90 research outputs found

    Associations between mentally-passive and mentally-active sedentary behaviours during adolescence and psychological distress during adulthood.

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    It is unclear if different types of sedentary behaviour during the adolescence are differentially associated with psychological distress during adolescence and adulthood. It is also unknown what may mediate this potential proposed association. The current study aimed to analyse the association of mentally-active and mentally-passive sedentary behaviours during adolescence (16y) with subsequent psychological distress during adulthood (42y), and to examine the role of potential mediators (42y). Data from the 1970 British Cohort Study was used (N = 1787). At age 16y participants reported time and frequency in mentally-passive (TV-viewing and watching movies) and mentally-active (reading books, doing homework and playing computer games) sedentary behaviours, psychological distress and organized sports participation. At 42y, participants reported cognition (vocabulary test), TV-viewing, psychological distress, self-rated health, body mass index and employment status. Education was collected throughout the follow-up years. Logistic regression and mediation models assessed associations. Multiple imputation using chained equations was used to assess the impact of missing data. Mentally-passive sedentary behaviour in adolescence was a risk factor for psychological distress during adulthood in complete-cases analysis [OR:1.44(95%CI:1.09-1.90)], which was confirmed by the model with multiple imputation. Mentally-active sedentary behaviour at 16y was not associated with psychological distress at 42y. Adult TV-viewing during weekends (24.7%), and self-rated health (19.0%) mediated the association between mentally-passive sedentary behaviour during adolescence and psychological distress during adulthood. However, the mediation was not clear in the models with multiple imputation. Mentally-passive sedentary behaviour during adolescence was associated with elevated psychological distress during adulthood and this association was mediated TV-viewing and self-rated health in adulthood

    The association between physical activity and mental health during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review

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    © The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Introduction: The Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic affected countries worldwide and has changed peoples' lives. A reduction in physical activity and increased mental health problems were observed, mainly in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this systematic review aims to examine the association between physical activity and mental health during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: In July 2021, a search was applied to PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Eligibility criteria included cross-sectional, prospective, and longitudinal study designs and studies published in English; outcomes included physical activity and mental health (e.g., depressive symptoms, anxiety, positive and negative effects, well-being). Results: Thirty-one studies were included in this review. Overall, the studies suggested that higher physical activity is associated with higher well-being, quality of life as well as lower depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress, independently of age. There was no consensus for the optimal physical activity level for mitigating negative mental symptoms, neither for the frequency nor for the type of physical activity. Women were more vulnerable to mental health changes and men were more susceptive to physical activity changes. Conclusion: Physical activity has been a good and effective choice to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health policies should alert for possibilities to increase physical activity during the stay-at-home order in many countries worldwide.AI acknowledges support from the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES – Overcoming vulnerability: life course perspectives, granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number: 51NF40-185901). AI acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number: 10001C_189407). André Werneck is supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) with a PhD scholarship (FAPESP process: 2019/24124-7).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathways to Increasing Adolescent Physical Activity and Wellbeing: A Mediation Analysis of Intervention Components Designed Using a Participatory Approach.

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    We assessed which intervention components were associated with change in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and wellbeing through proposed psychosocial mediators. Eight schools (n = 1319; 13-14 years) ran GoActive, where older mentors and in-class-peer-leaders encouraged classes to conduct two new activities/week; students gained points and rewards for activity. We assessed exposures: participant-perceived engagement with components (post-intervention): older mentorship, peer leadership, class sessions, competition, rewards, points entered online; potential mediators (change from baseline): social support, self-efficacy, group cohesion, friendship quality, self-esteem; and outcomes (change from baseline): accelerometer-assessed MVPA (min/day), wellbeing (Warwick-Edinburgh). Mediation was assessed using linear regression models stratified by gender (adjusted for age, ethnicity, language, school, BMI z-score, baseline values), assessing associations between (1) exposures and mediators, (2) exposures and outcomes (without mediators) and (3) exposure and mediator with outcome using bootstrap resampling. No evidence was found to support the use of these components to increase physical activity. Among boys, higher perceived teacher and mentor support were associated with improved wellbeing via various mediators. Among girls, higher perceived mentor support and perception of competition and rewards were positively associated with wellbeing via self-efficacy, self-esteem and social support. If implemented well, mentorship could increase wellbeing among adolescents. Teacher support and class-based activity sessions may be important for boys' wellbeing, whereas rewards and competition warrant consideration among girls

    Inhibition of Spore Germination and Appressorium Formation of Rust Species by Plant and Fungal Metabolites.

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    Eight fungal and plant metabolites belonging to different classes of naturally occurring compounds, a 24-oxa[14]-cytochalasan as cytochalasin B (1), a trisubstituted isocoumarin as 6-hydroxymellein (2), a tetracyclic pimarane diterpene as sphaeropsidin A (3), a chalcone as cavoxin (4), a pentasubstituted benzofuranone as cyclopaldic acid (5), a bicyclic-sesquiterpene as inuloxin A (6), a epipolythiopiperazine as gliotoxin (7) and a cyclohexene epoxide as epi-epoformin (8), were tested for their effectiveness in reducing early stages of development of several major rust fungi from the genera Puccinia and Uromyces. Spore germination and appressoria formation were assessed on pre-treated detached leaves, under controlled conditions. Among the various metabolites evaluated, compounds 5 and 8 were the most effective in inhibiting fungal germination and penetration of all rust species studied at values comparable with those obtained by fungicide application, while compound 4 was phytotoxic to plant leaves at any concentration tested

    Association of change in the school travel mode with changes in different physical activity intensities and sedentary time: A International Children's Accelerometry Database Study.

