4,622 research outputs found
Endoparasite infections and hygiene management in organic fattening herds
Studies in different European countries have revealed that infections with endoparasites are one of the most important health problems in swine herds (Roepstorff et al., 1999; Eijck & Borgsteede, 2005). In organic pig farming, the Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 includes several specifications which are expected to have severe impacts on parasite infection, i.e. straw bedding, access to outdoor run, addition of roughage to the daily feed ration and no prophylactic anthelmintic medication. Organic pig farms are also characterised by heterogeneous management practices and a lack in control measures (Ebke & Sundrum, 2004; Werner et al., 2009) providing a non-assessable risk for helminth egg contamination in the environment. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of endoparasite infections in fattening pigs on organic swine herds and the effectiveness of management measures with respect to the reduction of endoparasite infections.
Materials and Methods
The study was performed in 17 organic farrow-to-finish herds in Germany. An interview with the farmer was performed using a standardised questionnaire, containing closed and open-ended questions on anthelmintic treatment, cleaning and disinfectant measures, documentation of production and management data and diagnostic measures on farm-level. Furthermore, 10 faecal samples per farm, taken twice during spring and autumn, were collected from fatteners. They were examined within 12-24 h after collection for nematode egg counts per gram of faeces (EPG) using the 'Concentration McMaster technique' with saturated sodium chloride solution (detection limit: 20 EPG; Roepstorff & Nansen, 1999). A total number of 326 fatteners were sampled. Data were categorised to evaluate the relationship between hygiene management and parasite infection using the Fisher-Yates-Test.
Fatteners were routinely treated with anthelmintics on 8 of the 17 farms. Anthelmintics most frequently used in fatteners were (pro)benzimidazoles (75%). Strongylid infections were detected in 58.8% of the herds with a mean within-farm prevalence of 30.3% (Tab. 1). Ascaris (A.) suum and Trichuris suis eggs were detected in 21 and 9.8% of faecal samples of fatteners, respectively. Coccidia infections were diagnosed in 88% of the farms.
The hygiene management showed a high variation between the farms (Fig. 1). Only half of the farmers performed wet cleaning in their fattening units (n=8), whereas two farmers did not clean the stables at all. 15 of the total number of 17 farmers made no use of chemical disinfectant measures versus endoparasites. However, no egg-shedding of A. suum and strongyles was detected in three of these 15 herds. Four additional herds were free of strongyles.
Results show that farms varied to a high degree with respect to the prevalence of endoparasite infection and the implementation of hygiene measures. In contrast to expectancy, the prevalence rate of Ascaris suum infection was on a low level in comparison to other studies (Carstensen et al., 2002; Eijck & Borgsteede, 2005). No correlation was found between hygienic procedures and the occurrence of parasite infection, confirming previous results from Roepstorff et al. (1999). Thus, those farms who use comprehensive hygiene measures are not necessarily gaining the best results with respect to parasite infection. It is concluded that farm specific control and feedback mechanism are required to minimize both endoparasite infections and efforts to control them
Corporate Effective Tax Rates in an Enlarged European Union
This paper offers an assessment of European corporate tax regimes using forward-looking indicators for corporate investment based on the Devereux-Griffith methodology. It draws on time series of average effective tax rates (EATR) using a detailed set of tax parameters for 27 EU Member States as well as some important non-EU countries. The analysis shows that over time the reduction in the corporate effective average tax rates (EATR) was lower than for the corporate statutory rates and the figures suggest that simple corporate tax base broadening by means of less generous capital allowances is not a sufficient explanation for this phenomenon. Finally, it is shown that the tax gap between the old and new EU Member States has grown over time and even accelerated after accession.European Union, effective tax rate, effective tax burden, corporate taxation, company taxation.
