274 research outputs found

    IOPS: An Unified SpMM Accelerator Based on Inner-Outer-Hybrid Product

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    Sparse matrix multiplication (SpMM) is widely applied to numerous domains, such as graph processing, machine learning, and data analytics. However, inner product based SpMM induces redundant zero-element computing for mismatched nonzero operands, while outer product based approach lacks input reuse across Process Elements (PEs) and poor output locality for accumulating partial sum (psum) matrices. Besides, current works only focus on sparse-sparse matrix multiplication (SSMM) or sparse-dense matrix multiplication (SDMM), rarely performing efficiently for both. To address these problems, this paper proposes an unified SpMM accelerator, called IOPS, hybridizing inner with outer products. It reuses the input matrix among PEs with inner product dataflow, and removes zero-element calculations with outer product approach in each PE, which can efficiently process SSMM and SDMM. Moreover, an address mapping method is designed to accumulate the irregular sparse psum matrices, reducing the latency and DRAM access of psum accumulating. Furthermore, an adaptive partition strategy is proposed to tile the input matrices based on their sparsity ratios, effectively utilizing the storage of architecture and reducing DRAM access. Compared with the SSMM accelerator, SpArch, we achieve 1.7x~6.3x energy efficiency and 1.2x~4.4x resource efficiency, with 1.4x~2.1x DRAM access saving

    Observer Based Traction/Braking Control Design for High Speed Trains Considering Adhesion Nonlinearity

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    Train traction/braking control, one of the key enabling technologies for automatic train operation, literally takes its action through adhesion force. However, adhesion coefficient of high speed train (HST) is uncertain in general because it varies with wheel-rail surface condition and running speed; thus, it is extremely difficult to be measured, which makes traction/braking control design and implementation of HSTs greatly challenging. In this work, force observers are applied to estimate the adhesion force or/and the resistance, based on which simple traction/braking control schemes are established under the consideration of actual wheel-rail adhesion condition. It is shown that the proposed controllers have simple structure and can be easily implemented from real applications. Numerical simulation also validates the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme

    A Survey of Deep Learning in Sports Applications: Perception, Comprehension, and Decision

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    Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize sports performance, with applications ranging from perception and comprehension to decision. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of deep learning in sports performance, focusing on three main aspects: algorithms, datasets and virtual environments, and challenges. Firstly, we discuss the hierarchical structure of deep learning algorithms in sports performance which includes perception, comprehension and decision while comparing their strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, we list widely used existing datasets in sports and highlight their characteristics and limitations. Finally, we summarize current challenges and point out future trends of deep learning in sports. Our survey provides valuable reference material for researchers interested in deep learning in sports applications

    What Can Simple Arithmetic Operations Do for Temporal Modeling?

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    Temporal modeling plays a crucial role in understanding video content. To tackle this problem, previous studies built complicated temporal relations through time sequence thanks to the development of computationally powerful devices. In this work, we explore the potential of four simple arithmetic operations for temporal modeling. Specifically, we first capture auxiliary temporal cues by computing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division between pairs of extracted frame features. Then, we extract corresponding features from these cues to benefit the original temporal-irrespective domain. We term such a simple pipeline as an Arithmetic Temporal Module (ATM), which operates on the stem of a visual backbone with a plug-andplay style. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies on the instantiation of ATMs and demonstrate that this module provides powerful temporal modeling capability at a low computational cost. Moreover, the ATM is compatible with both CNNs- and ViTs-based architectures. Our results show that ATM achieves superior performance over several popular video benchmarks. Specifically, on Something-Something V1, V2 and Kinetics-400, we reach top-1 accuracy of 65.6%, 74.6%, and 89.4% respectively. The code is available at https://github.com/whwu95/ATM.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Beyond Generic: Enhancing Image Captioning with Real-World Knowledge using Vision-Language Pre-Training Model

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    Current captioning approaches tend to generate correct but "generic" descriptions that lack real-world knowledge, e.g., named entities and contextual information. Considering that Vision-Language Pre-Training (VLP) models master massive such knowledge from large-scale web-harvested data, it is promising to utilize the generalizability of VLP models to incorporate knowledge into image descriptions. However, using VLP models faces challenges: zero-shot inference suffers from knowledge hallucination that leads to low-quality descriptions, but the generic bias in downstream task fine-tuning hinders the VLP model from expressing knowledge. To address these concerns, we propose a simple yet effective method called Knowledge-guided Replay (K-Replay), which enables the retention of pre-training knowledge during fine-tuning. Our approach consists of two parts: (1) a knowledge prediction task on automatically collected replay exemplars to continuously awaken the VLP model's memory about knowledge, thus preventing the model from collapsing into the generic pattern; (2) a knowledge distillation constraint to improve the faithfulness of generated descriptions hence alleviating the knowledge hallucination. To evaluate knowledge-enhanced descriptions, we construct a novel captioning benchmark KnowCap, containing knowledge of landmarks, famous brands, special foods and movie characters. Experimental results show that our approach effectively incorporates knowledge into descriptions, outperforming strong VLP baseline by 20.9 points (78.7->99.6) in CIDEr score and 20.5 percentage points (34.0%->54.5%) in knowledge recognition accuracy. Our code and data is available at https://github.com/njucckevin/KnowCap.Comment: Accepted at ACM Multimedia (ACMMM) 202

