6 research outputs found

    Identifying residence times and streamflow generation processes using ?18O and ?2H in meso-scale catchments in the Abay/Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia

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    Measurements of the stable isotopes oxygen-18 (18O) and deuterium (2H) were carried out in two meso-scale catchments, Chemoga (358 km2) and Jedeb (296 km2) south of Lake Tana, Abay/Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. The region is of paramount importance for the water resources in the Nile basin. Stable isotope composition in precipitation, spring water and streamflow were analyzed (i) to characterize the spatial and temporal variations of water fluxes; (ii) to estimate the mean residence time of water using a sine wave regression approach; and (iii) to identify runoff components using classical two component hydrograph separations at a seasonal time scale. The results show that the isotopic composition of precipitation exhibit marked seasonal variations, which suggests different sources of moisture generation for the rainfall in the study area. The Atlantic–Indian ocean, Congo basin, and the Sud swamps are the likely the potential moisture source areas during the main rainy (summer) season. While, the Indian–Arabian, and Mediterranean Sea moisture source areas during little rain (spring), and dry (winter) seasons. The spatial variation of the isotopic composition is affected by the amount effect and to less extent by altitude and temperature effects. A mean altitude effect of ?0.12\u89 (100 m)?1 for 18O and ?0.58\u89 (100 m)?1 for 2H were discernable in precipitation isotope composition. The seasonal variations of the isotopic signature of the spring water exhibit a damped response as compared to the river waters, which shows that the spring water has longer residence times than the river water. Results from the hydrograph separation at a seasonal time scale indicate the dominance of event water with an average of 71% and 64% of the total runoff during the wet season in the Chemoga and Jedeb catchment, respectively. The stable isotope compositions of streamflow samples were damped compared to the input function of precipitation for both catchments and this damping was used to estimate mean residence times of stream water of 4.1 and 6.0 months at the Chemoga and Jedeb catchment outlet, respectively. Short mean residence times and high proportions of event water components suggest catchment management measure aiming at reduction of overland flow/soil erosion and increasing of soil water retention and recharge to enable sustainable development in these agricultural dominated catchments.Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Synthesis on evaporation partitioning using stable isotopes

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    Water ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    What Do Plants Leave after Summer on the Ground?: The Effect of Afforested Plants in Arid Environments

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    The implementation of afforestation programs in arid environments in northern China had modified the natural vegetation patterns. This increases the evaporation flux; however, the influence of these new covers on the soil water conditions is poorly understood. This work aims to describe the effect of Willow bushes (Salix psammophila C. Wang and Chang Y. Yang) and Willow trees (Salix matsudana Koidz.) on the soil water conditions after the summer. Two experimental plots located in the Hailiutu catchment (Shaanxi province, northwest China), and covered with plants of each species, were monitored during Autumn in 2010. The monitoring included the soil moisture, fine root distribution and transpiration fluxes that provided information about water availability, access and use by the plants. Meanwhile, the monitoring of stable water isotopes collected from precipitation, soil water, groundwater and xylem water linked the water paths. The presence of Willow trees andWillow bushes reduce the effect of soil evaporation after summer, increasing the soil moisture respect to bare soil conditions. Also, the presence of soil water with stable water isotope signatures close to groundwater reflect the hydraulic lift process. This is an indication of soil water redistribution carried out by both plant species.Water Resource

    Assessment of surface water resources availability using catchment modelling and the results of tracer studies in the mesoscale Migina Catchment, Rwanda

