184 research outputs found

    Corporate Security Responsibility: Towards a Conceptual Framework for a Comparative Research Agenda

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    The political debate about the role of business in armed conflicts has increasingly raised expectations as to governance contributions by private corporations in the fields of conflict prevention, peace-keeping and postconflict peace-building. This political agenda seems far ahead of the research agenda, in which the negative image of business in conflicts, seen as fuelling, prolonging and taking commercial advantage of violent conflicts,still prevails. So far the scientific community has been reluctant to extend the scope of research on ‘corporate social responsibility’ to the area of security in general and to intra-state armed conflicts in particular. As a consequence, there is no basis from which systematic knowledge can be generated about the conditions and the extent to which private corporations can fulfil the role expected of them in the political discourse. The research on positive contributions of private corporations to security amounts to unconnected in-depth case studies of specific corporations in specific conflict settings. Given this state of research, we develop a framework for a comparative research agenda to address the question: Under which circumstances and to what extent can private corporations be expected to contribute to public security

    Unconstrained three-dimensional reaching in Rhesus monkeys

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    To better understand normative behavior for quantitative evaluation of motor recovery after injury, we studied arm movements by non-injured Rhesus monkeys during a food-retrieval task. While seated, monkeys reached, grasped, and retrieved food items. We recorded three-dimensional kinematics and muscle activity, and used inverse dynamics to calculate joint moments due to gravity, segmental interactions, and to the muscles and tissues of the arm. Endpoint paths showed curvature in three dimensions, suggesting that maintaining straight paths was not an important constraint. Joint moments were dominated by gravity. Generalized muscle and interaction moments were less than half of the gravitational moments. The relationships between shoulder and elbow resultant moments were linear during both reach and retrieval. Although both reach and retrieval required elbow flexor moments, an elbow extensor (triceps brachii) was active during both phases. Antagonistic muscles of both the elbow and hand were co-activated during reach and retrieval. Joint behavior could be described by lumped-parameter models analogous to torsional springs at the joints. Minor alterations to joint quasi-stiffness properties, aided by interaction moments, result in reciprocal movements that evolve under the influence of gravity. The strategies identified in monkeys to reach, grasp, and retrieve items will allow the quantification of prehension during recovery after a spinal cord injury and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions

    Effects of suspended coal particles on gill structure and oxygen consumption rates in a coral reef fish

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    Large quantities of coal are transported through tropical regions; however, little is known about the sub-lethal effects of coal contamination on tropical marine organisms, including fish. Here, we measured aerobic metabolism and gill morphology in a planktivorous coral reef damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus to elucidate the sub-lethal effects of suspended coal particles over a range of coal concentrations and exposure durations. Differences in the standard oxygen consumption rates (MO2) between control fish and fish exposed to coal particles (38 and 73 mg L−1) were minimal and generally not dose dependent; however, the MO2 of fish exposed to 38 mg coal L−1 (21 days) and 73 mg coal L−1 (31 days) were both significantly higher than the MO2 of control fish. Chronic coal exposure (31 days) altered gill structure in the higher coal treatments (73 and 275 mg L−1), with fish exposed to 275 mg L−1 exhibiting significant reductions in gill mucous and thinning of lamellar and filament epithelium. These findings contribute to our limited understanding of the potential impacts of coal on tropical reef species; however, most of the observed effects occurred at high coal concentrations that are unlikely under most coal spill scenarios. Future studies should investigate other contamination scenarios such as the impacts of chronic exposures to lower concentrations of coal

    Low bone turnover and low BMD in Down syndrome: effect of intermittent PTH treatment.

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    Trisomy 21 affects virtually every organ system and results in the complex clinical presentation of Down syndrome (DS). Patterns of differences are now being recognized as patients' age and these patterns bring about new opportunities for disease prevention and treatment. Low bone mineral density (BMD) has been reported in many studies of males and females with DS yet the specific effects of trisomy 21 on the skeleton remain poorly defined. Therefore we determined the bone phenotype and measured bone turnover markers in the murine DS model Ts65Dn. Male Ts65Dn DS mice are infertile and display a profound low bone mass phenotype that deteriorates with age. The low bone mass was correlated with significantly decreased osteoblast and osteoclast development, decreased bone biochemical markers, a diminished bone formation rate and reduced mechanical strength. The low bone mass observed in 3 month old Ts65Dn mice was significantly increased after 4 weeks of intermittent PTH treatment. These studies provide novel insight into the cause of the profound bone fragility in DS and identify PTH as a potential anabolic agent in the adult low bone mass DS population