25 research outputs found


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    本試驗探討介質添加碳酸鈣與苦土石灰兩種鈣肥以及磷礦砂和肉骨粉等磷肥,再利用僅提供氮及鉀之簡化養液進行"夏笛"胡瓜栽培試驗。結果顯示在栽培期問處理組之介質pH隨生長日數增加明顯下降。在簡化養液栽培下,胡瓜葉片中必需元素之濃度皆在適量範圍。簡化養液處理之植株乾重大多顯著低於對照組,但植株鮮重多數較高於對照組,至於胡瓜株高、葉長、葉寬和葉片數則無顯著差異,而施用磷礦砂之處理則有提高胡瓜果實品質與產量的表現。This is an initial study of a simplified nutrition management by applying N and K in soilless culture of cucumber ‘Shia Di'after adding two kinds of calcium fertilizers, calcium carbonate and dolomite, and two kinds of phosphate fertilizers, phosphate rock and meat bone dust into the media. Using simplified nutrition culture cucumber.As the cultivation period lengthened, media pH of simplified nutrition treated was lower than that of the control. All elements contents in cucumber leaves are in suitable range by using simplified nutrition culture cucumber. Dry weight of treatment sets of simplified nutrition management are lower than that of control set, however, fresh weight is opposite. Plant height, leaf lengh, leaf width of cucumber has no significant between the treatments. Fruit quality and yield of cucumber are improved in phosphate rock set


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    本試驗以番茄(LYcopersicon esculentum MILL.)'花連亞蔬五號為材料,探討不同光質處理對番茄苗株光合作用速率與碳水化合物之影響。材料自播種後至五週苗齡,分別以660nm紅光、435nm藍光、紅光+藍光及400~700nm螢光燈四種光質處理。試驗結果顯示,苗株生育顯著受到光質處理的影響。葉片光合作用速率的日變化,明期初期,以紅光處理最高,且隨著光照時問的增加,而有上升的趨勢,尤以下午15:00光合作用速率達最高峰,而明期後期即下降。氣孔導度以紅光+藍光處理最高,為0.44molm-2s-1。Rubisco活性以紅光處理者最高,為0.l7nmol RuBP carboxylated mg protein-1 min-l。葉片全可溶性醣含量以紅光和螢光燈處理顯著高於藍光和紅光+藍光處理。葉片澱粉含量以螢光燈處理最高,為9.3%,藍光處理澱粉含量最低,只有3.05%。The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of light quality on the growth and development of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings. Seeds were sown in 5”pot and grown in growth chamber under different light quality (660 nm red light, 435 nm blue light, red light + blue light, 400~700 nm cool white fluorescent lamp). The photosynthesis rates of plants grown in all treatments increased with time of day and descended after 15:00, especially those grown in red light. Stomatal conductance was the highest when seedlings exposed to red light + blue light but was the lowest under fluorescent lamp. Rubisco activity was found the highest under red light and the lowest under blue light. Plants treated with red light had the highest soluble sugar content and followed by fluorescent lamp, red light + blue light and blue light, respectively. However, seedlings grown under fluorescent lamp accumulated the highest starch content at 9.3 % of dry weight base


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    This study is trying to apply soilless medium film culture in an auto-production system by using 'San-Feng' pak-choi (Brassica campestris L. Chinensis Group). Hopefully, to reduce the production cost by using automized and factorilize management, to produce clean and healthy vegetables for customer use, and to increase agribusiness competences in the global world eventially. In soilless material thicknes, using 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 cm of commercial medium. Florafleur-001H to produce pak-choi. As the medium thickness decreased, medium electrical conductivity (EC) incresed. Plant height, leaf number, leaf size, and dry weight were inhibited significantly. The best cultivation performance of was on 3 cm medium thick. However, the air filled porosity (AFP) of one to three cm medius thick was only 10.0%, 12.4% and 14.9%, respectively. This caused great inconvenience in cultivation management. If rice hull (RH) and perlite (PR) were added to increase AFP TO 7.7-21.9% as the commercial medium, leaf growth, fresh weight, dry weight, and final yield increased.本試驗為探討薄層介質無土栽培應用於短期葉菜類自動化生產模式之開發,應用,乃以'三風'小白菜為植物材料,利用商用介質Florafleur-OOlH為栽培介質,並將介質厚度控制為l公分、2公分、3公分栽植小白菜。介質愈薄者,介質EC值愈高。小白菜之林高、莖徑、葉片數、紊面積以及單株鮮乾重皆明顯受抑制,以3公分介質厚度者之植株生長之情形與產量最佳。利用蒲居方式栽植小白菜,介質由薄至厚其充氣孔隙度分別為10.0%、12.4%及15.0%。將此栽培介質經由稻殼或真珠石介質提高充氣孔隙度7.7~21.9%改善其物理性後,小白菜植株生育之葉面積、植株鮮乾重以,且最終產量可提升15一24.6%


