377 research outputs found

    Project scheduling with modular project completion on a bottleneck resource.

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    In this paper, we model a research-and-development project as consisting of several modules, with each module containing one or more activities. We examine how to schedule the activities of such a project in order to maximize the expected profit when the activities have a probability of failure and when an activity’s failure can cause its module and thereby the overall project to fail. A module succeeds when at least one of its constituent activities is successfully executed. All activities are scheduled on a scarce resource that is modeled as a single machine. We describe various policy classes, establish the relationship between the classes, develop exact algorithms to optimize over two different classes (one dynamic program and one branch-and-bound algorithm), and examine the computational performance of the algorithms on two randomly generated instance sets.Scheduling; Uncertainty; Research and development; Activity failures; Modular precedence network;

    PanoVOS: Bridging Non-panoramic and Panoramic Views with Transformer for Video Segmentation

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    Panoramic videos contain richer spatial information and have attracted tremendous amounts of attention due to their exceptional experience in some fields such as autonomous driving and virtual reality. However, existing datasets for video segmentation only focus on conventional planar images. To address the challenge, in this paper, we present a panoramic video dataset, PanoVOS. The dataset provides 150 videos with high video resolutions and diverse motions. To quantify the domain gap between 2D planar videos and panoramic videos, we evaluate 15 off-the-shelf video object segmentation (VOS) models on PanoVOS. Through error analysis, we found that all of them fail to tackle pixel-level content discontinues of panoramic videos. Thus, we present a Panoramic Space Consistency Transformer (PSCFormer), which can effectively utilize the semantic boundary information of the previous frame for pixel-level matching with the current frame. Extensive experiments demonstrate that compared with the previous SOTA models, our PSCFormer network exhibits a great advantage in terms of segmentation results under the panoramic setting. Our dataset poses new challenges in panoramic VOS and we hope that our PanoVOS can advance the development of panoramic segmentation/tracking

    Dynamic Prompting: A Unified Framework for Prompt Tuning

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    It has been demonstrated that the art of prompt tuning is highly effective in efficiently extracting knowledge from pretrained foundation models, encompassing pretrained language models (PLMs), vision pretrained models, and vision-language (V-L) models. However, the efficacy of employing fixed soft prompts with a predetermined position for concatenation with inputs for all instances, irrespective of their inherent disparities, remains uncertain. Variables such as the position, length, and representations of prompts across diverse instances and tasks can substantially influence the performance of prompt tuning. In this context, we provide a theoretical analysis, which reveals that optimizing the position of the prompt to encompass the input can capture additional semantic information that traditional prefix or postfix prompt tuning methods fail to capture. Building upon our analysis, we present a unified dynamic prompt (DP) tuning strategy that dynamically determines different factors of prompts based on specific tasks and instances. To accomplish this, we employ a lightweight learning network with Gumble-Softmax, allowing us to learn instance-dependent guidance. Experimental results underscore the significant performance improvement achieved by dynamic prompt tuning across a wide range of tasks, including NLP tasks, vision recognition tasks, and vision-language tasks. Furthermore, we establish the universal applicability of our approach under full-data, few-shot, and multitask scenarios. Codes are available at https://github.com/Xianjun-Yang/DPT.Comment: updat

    Trust-Aware Resilient Control and Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    We address the security of a network of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) cooperating to navigate through a conflict area. Adversarial attacks such as Sybil attacks can cause safety violations resulting in collisions and traffic jams. In addition, uncooperative (but not necessarily adversarial) CAVs can also induce similar adversarial effects on the traffic network. We propose a decentralized resilient control and coordination scheme that mitigates the effects of adversarial attacks and uncooperative CAVs by utilizing a trust framework. Our trust-aware scheme can guarantee safe collision free coordination and mitigate traffic jams. Simulation results validate the theoretical guarantee of our proposed scheme, and demonstrate that it can effectively mitigate adversarial effects across different traffic scenarios.Comment: Keywords: Resilient control and coordination, Cybersecurity, Safety guaranteed coordination, Connected And Autonomous Vehicle

    Delay-Compound-Compensation Control for Photoelectric Tracking System Based on Improved Smith Predictor Scheme

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    Optimal Control of Connected Automated Vehicles with Event-Triggered Control Barrier Functions: a Test Bed for Safe Optimal Merging

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    We address the problem of controlling Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) in conflict areas of a traffic network subject to hard safety constraints. It has been shown that such problems can be solved through a combination of tractable optimal control problems and Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) that guarantee the satisfaction of all constraints. These solutions can be reduced to a sequence of Quadratic Programs (QPs) which are efficiently solved on line over discrete time steps. However, guaranteeing the feasibility of the CBF-based QP method within each discretized time interval requires the careful selection of time steps which need to be sufficiently small. This creates computational requirements and communication rates between agents which may hinder the controller's application to real CAVs. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by adopting an event-triggered approach for CAVs in a conflict area such that the next QP is triggered by properly defined events with a safety guarantee. We present a laboratory-scale test bed we have developed to emulate merging roadways using mobile robots as CAVs which can be used to demonstrate how the event-triggered scheme is computationally efficient and can handle measurement uncertainties and noise compared to time-driven control while guaranteeing safety.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2203.12089, arXiv:2209.1305