Status quo of animal health of sows and piglets in organic farms
In an ongoing study, which focuses on the implementation of animal health plans in organic pig production, the status quo of animal health of sows and piglets in 20 organic farms in Germany was assessed. Standard livestock data showed distinct variations. The on-farm assessment brought up weak-points in hygienic, nutritional and animal health management. Gathered data will be used to develop stock customized optimisation strategies with the aim to achieve superior health standards, including an assembly of cost- benefit relationships
Diagnostic of post-weaning diarrhoea on the farm level
Post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) is a multi-factorial disease. Clinical symptoms are often linked to a combination of different factors such as specific pathogens, low feed intake after weaning, low hygiene, low age at weaning, low piglet live weight at weaning, and a high number of piglets per pen (Madec et al., 1998). Although organically reared piglets are, in general, six weeks of age at weaning, and are kept with a high space allowance, post-weaning diarrhoea is a severe problem in organic pig production (Bonde & Sörensen, 2006; Sundrum et al., 2010). Due to restrictions in the use of antibiotics in organic livestock production, there is a need to focus primarily on the implementation of preventive measures. When health problems are recognised, it is of high importance to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the farm-specific causes. The objective of this study was to identify the presence of pathogens and enterotoxins in weaners with PWD in comparison to clinical healthy weaners within the same group.
Materials and Methods
Case studies were performed on six organic sow herds in Germany, affected with PWD problems. Clinical examinations and data on Critical Control Points (CCPs) regarding performance data, hygiene management, feeding regime, and medicine usage were assessed on the farms. Piglets were housed in stables with outdoor runs. Weaning age averaged 44.8 days. To assess the bacteriological infection status, faecal swabs were taken per rectum from five clinical healthy and five piglets suffering from postweaning diarrhoea on each farm, respectively. Faecal samples were bacteriologically examined for the content of non-haemolytic and haemolytic E. coli which were subsequently tested for the presence of virulence genes for heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, Stx toxins and fimbriae using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Casey & Bosworth, 2009).
Concerning the CCPs, all farms showed more or less severe deficits in the hygiene management and in the nutrient regime, although varying in their details considerably between the farms. Laboratory analyses provided proof for the presence of different strains of E. coli (Tab. 1) and their associated enterotoxins. Non-haemolytic and haemolytic Escherichia coli were detected to a high degree in weaners with diarrhea and clinical healthy weaners within the same group (Fig. 1). There was, however, no significant difference between healthy and diseased piglets neither in relation to the presence of pathogens nor in relation to the associated enterotoxins (p>0.05), whereas the toxin pattern (LT = heat-labile; ST = heat-stable) differed markedly between the farms.
Identification of pathogens and their virulence genes provides only little diagnostic information when striving for appropriate preventive measures. Investigations should be directed in the first place towards the impact of hygiene management and feeding regime on piglet susceptibility to GIT disorders and enteric infections. The development of adequate diagnostic tools to be used on the farm level should be enforced to enable appropriate and promptly counteractive measures
Hygienemanagement und Endoparasitenbefall auf 17 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Schweinemastbetrieben in Deutschland
Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Prävalenz von Endoparasiteninfektionen in 17 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Schweinemastbeständen sowie die Effektivität von Managementmaßnahmen hinsichtlich einer Reduktion des Befalls zu erfassen. Dazu wurde der Status quo zu durchgeführten Managementmaßnahmen im Gesundheitsvorsorge- und Hygienebereich mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens erfasst. Weiterhin wurden Kotproben von den Mastschweinen gezogen und auf ihren Gehalt an Nematodeneiern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen den untersuchten Betrieben eine große Variation hinsichtlich der Prävalenz von Endoparasiteninfektionen sowie der Umsetzung von Hygienemaßnahmen besteht. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen den durchgeführten Hygienemaßnahmen und der Belastung der Mastschweine mit Endoparasiten ermittelt werden. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass betriebsspezifische Kontroll- und Rückkopplungsmechanismen notwendig sind, um den Infektionsstatus sowie Ressourcen verbrauchende Bemühungen zur Kontrolle der Parasitenbelastung zu minimieren
Zum Einsatz von Raufutter bei Mastschweinen
Die EG-Verordnung 834/2007 zur ökologischen Landwirtschaft (EG-Öko-VO) schreibt eine tägliche Raufuttervorlage für Schweine vor. Raufutter wird in der Verordnung zur ökologi-schen Tierhaltung (EG-Nr. 1804/1999, Anhang 2, Teil C) definiert als: Luzerne (-grünmehl), Klee (-grünmehl), Grünfutter (gewonnen von Futterpflanzen), Grünmehl, Heu, Silage, Getreidestroh und Wurzelgemüse für Grünfutter. Trotz der vielfältigen Raufuttervarianten wird der Anforderung der Öko-Verordnung hinsichtlich der Verfütterung von Raufutter bis heute nicht flächendeckend Rechnung getragen. Der in der Praxis häufig geäußerten Argumentation, dass der Raufuttervorgabe bereits durch Stroh als Einstreu entsprochen werde, widersprechen allein futtermittelhygienische Vorgaben (EG-VO 183/2005).