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    Pak-choi cv. 'Dai Tokyo' were sown in 72, 128 and 288-cell plug tray to study the cell sizes effects on seedling growth. Results indicated that, no significant difference on the fresh weigh, dry weight, leaf number, leaf area and root length among different cell sizes at early stages, However, the difference among treatments increased and became significant after 12 days of sowing. Seedlings in 72-cell plugs showed the best growth. The root/shoot ratios was found higher on seedlings in 288-cell plugs than those in 72-cell and 128 cells. The relative growth rates of roots and shoot were also found higher at early growth stage and decreased as seedling ages increased. Both the seedlings in 72 and 128-cell plug had the similar trends in plastchron index values, but that of the seedlings in 288-cell plugs was significantly lower.本試驗探討'大東京'小白菜於72、128及288格三種穴盤育苗對幼苗生育之影響,結果顯示小白菜幼苗之單株鮮重、乾重、本葉數、葉面積、葉長、根鮮重、乾重及根長等皆與穴格容積成正相關,且與播種後天數呈二次回歸正相關。播種後9-12天,在不同穴盤間並無顯著差異,隨著播種後天數增加,差異逐漸加大,以在72格穴盤有最佳生育,Plastochron Index(PI)值在72及128穴格趨勢相似,而288穴格為最低。'大東京'小白菜之地下部/地上部比以288穴格者較72及128穴格者高。地上部及根部鮮重之相對生長速率,在播種後初期成最高值,隨播種後天數增加相對生長速率逐漸降低。288穴格苗株在播種後21天之相對生長速率較72及128穴格者小,其後差異減少不顯著

    Effects of the Leachant Collected from Celery Grown in Sand Culture on the Germination of Celery Seeds

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    芹菜雖屬冷涼作物,然在市場需求下已成周年栽培。唯多年來產地農民認知芹菜確有連作障礙問題,本試驗乃以‘西螺種'芹菜為試驗材料,進行砂耕芹菜定植後不同週數之灌溉排液對芹菜種子發芽之影響試驗。結果顯示,砂耕芹菜灌溉排液之pH值隨芹菜生育期增加而下降,其總酚類化合物含量則在芹菜定植後第七週達高峰,濃度為119.95μg/ml。砂耕芹菜灌溉排液處理並造成芹菜種子發芽率降低、平均發芽天數及發芽達50%所需天數(GT50)增加、發芽不整齊且抑制芹菜種子胚根伸長。Celery is cultivated year-round to meet the market demand in subtropical Taiwan although it is a cool-season crop. For many years, the farmers have realized that celery is a crop having serious problems in continuous cropping which causes much loss to farmers every year. The objectives of this research were to study the allelopathic effects of celery on celery itself. Results indicated that, the pH value of the leachant collected from celery grown in sand culture decreased as the plant age increased. The total phenolic compound content of the leachant reached the peak at 119.95μg/ml in the seventh week after transplanting. Celery seeds treated with the leachant collected from sand culture had lower germination rates, longer average germination time and GT50 as compared to the seeds treated with underground water. The leachant treatment also caused the inhibition of radical elongation and the abnormality of sprouting


