11,238 research outputs found

    On explicit free field realizations of current algebras

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    We construct the explicit free field representations of the current algebras so(2n)kso(2n)_k, so(2n+1)kso(2n+1)_k and sp(2n)ksp(2n)_k for a generic positive integer nn and an arbitrary level kk. The corresponding energy-momentum tensors and screening currents of the first kind are also given in terms of free fields.Comment: Latex file, 25 page

    Partial Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard in Banking

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    Abstract: Countries with deposit insurances differ significantly on how much protection their insurance provides. We study the optimal coverage limit in a model of deposit insurance with capital requirements and risk sensitive premia to prevent moral hazard. Depositors have incentives to monitor the bank’s risk taking behavior, thus threatening banks with withdrawals of deposits if necessary. We find that either banking regulations or market discipline is insufficient to reduce bank’s risk. In addition, our numerical example explains the differences in coverage cross countries which agrees with empirical evidence. We show that low income countries provide more generous insurance protection than higher income countries.Depositor’s monitoring; moral hazard; optimal coverage, partial deposit insurance.

    Multiple reference states and complete spectrum of the ZnZ_n Belavin model with open boundaries

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    The multiple reference state structure of the Zn\Z_n Belavin model with non-diagonal boundary terms is discovered. It is found that there exist nn reference states, each of them yields a set of eigenvalues and Bethe Ansatz equations of the transfer matrix. These nn sets of eigenvalues together constitute the complete spectrum of the model. In the quasi-classic limit, they give the complete spectrum of the corresponding Gaudin model.Comment: Latex file, 24 page

    Convergence to global equilibrium for Fokker-Planck equations on a graph and Talagrand-type inequalities

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    In recent work, Chow, Huang, Li and Zhou introduced the study of Fokker-Planck equations for a free energy function defined on a finite graph. When N2N\ge 2 is the number of vertices of the graph, they show that the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is a system of NN nonlinear ordinary differential equations defined on a Riemannian manifold of probability distributions. The different choices for inner products on the space of probability distributions result in different Fokker-Planck equations for the same process. Each of these Fokker-Planck equations has a unique global equilibrium, which is a Gibbs distribution. In this paper we study the {\em speed of convergence} towards global equilibrium for the solution of these Fokker-Planck equations on a graph, and prove that the convergence is indeed exponential. The rate as measured by the decay of the L2L_2 norm can be bound in terms of the spectral gap of the Laplacian of the graph, and as measured by the decay of (relative) entropy be bound using the modified logarithmic Sobolev constant of the graph. With the convergence result, we also prove two Talagrand-type inequalities relating relative entropy and Wasserstein metric, based on two different metrics introduced in [CHLZ] The first one is a local inequality, while the second is a global inequality with respect to the "lower bound metric" from [CHLZ]

    Q-operator and T-Q relation from the fusion hierarchy

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    We propose that the Baxter QQ-operator for the spin-1/2 XXZ quantum spin chain is given by the jj\to \infty limit of the transfer matrix with spin-jj (i.e., (2j+1)(2j+1)-dimensional) auxiliary space. Applying this observation to the open chain with general (nondiagonal) integrable boundary terms, we obtain from the fusion hierarchy the TT-QQ relation for {\it generic} values (i.e. not roots of unity) of the bulk anisotropy parameter. We use this relation to determine the Bethe Ansatz solution of the eigenvalues of the fundamental transfer matrix. This approach is complementary to the one used recently to solve the same model for the roots of unity case.Comment: Latex file, 12 pages; V2, misprints corrected and references adde

    Determinant Representation of Correlation Functions for the Uq(gl(11))U_q(gl(1|1)) Free Fermion Model

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    With the help of the factorizing FF-matrix, the scalar products of the Uq(gl(11))U_q(gl(1|1)) free fermion model are represented by determinants. By means of these results, we obtain the determinant representations of correlation functions of the model.Comment: Latex File, 20 pages, V.3: some discussions are added, V.4 Reference update, this version will appear in J. Math. Phy