Neben der Notwendigkeit zur Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Vorgabe der EG-Öko-VO sprechen vor allem die zu erwartenden gesundheitsfördernden Wirkungen von Raufuttermitteln für deren Einsatz in der ökologischen (Mast-) Schweinehaltung. Auch das Verhalten der Tiere wird durch deutliche Minderung von Aggressionen und Stereotypien positiv beeinflusst. Ferner dient die Raufuttergabe der Verbesserung der Nutzung von betriebseigenen Ressourcen und der Verringerung des Futtermittelzukaufs.
Den positiven Wirkungen stehen allerdings erhebliche Nachteile in Form von arbeitswirtschaftlichen und teilweise monetären Mehraufwendungen für Anbau, Ernte, Lagerung und Fütterungstechniken für die Vorlage von Raufutter gegenüber. Des Weiteren geht der Einsatz von rohfaserreichen Futterbestandteilen mit einer Verringerung der Energiekonzentration im Futter und einer Reduzierung der Energieverdaulichkeit der Gesamtration einher.
Ökologische Schweinemastbetriebe sollten versuchen, das Beste aus dem Nutzungspotential von Raufutter zu machen, da spätestens mit Auslauf bisheriger Übergangsregelungen am En-de des Jahres 2010 die Argumente für die Nichtbeachtung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben entfallen
Should we include margins of error in public opinion polls?
Public opinion polls have become vital and increasingly visible parts of election campaigns. Previous research has frequently demonstrated that polls can influence both citizens' voting intentions and political parties' campaign strategies. However, they are also fraught with uncertainty. Margins of error can reflect (parts of) this uncertainty. This paper investigates how citizens' voting intentions change due to whether polling estimates are presented with or without margins of error. Using a vignette experiment (N=3224), we examine this question based on a real-world example in which different election polls were shown to nationally representative respondents ahead of the 2021 federal election in Germany. We manipulated the display of the margins of error, the interpretation of polls and the closeness of the electoral race. The results indicate that margins of error can influence citizens' voting intentions. This effect is dependent on the actual closeness of the race and additional interpretative guidance provided to voters. More concretely, the results consistently show that margins of error increase citizens' inclination to vote for one of the two largest contesting parties if the polling gap between these parties is small, and an interpretation underlines this closeness. The findings of this study are important for three reasons. First, they help to determine whether margins of error can assist citizens in making more informed (strategic) vote decisions. They shed light on whether depicting opinion-poll uncertainty affects the key features of representative democracy, such as democratic accountability. Second, the results stress the responsibility of the media. The way polls are interpreted and contextualized influences the effect of margins of error on voting behaviour. Third, the findings of this paper underscore the significance of including methodological details when communicating scientific research findings to the broader public
Empfehlungen zum Einsatz des klassisch-homöopathischen Behandlungsverfahrens bei der Therapie der akuten katarrhalischen Mastitis des Rindes
The EU-Regulation (No. 2092/91) postulates that homeopathic and phytotherapeutic remedies shall be used in preference to allopathic products chemically synthesised, provided that their therapeutic effect is proven. However, in the literature only few scientific data are available. The objective of a clinical control trial was to examine the effectiveness of the classical homeopathic treatment in the case of bovine clinical mastitis in comparison to the chemotherapeutic treatment and to a control group given a placebo. In the trial only cases of mild or moderate acute clinical mastitis caused by environmental associated pathogens and cases with negative bacteriological result in the milk sample were enclosed. A number of 147 quarters affected with acute clinical mastitis were treated. 56 days after beginning of the treatment, 30.8% of the cows with positive bacteriological status at day 0 given homeopathic treatment were cured in contrast to 4.3% in the placebo-group. The chemotherapeutic treatment resulted in 24.1% cured cases. The differences in healing between the homeopathic and the placebo group were significant (p<0.05), while the difference between the homeopathic and chemotherapeutic therapy regime was not. The results indicate that there is a therapeutic effect of homeopathic treatment in case of mild or moderate clinical mastitis, but the proof of effectiveness is closely related to the inclusion criteria and to the comprehensive procedure of diagnosis
Untersuchungen zur Pathovar-Prävalenz beim Escherichia coli- bedingten Durchfall neugeborener Saugferkel in ökologisch wirtschaftenden Ferkelerzeugerbetrieben
Saugferkeldurchfall ist eine Faktorenkrankheit, die durch Tierverluste, Wachstumsdepressionen und zusätzlichen therapeutischen Aufwand zu großen wirtschaftlichen Einbußen in der Ferkelproduktion führt. Im Zuge des vorgestellten Forschungsprojekts wurden 699 Kotproben von Saugferkeln mit Durchfall aus 258 Würfen von 18 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Ferkelerzeugerbetrieben auf enterotoxische Escherichia coli (ETEC), Clostridium (Cl.) perfringens, Rotaviren und Kokzidien untersucht. Außerdem wurden 369 Kotproben von Sauen und 419 Proben von gesunden Ferkeln auf Cl. perfringens untersucht. Eine Genotypisierung aller kulturell angezüchteten Cl. perfringens Isolate mittels RAPD-PCR sowie eine MLST von 8 Isolaten schlossen sich an.
In 39,5% der erkrankten Würfe wurde Cl. perfringens Typ A nachgewiesen, welches damit der am häufigsten nachgewiesene Durchfallerreger war. 89,7% der Cl. perfringens Typ A Isolate wurden positiv auf das β2-Toxingen getestet. Rotaviren traten in 27,6% und Kokzidien in 20,0% der erkrankten Würfe auf, während ETEC mit 7,7% unerwartet selten diagnostiziert wurden. Cl. perfringens Typ C wurde in keiner Probe nachgewiesen. Auffällig ist, dass die Nachweisrate für Cl. perfringens Typ A bei gesunden Saugferkeln mit 58,9% über der bei erkrankten Saugferkeln liegt und dass nur 8,6% der Cl. perfringens Typ A Isolate von Sauen das β2-Toxingen tragen, welches in 94,2% aller Isolate von Saugferkeln (gesund und erkrankt) nachgewiesen wurde. Diese Erkenntnis deutet darauf hin, dass die Rolle der Sau als Infektionsquelle für die Saugferkel in Hinblick auf Cl. perfringens bisher überschätzt wurde. Die Genotypisierung der Cl. perfringens Typ A Isolate mittels RAPD offenbart eine hohe genetische Diversität der Isolate.
Ferner geht aus einer Befragung der Betriebsleiter hervor, dass auf den meisten der teilnehmenden Betriebe erhebliche Defizite bei der Durchführung von Hygienemaßnahmen im Abferkelstall sowie Überwachung von Geburtsverlauf und Kolostrumaufnahme bestehen
Einfluss der Raufutterfütterung von tragenden Sauen auf die Reproduktionsleistungen von Sauen und deren Ferkel
Fünf verschiedene Raufuttermittel mit unterschiedlichem Gehalt an Rohfaser und Umsetzbarer Energie wurden ad libitum an tragenden Sauen mit restriktiver Kraftfuttergabe im Vergleich zur einer Kontrollgruppe ohne Raufuttervorlage vorgelegt. Um den Einfluss der Raufutteraufnahme auf die Leistung der Sauen in der Trage- und Säugezeit zu untersuchen, wurde die Körpermasse, Rückenspeckdicke und Körperkondition mittels Body Condition Scoring erfasst. Die Anzahl lebend und tot geborener Ferkel sowie deren Gewicht wurde 12 h nach der Geburt aufgenommen. Die Anzahl abgesetzter Ferkel wurde ermittelt sowie das Absetzwurfgewicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Sauenkonstitution während der Tragezeit und im Lebendmasseverlust oder Body Condition Score in der Säugezeit. Die Anzahl der abgesetzten Ferkel war signifikant höher (p<0,05) in der Kontrollgruppe, wohingegen das individuelle Ferkelabsetzgewicht signifikant höher war in den Gruppen, die Heu, Kleegrassilage und Topinamburknollen in der Tragezeit bekamen
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