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    In the present study, we developed a catchment hydrological model which can be used to inform water resources planning and decision making for better management of the Migina Catchment (257.4 km2). The semi-distributed hydrological model HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center – the Hydrologic Modelling System) (version 3.5) was used with its soil moisture accounting, unit hydrograph, liner reservoir (for baseflow) and Muskingum–Cunge (river routing) methods. We used rainfall data from 12 stations and streamflow data from 5 stations, which were collected as part of this study over a period of 2 years (May 2009 and June 2011). The catchment was divided into five sub-catchments. The model parameters were calibrated separately for each sub-catchment using the observed streamflow data. Calibration results obtained were found acceptable at four stations with a Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency index (NS) of 0.65 on daily runoff at the catchment outlet. Due to the lack of sufficient and reliable data for longer periods, a model validation was not undertaken. However, we used results from tracer-based hydrograph separation from a previous study to compare our model results in terms of the runoff components. The model performed reasonably well in simulating the total flow volume, peak flow and timing as well as the portion of direct runoff and baseflow. We observed considerable disparities in the parameters (e.g. groundwater storage) and runoff components across the five sub-catchments, which provided insights into the different hydrological processes on a sub-catchment scale. We conclude that such disparities justify the need to consider catchment subdivisions if such parameters and components of the water cycle are to form the base for decision making in water resources planning in the catchmentWater ManagementCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Contribution of understory evaporation in a tropical wet forest during the dry season

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    Tropical wet forests are complex ecosystems with a large number of plant species. These environments are characterized by a high water availability throughout the whole year and a complex canopy structure. However, how the different sections of the canopy contribute to total evaporation is poorly understood. The aim of this work is to estimate the total evaporation flux and differentiate the contribution among canopy layers of a tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. The fluxes were monitored during the dry season by making use of the energy balance to quantify the fluxes and stable water isotopes to trace the sources of water vapor. Total evaporation was 275.5 mm and represents 55.9 % of the recorded precipitation (498.8 mm), with 11.7 % of the precipitation being intercepted and evaporated along the forest canopy. The understory beneath 8 m contributed 23.6 % of the evaporation, and almost half of it comes from the first 2 m of the understory. Stable water isotope signatures show different soil water sources depending on the plant type. Palms make use of a water source with an isotope signature similar to precipitation and throughfall. Soil water with a fractionated signature is used by trees, bushes and lianas. The isotope signature of water vapor samples overlap among different heights, but it was not possible to make use of the Keeling plot method due to the similar isotope signature of the possible sources of water vapor as well as the high water concentration even on the dryer days.Water Resource

    Measuring changes in forest floor evaporation after prescribed burning in Southern Italy pine plantations

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    Wildfires are a growing concern in the Mediterranean area. Prescribed burning (PB) is often used to reduce fire risk, through fine fuel reduction. However, the monitoring of PB effects on ecosystem processes is mandatory before its spread. This study aims to assess hydrological effects of PB on the topsoil by controlled laboratory experiments. The evaporation flux successive to interception of a simulated rain in the litter and the fermentation layers was determined using both a water balance approach and an experimental 2H and 18O isotopes mass balance approach. PB was performed in spring 2014 in three Southern Italy pine plantations, dominated, respectively, by Pinus pinea L. (in Castel Volturno Nature State Reserve), P. halepensis Mill. (in Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni National Park) and P. pinaster Ait. (in Tirone Alto-Vesuvio Nature State Reserve). In each study site, two cores, both including litter and fermentation layers, were sampled, 18 months after PB, in burned and in near unburned (control) areas, respectively, by means of customized collectors allowing to extract “undisturbed” cores. Afterwards, each core was moved into a lysimeter set-up in the laboratory, under controlled conditions (temperature of 22 °C, relative humidity of 50%), to carry out duplicate infiltration and evaporation experiments. To simulate rainfall, 1 L of tap water (=32 mm of rain) was sprinkled uniformly on the litter layer in the lysimeter and intercepted water from the litter and fermentation layer was collected for isotope analysis at two different depths for each layer, two times per day until 2 days after the rain simulation. The results of the water balance and isotope mass balance showed a slightly lower evaporation of intercepted water from the forest floor in burned areas, compared to unburned ones, but in most cases not statistically significant. The isotopic profiles of 2H and 18O also confirmed independently this finding, since they showed more enrichment in the unburned areas compared to the areas treated with PB. This could be due to thinner litter layers in burned areas of the three plantations, at least up to 18 months after treatment.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Water Resource