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    Our aim was to assess the association between changes in active travel to school and changes in different intensities of physical activity (i.e. moderate - MPA and vigorous - VPA) and time spent sedentary (SED) among adolescents and assess the moderating effect of children's sex, age and weight status. Data from six cohort studies in the International Children's Accelerometry Database were used (4108 adolescents aged 10-13y at baseline, with 1.9±0.7y of follow-up). Participants self-reported travel mode to school at baseline and follow-up. Mutually exclusive categories of change were created using passive (e.g. by car) or active (cycling or walking) forms of transport (active/active, passive/active, active/passive, passive/passive). Multilevel linear regression analyses assessed associations with change in accelerometer-assessed time spent MPA, VPA and SED, adjusting for potential confounders. The moderation of sex, age and weight status was tested though interaction terms in the regression models. Relative to those remaining in active travel (active/active), participants classified as passive/active increased VPA (B: 2.23 min/d; 95%CI: 0.97-3.48), while active/passive (MPA: -5.38min/d; -6.77 to -3.98; VPA: -2.92min/d; -4.06 to -1.78) and passive/passive (MPA: -4.53min/d; -5.55 to -3.50; VPA: -2.84min/d; -3.68 to -2.01) decreased MPA and VPA. There were no associations with SED. An interaction was observed, age group moderated the association with change in VPA: among 12-13y-olds a greater increase in VPA was observed for the passive/active group compared to active/active. Promoting active travel to school can be a strategy to attenuate the decline in physical activity through adolescence

    Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns and sociodemographic correlates in 116,982 adults from six South American countries: the South American physical activity and sedentary behavior network (SAPASEN).

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    BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are major concerns for public health. Although global initiatives have been successful in monitoring physical activity (PA) worldwide, there is no systematic action for the monitoring of correlates of these behaviors, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Here we describe the prevalence and distribution of PA domains and sitting time in population sub-groups of six south American countries. METHODS: Data from the South American Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Network (SAPASEN) were used, which includes representative data from Argentina (n = 26,932), Brazil (n = 52,490), Chile (n = 3719), Ecuador (n = 19,851), Peru (n = 8820), and Suriname (n = 5170). Self-reported leisure time (≥150 min/week), (≥150 min/week), transport (≥10 min/week), and occupational PA total (≥10 min/week), as well as sitting time (≥4 h/day) were captured in each national survey. Sex, age, income, and educational status were exposures. Descriptive statistics and harmonized random effect meta-analyses were conducted. RESULTS: The prevalence of PA during leisure (Argentina: 29.2% to Peru: 8.6%), transport (Peru: 69.7% to Ecuador: 8.8%), and occupation (Chile: 60.4 to Brazil 18.3%), and ≥4 h/day of sitting time (Peru: 78.8% to Brazil: 14.8%) differed widely between countries. Moreover, total PA ranged between 60.4% (Brazil) and 82.9% (Chile) among men, and between 49.4% (Ecuador) and 74.9% (Chile) among women. Women (low leisure and occupational PA) and those with a higher educational level (low transportation and occupational PA as well as high sitting time) were less active. Concerning total PA, men, young and middle-aged adults of high educational status (college or more) were, respectively, 47% [OR = 0.53 (95% CI = 0.36-0.78), I2 = 76.6%], 25% [OR = 0.75 (95% CI = 0.61-0.93), I2 = 30.4%] and 32% [OR = 0.68 (95% CI = 0.47-1.00), I2 = 80.3%] less likely to be active. CONCLUSIONS: PA and sitting time present great ranges and tend to vary across sex and educational status in South American countries. Country-specific exploration of trends and population-specific interventions may be warranted

    Independent and combined associations of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, TV viewing, and physical activity with severe depressive symptoms among 59,402 adults

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    Objective: Our aim was to analyze the association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and depressive symptoms, as well as the extent to which TV viewing and physical activity moderate this association. Methods: We used cross-sectional data from the 2013 Brazilian National Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde) of 59,402 adults (33,482 women, mean age = 42.9 years, 95%CI 42.7-43.2 years). Depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), physical activity, TV viewing, and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, as well as potential confounders (chronological age, ethnicity, consumption of candy/sweets and fruit, multimorbidity, education, and employment status) were self-reported. Poisson regression models were used for association analyses. Results: The consumption of 16 or more glasses/week of sugar-sweetened beverages was associated with higher levels of severe depressive symptoms among women compared to no consumption (prevalence ratio [PR] 1.71 [95%CI 1.38-2.11]). Consistent interactions were observed between 1-5 glasses and TV viewing (PR 2.09 [95%CI 1.06-4.12]) and between 11-15 glasses and TV viewing (PR 2.90 [95%CI 1.29-6.50]) among men compared to no consumption, given that the co-occurrence of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and elevated TV viewing was associated with higher odds of severe depressive symptoms. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption did not interact with physical activity, only presenting an independent association. Conclusion: Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was independently associated with severe depressive symptoms among women and interacted with TV viewing, but not with physical activity among men

    Cohabitation and marriage during the transition between adolescence and emerging adulthood: A systematic review of changes in weight-related outcomes, diet and physical activity.

