29 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 2, 1952

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    Bishop Corson is speaker at Baccalaureate • Curtain Club, Alpha Psi pick remainder of next year\u27s slate • WAA honors six • Barbara Crawford, Marg. Donaldson attain top honors • Ursinus alumni meet to enjoy reunions • English Club picks Lukens • New cheerleaders chosen • Board selects Armstrong for Dean position • Professor discovers physics lab theft • Richter heads Pi Gamma Mu • Dr. James Creese speaks as 172 receive degrees • Cub and Key elects officers • MSGA holds final meeting; Case of plagiarism discussed • WSGA chooses committee • Editorials: Tribute; Individualism • Engagements • Letters to the editor • Frats choose officers • Bears close season with 9-5 victory over Lehigh • Baseball averages • Cinder men defeat F&M on Mewing\u27s last jump • Rosicrucians elect Scharf • Chem club chooses leaders • Sororities elect officers • Music Club elects headhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1545/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 7, 1952

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    Students asked to submit roster choices • Twelve outstanding seniors elected as members of college Who\u27s Who • Schedule presented for Ruby pictures • Y news • Alpha Psi Omega greets new members • Music Club concert to be given Thursday • Trip canceled • Sigma Nu, Beta Sig entertain children • I. R. C. hears Rudloff; Ann Knauer to speak • Visual aid lecture listed for future teachers • Forum speaker lists topic for Wednesday night • Navy recruiter plans interviews for seniors • Editorials: There\u27s still time; New Year topic is war • Engagements • Idea for Student Union at Ursinus gets impetus • Delaware favored in court race • PMC downs Bears in league opener • Schedule announced for badminton season • Grapplers open campaign with win over Mules • Pharmacy hands Bears third loss, 70-53https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1531/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 14, 1952

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    MSGA plans for evaluation of professors • Alumni to hear Dr. Furbay speak • Language table meets • Sophs, freshmen draw up petitions; Deadline April 16 • Plans made to stop cheating • Library acquires new books • Operetta Sari scheduled for this weekend • Cultural Olympics rate play highly • French Club entertained • Jean Shepherd speaks at annual Weekly banquet: KYW disc jockey presents radio difficulties, problems • Heads named for YMCA • Late permissions discussed in WSGA meeting • Eight members to represent Pi Gamma Mu at Albright • IRC hears Ulbricht • German Club to hold hunt • Editorials: The passive student; Truman\u27s steel seizure wrong • Dean of Men leads busy life • Bruin team drops opener by last inning Ford rally • Ed Dawkins wins in Olympic tryout • Bob Swett elected captain • Former Ursinus star honored • Vermont\u27s new citizenshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1540/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 15, 1952

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    Chapel cutting rule discussed by MSGA • Eleven outstanding seniors chosen from Ursinus for national Who\u27s Who • Whirlwind of Christmas fun in the offing • Promotions given for Fall players • Doctors Nye and Eger spoke at Dec. 9 pre-med meeting • Rev. Franz gives singing sermon at vespers service • Ursinus student attends NAM congress last week • WAA plans show for Feb. • Day Study holds party • Jan. 7 forum to be ballad singer Earl Spicer of N.Y. • Prom weekend fun for all • Editorials: Spirit or ghosts?; Christmas fun problem; Some ideas on compulsory chapel • Spirit Committee receives letter • Lantern\u27s Fall issue praised • Candlelight communion sponsored by Chi Alpha • Letters to the editor • Christmas carols • Blanzaco speaks to Canterbury Club • Reviewer praises Messiah performance • Engagements • The night before Christmas and all through our campus • Student defends finals; They are necessary evils • Belles end exciting season • Frank Kolp chosen gridiron captain • Bears top Textile 57-54 with thrilling comeback • Grapplers prepare for season opener • Bears rout Pharmacy 83-68 as Swett tabs 36 • Honored guest to speak tonighthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1509/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 9, 1950

