2 research outputs found

    Adaptive Feature Extraction for Blood Vessel Segmentation and Contrast Recalculation in Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging

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    Microvasculature analysis in biomedical images is essential in the medical area to evaluate diseases by extracting properties of blood vessels, such as relative blood flow or morphological measurements such as diameter. Given the advantages of Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI), several studies have aimed to reduce inherent noise to distinguish between tissue and blood vessels at higher depths. These studies have shown that computing Contrast Images (CIs) with Analysis Windows (AWs) larger than standard sizes obtains better statistical estimators. The main issue is that larger samples combine pixels of microvasculature with tissue regions, reducing the spatial resolution of the CI. This work proposes using adaptive AWs of variable size and shape to calculate the features required to train a segmentation model that discriminates between blood vessels and tissue in LSCI. The obtained results show that it is possible to improve segmentation rates of blood vessels up to 45% in high depths (≈900 μm) by extracting features adaptively. The main contribution of this work is the experimentation with LSCI images under different depths and exposure times through adaptive processing methods, furthering the understanding the performance of the different approaches under these conditions. Results also suggest that it is possible to train a segmentation model to discriminate between pixels belonging to blood vessels and those belonging to tissue. Therefore, an adaptive feature extraction method may improve the quality of the features and thus increase the classification rates of blood vessels in LSCI

    Improving Blood Vessel Segmentation and Depth Estimation in Laser Speckle Images Using Deep Learning

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    Microvasculature analysis is an important task in the medical field due to its various applications. It has been used for the diagnosis and threat of diseases in fields such as ophthalmology, dermatology, and neurology by measuring relative blood flow or blood vessel morphological properties. However, light scattering at the periphery of the blood vessel causes a decrease in contrast around the vessel borders and an increase in the noise of the image, making the localization of blood vessels a challenging task. Therefore, this work proposes integrating known information from the experimental setup into a deep learning architecture with multiple inputs to improve the generalization of a computational model for the segmentation of blood vessels and depth estimation in a single inference step. The proposed R-UNET + ET + LA obtained an intersection over union of 0.944 ± 0.065 and 0.812 ± 0.080 in the classification task for validation (in vitro) and test sets (in vivo), respectively, and a root mean squared error of 0.0085 ± 0.0275 μm in the depth estimation. This approach improves the generalization of current solutions by pre-training with in vitro data and adding information from the experimental setup. Additionally, the method can infer the depth of a blood vessel pixel by pixel instead of in regions as the current state of the art does