13,082 research outputs found

    Asymptotic correlation functions and FFLO signature for the one-dimensional attractive Hubbard model

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    We study the long-distance asymptotic behavior of various correlation functions for the one-dimensional (1D) attractive Hubbard model in a partially polarized phase through the Bethe ansatz and conformal field theory approaches. We particularly find the oscillating behavior of these correlation functions with spatial power-law decay, of which the pair (spin) correlation function oscillates with a frequency ΔkF\Delta k_F (2ΔkF2\Delta k_F). Here ΔkF=π(n↑−n↓)\Delta k_F=\pi(n_\uparrow-n_\downarrow) is the mismatch in the Fermi surfaces of spin-up and spin-down particles. Consequently, the pair correlation function in momentum space has peaks at the mismatch k=ΔkFk=\Delta k_F, which has been observed in recent numerical work on this model. These singular peaks in momentum space together with the spatial oscillation suggest an analog of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state in the 1D Hubbard model. The parameter β\beta representing the lattice effect becomes prominent in critical exponents which determine the power-law decay of all correlation functions. We point out that the backscattering of unpaired fermions and bound pairs within their own Fermi points gives a microscopic origin of the FFLO pairing in 1D.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, published version, a series of study on the 1D attractive Hubbard model, few typos were corrected, references were added, also see arXiv:1708.07784 and arXiv:1708.0777

    γγ→tcˉ+ctˉ\gamma\gamma \to t\bar{c}+c\bar{t} in a supersymmetric theory with an explicit R-parity violation

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    We studied the process γγ→tcˉ+ctˉ\gamma\gamma \to t\bar{c}+c\bar{t} in a RpR_{p} violating supersymmetric Model with the effects from both B- and L-violating interactions. The calculation shows that it is possible to detect a RpR_{p} violating signal at the Next Linear Collider. Information about the B-violating interaction in this model could be obtained under very clean background, if we take the present upper bounds for the parameters in the supersymmetric /Rp\rlap/ R_{p} interactions. Even if we can not detect a signal of /Rp\rlap/R_{p} in the experiment, we may get more stringent constraints on the heavy-flavor /Rp\rlap/R_{p} couplings.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Interacting heavy fermions in a disordered optical lattice

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    We have theoretically studied the effect of disorder on ultracold alkaline-earth atoms governed by the Kondo lattice model in an optical lattice via simplified double-well model and hybridization mean-field theory. Disorder-induced narrowing and even complete closure of hybridization gap have been predicted and the compressibility of the system has also been investigated for metallic and Kondo insulator phases in the presence of the disordered potential. To make connection to the experimental situation, we have numerically solved the disordered Kondo lattice model with an external harmonic trap and shown both the melting of Kondo insulator plateau and an compressibility anomaly at low-density
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