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    Thespians pick Angel Street as Fall play • French Club sees slides of France • Alpha Phi Omega frat opens second year of campus activity • UN delegate from India to speak Friday at Philadelphia forum • McConnell to speak at Founders\u27 Day in Bomberger Hall • Sigma Rho formulates plans for 1950-51 terms • Y to conduct weekend retreat; Rally held Wednesday • Relax customs for frosh girls after stunt day • IRC hears speech on Chinese colleges • Four conferences held this Summer on Ursinus campus • Varsity Club to sponsor Old Timers\u27 Day dance • Czech to speak at first Forum on October 17 • Curtain Club adopts use of group system • Pre-legal society head issues call for people to join the group • WAA to sell Christmas supplies in girls\u27 dorms in near future • Editorial: Confusion or coordination?; From proposal to project • Letters to the editor • Doc Philip keeps Ursinus campus musical • Freshman is native of Spain • Stagg\u27s granddaughter enrolls in Junior class • Senior quartet wins appearance on TV; 51\u27ers celebrate triumph by singing • James Herbsleb chosen Pi Gamma Mu advisor • Millers\u27 Summer mixes work and play; Enjoy scenery and local peculiarities • New preceptress • Booters to open with Muhlenberg • Hockey team has seven returnees • Garrison\u27s arm carries Fords to 20-12 triumph • English professors to take to the stage in presentation of a series of readings • McKee plays part of invisible rabbit during Summer with Barnstormershttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1547/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 28, 1952

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    Ruth Reed is prom queen; Cub and Key taps four • Girls elect class representatives to WSGA and WAA • Y plans retreat for this weekend • Students pick MSGA men for next year • Navy man to be here tomorrow • New presidents elected for WAA, WSGA and Y • Day study girls pick new officers • Audience enjoys laughs at show • French Club to hold banquet • Classes elect officers for coming year • Spirit Committee chooses Armstrong as new chairman • Norristown Chemical Society to sponsor April 28 program • Pi Gamma Mu holds banquet • Editorials: Suggestion; Spinoza and Truman; U.S. has war attitude • Letters to the editor • Professor evaluation plan aired by poll • Engagements • TV professors make camera debuts; Thus, the educated housewife • Attention, girls: This may be last leap year! • Anderson hits grand slam as Bears whip F&M 12-7 • Girls\u27 tennis team defeats Swarthmore • Large group out for softball squad • Haverford beats Ursinus behind hurling of Wurster • Brodbeck shares lead with Stine • Ursinus blanked by Bryn Mawr, 5-0 • Rain cancels two diamond contests • Intramural crown captured by 944 • Mud-splattered track and rain mars Penn relays • Girls\u27 net squad drops first match • Temple University alumni honors Lt. Gov. L. H. Wood April 26 • Dr. C. D. Yost honored by PA. college English group • Music Club thanks directorhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1542/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 10, 1952

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    Faculty show begins Chest drive, Nov. 15 • Pancoast, Miller debate merits of Ike and Adlai • Jones speaks to freshman class • Group production judged success • Death takes holiday in Curtain Club play • Frosh officers disclosed; Ronald Hutchinson, prexy • Seniors plan for show and dances • Workers net $40 for Campus Chest • Steward resigns • Cheerleaders to take over plans for future pep rallies • Pre-meds take tour • Former Ursinus student dies in automobile accident • Editorials: Was this fun?; Let\u27s go, Band • Noble sportsmen • Letters to the editor • Rushees sign fraternity bids • New patriotism will help Ike • Bears face Juniata in last home tilt • Bakermen lose to Haverford • Bakermen blast LaSalle in home soccer tilt, 2-0 • Temple drops Belles, 5-2 • Chess Club wins, ties • Messiah to be Dec. 11 • Lantern chooses selectionshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1505/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 7, 1952

