26 research outputs found

    De mogelijkheid van ondertoezichtstelling van het nog ongeboren kind bij twijfels over de veiligheid van de thuissituatie

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    Requests to place an unborn child under formal supervision was made in the course of two pregnancies. The first woman was 27 years old, she had a history of schizophrenia, forensic psychiatric care, and a personality disorder with impulsive aggressive behaviour. The second patient was 36 years old. She had a bipolar disorder due to which her firstborn had been placed in foster care. In the first case, formal supervision for the unborn child ensued. In the second case the request was initially denied, but due to the disordered domestic situation was granted ten days after birth. Prior to birth, a relevant risk assessment based on maternal characteristics can be made. In the Netherlands it is possible to place a foetus under formal supervision after 24 weeks gestation. This may prevent hospitalization of a healthy newborn in an unhealthy environment which is poor in stimuli. It also prevents the stressful situation that may arise when parents threaten to take their newborn child from the hospital, pending the inquiry into the domestic situatio

    Maternal use of SSRIs, SNRIs and NaSSAs: practical recommendations during pregnancy and lactation

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly used during pregnancy and lactation, with 1.8-2.8% exposed pregnancies. Given the risks of untreated maternal depression for both mother and child, adequate treatment is essential. If pharmacological treatment with SSRIs is indicated, the fetal and neonatal effects of SSRIs have to be considered, as SSRIs cross the placenta and are excreted into breast milk. The overall risk of major congenital malformations during SSRI exposure in the first trimester does not appear to be greatly increased. Depending on the variability in pharmacokinetic properties between the different SSRIs and the individual drug metabolism of mother and child, SSRI exposure during late pregnancy can lead to serotonin reuptake inhibitor-related symptoms in up to 30% of exposed infants postnatally. Symptoms are generally mild and self-limited, but need observation during at least 48 h as some infants develop severe symptoms needing intervention. Limited data are available about the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after SSRI exposure during pregnancy and lactation, but currently, cognitive development seems normal, while behavioural abnormalities may be increased. In this article, the available clinical data are reviewed. Additionally, the authors provide a multidisciplinary guideline for the monitoring and management of neonates exposed to SSRIs during pregnancy and lactatio

    Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Alpha in an 18-Month-Old Girl: Clinical, Therapeutic, and Molecular Characteristics

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    Recently, the first patients with resistance to thyroid hormone alpha (RTHα) due to inactivating mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor alpha (TRα) were identified. These patients are characterized by growth retardation, variable motor and cognitive defects, macrocephaly, and abnormal thyroid function tests. The objective was to characterize a young girl (18 months old) with a mutation in both TRα1 and TRα2, and to study the effects of early levothyroxine (LT4) treatment. The patient was assessed clinically and biochemically before and during 12 months of LT4 treatment. In addition, the consequences of the mutation for TRα1/2 receptor function were studied in vitro. At 18 months of age, the patient presented with axial hypotonia, delayed motor development, severe growth retardation, and abnormally elevated triiodothyronine (T3)/thyroxine (T4) ratios. RTHα was suspected, and concomitantly a c.632A>G/p.D211G missense mutation was identified, affecting both the TRα1 and TRα2 proteins. This mutation was also found in the girl's father. LT4 treatment was started, resulting in a marked improvement of her hypotonia, motor skills, and growth. Functionally, the missense mutation led to decreased transcriptional activity of TRα1, which could be overcome by higher T3 levels in vitro. The mutant TRα1 showed a moderate dominant negative activity on wild type (WT) TRα1. In contrast, WT TRα2 and mutant TRα2 had negligible transcriptional activity and showed no dominant-negative effect over TRα1. This report describes the phenotype of a young RTHα patient with a mild TRα mutation before and during early LT4 treatment. Treatment had beneficial effects on her muscle tone, motor development, and growt