ¶ĂŸer zu halten als die Freiheit der Positionierung der Argumente. Wie die Stellungsfreiheit der Argumente im Mittelfeld eines deutschen Satzes theoretisch zu erfassen sei, wird seit langer Zeit kontrovers diskutiert. Die Hauptfrage dreht sich darum, ob alle Serialisierungen der Argumente basisgeneriert sind oder ob es eine ausgezeichnete Serialisierung der Argumente, eine sogenannte Grundabfolge, gibt, aus der sĂ€mtliche anderen Aktantenserialisierungen durch eine Ableitungsoperation bzw. Bewegung zu gewinnen sind. Diese grundsĂ€tzlichen Fragen stellen sich auch bezĂŒglich der Positionierungsmöglichkeiten der Adverbiale, auch wenn sie hierfĂŒr bei weitem nicht so hĂ€ufig gestellt und diskutiert wurden.In this paper, we argue that there are base positions for adverbials in the middle field of the German sentence. By using a set of tests for determining base positions it is established that there are five classes of adverbials as far as their base positions are concerned: (I) frame adverbials, (II) sentence adverbials, (III) event-related adverbials, (IV) event-internal adverbials and (V) process-related adverbials. Within these classes, there may by semantic preferences for a certain order but this order is not syntactically determined. The base position of these classes and their c-command-relations reflect their semantic relations to the rest of the sentence. Finally, we show that there is evidence for scrambling among members of the different classes of adverbials and it is shown that scrambling of adverbials is a meaningful concept within a projective grammar

    Recruitment barriers in a randomized controlled trial from the physicians' perspective – A postal survey

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    BACKGROUND: The feasibility of randomized trials often depends on successful patient recruitment. Although numerous recruitment barriers have been identified it is unclear which of them complicate recruitment most. Also, most surveys have focused on the patients' perspective of recruitment barriers whereas the perspective of recruiting physicians has received less attention. Therefore, our aim was to conduct a postal survey among recruiting physicians of a multi-center trial to weigh barriers according to their impact on recruitment. METHODS: We identified any potential recruitment barriers from the literature and from our own experience with a multi-center trial of respiratory rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We developed and pilot-tested a self-administered questionnaire where recruiting physicians were asked to express their agreement with statements about recruitment barriers on a Likert-type scale from 1 (full agreement with statement = very substantial recruitment barrier) to 7 (no agreement with statement = no recruitment barrier). RESULTS: 38 of 55 recruiting physicians returned questionnaires (69% response rate), of which 35 could be analyzed (64% useable response rate). Recruiting physicians reported that "time constraints" (median agreement of 3, interquartile range 2-5) had the most negative impact on recruitment followed by "difficulties including identified eligible patients" (median agreement of 5, IQR 3-6). Other barriers such as "trial design barriers", "lack of access to treatment", "individual barriers of recruiting physicians" or "insufficient training of recruiting physicians" were perceived to have little or no impact on patient recruitment. CONCLUSION: Physicians perceived time constraints as the most relevant recruitment barrier in a randomized trial. To overcome recruitment barriers interventions, that are affordable for both industry- and investigator-driven trials, need to be developed and tested in randomized trials. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN84612310

    Gene deletion in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease and McLeod syndrome: fine mapping of the Xk gene locus

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    In a patient suffering from X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X- CGD)--a disorder of phagocytesuperoxide generation--and McLeod syndrome, characterized by the absence of the red cell Kell antigen, we identified a deletion of the entire X-CGD gene by means of DNA hybridization with a cDNA probe. Our findings suggest that the X-CGD and McLeod loci are physically close in the p21 region of the X chromosome proximal to the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus