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    Our aim was to systematically review the effect of cohabitation and marriage on physical activity, diet and weight-related outcomes during emerging adulthood. A systematic search of six electronic databases was conducted until July 2019 (PROSPERO:CRD42018106943). Prospective studies were included if data were presented for a weight-related outcome, physical activity, and/or diet among 15-35 years-old participants assessed pre- and post-cohabitation or marriage and compared to a consistently non-cohabiting/non-married (single) reference group. Following title/abstract screening, two reviewers independently screened full-text and assessed risk of bias. There were 11 studies that met inclusion criteria. Outcomes included: body mass index (BMI) only (n = 3), physical activity only (n = 4), diet only (n = 2), BMI and physical activity (n = 1), and all outcomes (n = 1). Cohabitation or marriage was associated with greater BMI increases compared to remaining single among both men and women. Three studies analysed separately cohabitation and marriage and 3 of 4 found that only marriage was associated with higher BMI. Compared to being consistently single, starting cohabitation or getting married were associated with decreased physical activity in 2 of 4 studies among men and 4 of 6 studies among women, with no differences between marriage and cohabitation. Of the three studies examining change in diet, two showed no difference between individuals beginning to cohabit compared to those remaining single; without gender differences. Starting cohabitation and getting married may be valuable targets for weight management interventions, but more studies are needed to investigate the effect of cohabitation and marriage on health behaviours

    Body composition, strength static and isokinetic, and bone health: comparative study between active adults and amateur soccer players

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    The Centro de Investigação do Desporto e Actividade Física (Research Unit for the Study of Sport and Physical Activity, uid/dtp/04213/2019) is being funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. AOW is supported by São Paulo Research Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) process: 2017/27234-2.Objective: To compare tissue composition, total and regional bone mineral content and bone mineral density, static hand grip and knee joint isokinetic strength between amateur soccer players and Control Group. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Air displacement plethysmography was used to estimate body volume and, in turn, density. Body composition, bone mineral content and bone mineral density were assessed for the whole body and at standardized regions using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Static grip strength was assessed with an adjustable dynamometer, and peak torque derived from isokinetic strength dynamometer (concentric muscular knee actions at 60°/s). Magnitude of the differences between groups was examined using d-Cohen. Results: Compared to healthy active adults, soccer players showed larger values of whole body bone mineral content (+651g; d=1.60; p<0.01). In addition, differences between groups were large for whole body bone mineral density (d=1.20 to 1.90; p<0.01): lumbar spine, i.e. L1-L4 (+19.4%), upper limbs (+8.6%) and lower limbs (+16.8%). Soccer players attained larger mean values in strength test given by static hand grip protocol (+5.6kg, d=0.99; p<0.01). Conclusion: Soccer adequately regulates body composition and is associated better bone health parameters (bone mineral content and density at whole-body and at particular sites exposed to mechanical loadings).Objetivo: Comparar a composição de tecidos, o conteúdo mineral ósseo e a densidade mineral óssea totais e por regiões do corpo, a força de preensão manual estática, e força isocinética da articulação do joelho, entre um grupo de jogadores de futebol amadores e um Grupo Controle. Métodos: Estudo transversal utilizando pletismografia de ar deslocado para estimar o volume corporal, para subsequente cálculo da densidade corporal. A composição de tecidos, o conteúdo mineral ósseo e a densidade mineral óssea foram avaliados para o corpo todo e regiões padronizadas através da absorciometria de raios-X de dupla energia. A força de preensão manual estática foi avaliada por um dinamômetro ajustável. Os momentos máximos de força das ações musculares concêntricas para os extensores e flexores do joelho foram avaliados pela dinamometria isocinética (60°/s). Foi calculado o valor d-Cohen para apreciar a magnitude do efeito das diferenças entre grupos. Resultados: Os futebolistas apresentaram níveis superiores de conteúdo mineral ósseo em comparação com os adultos ativos do Grupo Controle (+651g; d=1,60; p<0,01) e obtiveram valores superiores de densidade mineral óssea (d: 1,20 a 1,90; p<0,01) para a coluna lombar, L1-L4 (+19,4%), membros superiores (+8,6%) e membros inferiores (+16,8%). Para a força de preensão (estática) a diferença foi moderada (d=0,99; p<0,01) com valores mais elevados apresentados pelo futebolistas (+5,6kg; d=0,99; p<0,01). Conclusão: A prática de futebol promove uma regulação adequada da composição corporal (tecidos magro e gordo) e ganhos na densidade mineral óssea, mais acentuada em partes do corpo com maior exposição aos impactos mecânicos da atividade motora.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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