    Sense: Model Hardware Co-design for Accelerating Sparse CNN on Systolic Array

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    Sparsity is an intrinsic property of convolutional neural network(CNN) and worth exploiting for CNN accelerators, but extra processing comes with hardware overhead, causing many architectures suffering from only minor profit. Meanwhile, systolic array has been increasingly competitive on CNNs acceleration for its high spatiotemporal locality and low hardware overhead. However, the irregularity of sparsity induces imbalanced workload under the rigid systolic dataflow, causing performance degradation. Thus, this paper proposed a systolicarray-based architecture, called Sense, for sparse CNN acceleration by model-hardware co-design, achieving large performance improvement. To balance input feature map(IFM) and weight loads across Processing Element(PE) array, we applied channel clustering to gather IFMs with approximate sparsity for array computation, and co-designed a load-balancing weight pruning method to keep the sparsity ratio of each kernel at a certain value with little accuracy loss, improving PE utilization and overall performance. Additionally, Adaptive Dataflow Configuration is applied to determine the computing strategy based on the storage ratio of IFMs and weights, lowering 1.17x-1.8x DRAM access compared with Swallow and further reducing system energy consumption. The whole design is implemented on ZynqZCU102 with 200MHz and performs at 471-, 34-, 53- and 191-image/s for AlexNet, VGG-16, ResNet-50 and GoogleNet respectively. Compared against sparse systolic-array-based accelerators, Swallow, FESA and SPOTS, Sense achieves 1x-2.25x, 1.95x-2.5x and 1.17x-2.37x performance improvement on these CNNs respectively with reasonable overhead.Comment: 14 pages, 29 figures, 6 tables, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEM

    AS-FIBA: Adaptive Selective Frequency-Injection for Backdoor Attack on Deep Face Restoration

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    Deep learning-based face restoration models, increasingly prevalent in smart devices, have become targets for sophisticated backdoor attacks. These attacks, through subtle trigger injection into input face images, can lead to unexpected restoration outcomes. Unlike conventional methods focused on classification tasks, our approach introduces a unique degradation objective tailored for attacking restoration models. Moreover, we propose the Adaptive Selective Frequency Injection Backdoor Attack (AS-FIBA) framework, employing a neural network for input-specific trigger generation in the frequency domain, seamlessly blending triggers with benign images. This results in imperceptible yet effective attacks, guiding restoration predictions towards subtly degraded outputs rather than conspicuous targets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the degradation objective on state-of-the-art face restoration models. Additionally, it is notable that AS-FIBA can insert effective backdoors that are more imperceptible than existing backdoor attack methods, including WaNet, ISSBA, and FIBA

    GPT4Vis: What Can GPT-4 Do for Zero-shot Visual Recognition?

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    This paper does not present a novel method. Instead, it delves into an essential, yet must-know baseline in light of the latest advancements in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI): the utilization of GPT-4 for visual understanding. Our study centers on the evaluation of GPT-4's linguistic and visual capabilities in zero-shot visual recognition tasks: Firstly, we explore the potential of its generated rich textual descriptions across various categories to enhance recognition performance without any training. Secondly, we evaluate GPT-4's visual proficiency in directly recognizing diverse visual content. We conducted extensive experiments to systematically evaluate GPT-4's performance across images, videos, and point clouds, using 16 benchmark datasets to measure top-1 and top-5 accuracy. Our findings show that GPT-4, enhanced with rich linguistic descriptions, significantly improves zero-shot recognition, offering an average top-1 accuracy increase of 7% across all datasets. GPT-4 excels in visual recognition, outshining OpenAI-CLIP's ViT-L and rivaling EVA-CLIP's ViT-E, particularly in video datasets HMDB-51 and UCF-101, where it leads by 22% and 9%, respectively. We hope this research contributes valuable data points and experience for future studies. We release our code at https://github.com/whwu95/GPT4Vis.Comment: Technical report. Retest GPT-4V and update result

    Devil in the Number: Towards Robust Multi-modality Data Filter

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    In order to appropriately filter multi-modality data sets on a web-scale, it becomes crucial to employ suitable filtering methods to boost performance and reduce training costs. For instance, LAION papers employs the CLIP score filter to select data with CLIP scores surpassing a certain threshold. On the other hand, T-MARS achieves high-quality data filtering by detecting and masking text within images and then filtering by CLIP score. Through analyzing the dataset, we observe a significant proportion of redundant information, such as numbers, present in the textual content. Our experiments on a subset of the data unveil the profound impact of these redundant elements on the CLIP scores. A logical approach would involve reevaluating the CLIP scores after eliminating these influences. Experimentally, our text-based CLIP filter outperforms the top-ranked method on the ``small scale" of DataComp (a data filtering benchmark) on ImageNet distribution shifts, achieving a 3.6% performance improvement. The results also demonstrate that our proposed text-masked filter outperforms the original CLIP score filter when selecting the top 40% of the data. The impact of numbers on CLIP and their handling provide valuable insights for improving the effectiveness of CLIP training, including language rewrite techniques.Comment: ICCV 2023 Workshop: TNGCV-DataCom