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    Members begin new duties on Weekly staff • New head waiters appointed • DeSola and Scott direct new drama • Bids for queen due April 18 • China subject of Forum talk • Ursinus student body favors Gen. Eisenhower for presidential post • Curtain group plays create startling effects • Group entertained at Norristown Y • Laura Bechtle announces chief May Day dancers • Committee picks WSGA, YWCA, WAA nominees • Players intensify Sari rehearsals • Cheating is topic at fireside chats • Bids circulated for MSGA, class officers • Seniors to contact Doughty if not measured for gowns • Women day students to hold sale of cakes for furniture • Editorials: Proud tradition; Good turnout; Truman withdrawal clears air • Baker and Miller discuss Taft • Singers to meet daily • Egg hunt to be held • Letters to the editor • Engagements • Dr. Yost reads from Alcott • Chemistry students attend Pittsburgh conference • Coed presents differences between Ursinus and an all girls\u27 college • Campus scribe writes letter to folks back home • Belles end season with easy win over Rosemont • Girls\u27 intramural semi-final tonight • Sal Parent new court captain • Girls\u27 court teams post near undefeated record • Track performers burning cinders • Cricket practice announced • Brodbeck captures intramural crown • Albright tilt washed out; Bears to open with Fords • Nine basketball letters awarded • Lantern deadline set • Ulbrich speaks at IRChttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1539/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 15, 1951

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    Henning W. Prentis slated as speaker at Founders\u27 Day program, October 24 • Chaplain first Forum speaker on October 31 • Curtain Club adds sixty new members at annual party • New preceptress in charge of 646 Main • 300 books added to Library collection • Piano recital date moved to Nov. 8 • Cub and Key honor given to Jay Kern • Y plans weekend trip, arranges fireside chats • Date announced for civil service exam • WAA to sell socks, Christmas cards • Soph class plans year; Informal dance Nov. 3 • French Club discusses plans • Rev. Creager to speak • Juniors to sponsor G. E. House of Magic • German Club schedules trips and welcomes Inge Rudloff • 12 students become psychology majors • Spirit Committee fans campus enthusiasm • Editorials: No complaints; British voters go to polls; McCarthy vs. free speech • Letter to the editor • Dorm initiations give jokers a release • So the frosh love customs? Scribes of 1955 reveal all • Dr. Miller\u27s family hits high spots in European tour • Four teams open intradorm football • Hockey and soccer are overshadowed, but fortunately have excellent leaders • Dickinson hands Ursinus season\u27s second defeat • Dr. Roelofs keeps athletes in shape • Garnet eleven will play host to Bears Saturday • Alumnae team is undefeated; Faces Owlettes on Saturday • Harry Spangler succeeds Gerry Seeders as head coach of Ursinus court team • Bears defeated by Stevens Tech • Rittenhouse, Feldt to manage girls intramural program • Beardwood Chemical Society hears lecture on narcotics • Lit reading givenhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1523/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 2, 1953

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    Sorority bids to be signed Friday noon • Group 2 plays well received • Mary Gillespie to read Burns\u27 poetry at Eng. lit. reading • Van de Putte, first Lorelei king • May Day pageant committee chosen • Dr. Harman speaks at FTA meeting • Cutting campus illegal • Frat council meets; Amends constitution • Library music room reopens • Juniors plan original show for April 17 & 18 • Rev. Bishop to be speaker at last seminar tonight • Forum hears Rev. Detweiler • Dr. Schmidt, pathologist, speaks to pre-med society • 450 college students attend 6th foreign policy institute • Y to show movie One God Sunday • 3 French Club members give play in cultural olympics • I.R.C. postpones program • Editorials: Give the campus a chance • Scribe describes literary magazine • Civil service jobs revealed • Weddings • Student librarians sprout gray hairs over daily duties • Advice given to those who ask for letters of recommendation from profs • P.M.C. routs Bears on final half splurge, 76-54 • Mermaids capture meet; Edge Bryn Mawr, 29-28 • Intramural night to be March 16 • Correction made in story on Swett • Parlee victor; Grapplers win • Belles win basketball, lose swimming eventhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1514/thumbnail.jp