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    十字花科葉菜類為台灣地區重要的經濟蔬菜。本試驗小白菜、菠菜、甕菜、芥藍、青梗白菜、芫荽、茼蒿、莧菜及蒿苣等短期葉菜類為前作,探討不同前作對小白菜、青梗白菜及芥等十字花科葉菜生育之影響。種子出土活力方面,僅青梗白菜明顯受前作菠菜影響而使最終出土百分率較對照組下降13.4﹪。產量方面,三者不但不受任何前作有不利影響,芥藍之生育甚至受前作小白菜、青梗白菜、莧菜及萵苣的促進而使單株鮮重增加。十字花科葉菜連作對其種子活力、生長速率及產量無不利之影響。Cruciferous leafy vegetable is an economically important section in vegetable production in Taiwan. Experiments were conducted to study the allelopathic effects of different preceding crops on the germination and development of three cruciferous short season vegetable, Pak-choi, Ching-chiang pai-choi and Chinese kale. Ten different preceding crops, pak-choi, spinach, water convolvulus, Chinese kale, ching-chiang pai-choi, coriander, garland chrysanthemum, edible amaranth and lettuce, were selected as preceding crops. Each preceding crop was successively grown in a premixed soil for two ties before the said three cruciferous vegetables were tested. Among the ten preceding crops, only spinach had inhibitory effect on the final emergence percentage of Ching-chiang pak-choi. As to plant growth and development, no adverse effects from preceding crops were observed on these three vegetables. Conversely, growth of Chinese kale was promoted by Pak-choi, Ching-chiang pak-choi, edible amaranth, and lettuce. Results indicated that cruciferous leafy vegetables no adverse effects after three times of successive planting


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    This experiment uses Hogland and Shan Ch'i formula, respectively by the reagent level and the industry level raw material configuration, compared with it to influence pH value and the EC value change of culture solution, and influence to the growth in lettuce and pak-choi. Used Hoagland formula to culture lettuce and pak-choi, the daily pH value change is 0.08~0.66, in its average the climbing value and the climbing rate all significantly decrease 65% comparing the Shan Ch'i formula. The pH value of culture solution changes all to draw close significantly drops along with the cultivation number of days to is stable. Therefore its climbing rate significantly drops along with the cultivation number of days increase. The EC value of Hoagland formula is 1580~2080μS/cm, significantly higher than Shan Chi'i formula with 1015~1085μS/cm, and changes few during cultivation period. In leaf numbers, fresh weight, pH value of culture solution and the growth of lettuce and pak-choi, the use reagent level or the industry level raw material is not significantly. Therefore used Hoagland formula by the industry level raw material, the pH and the EC value compared the Shan Ch'i formula to be stable, and the growth of lettuce and pak-choi is better than Shan Ch'i formula, it is a worth reference for production.本試驗採用Hoagland及山崎培養液配方,分別以試藥級及工業級原料配製養液,比較其對水耕養液之pH值及EC值變化之影響,及對尖葉萵苣與小白菜生育之影響。Hoagland配方養液栽培尖葉萵苣及小白菜,其每日pH值變化為0.08~0.66,其平均上升值及上升率皆顯著較山崎配方減少65%。養液中的pH值變化皆隨栽培天數之增加而趨近於穩定,故其上升率隨栽培天數的增加而明顯下降。Hoagland養液之EC值1580~2080μS/cm,明顯較山崎配方之1015~1085μS/cm為高,但栽培期間之變化少。Hoagland養液對尖葉萵苣及小白菜之葉片數、鮮重、葉面積等生育性狀顯著高於山崎氏配方。使用試藥級或工業級藥品配製養液,對養液pH值及植株生育性狀則沒有顯著差異。因此即便以工業級藥品配製Hoagland配方,仍可使養液pH值及EC值較山崎配方穩定,且對尖葉萵苣及小白菜之生育有明顯促進效果,值得生產業者參考使用

    Effects of Salinity on Plant Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality in Tomato

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    本試驗以番茄'農友 301'為植物材料,探討不同養液EC值對植株生長、果實產量、品質及營養元素的影響,以工生產高品質番茄之參考。養液中添加氯化鈉至EC直飛別為2.5、3.5、4.5及5.5ms/cm等四種鹽分處理,袋耕蕃茄植株總產量分別為1306、9033、886及809 g/plant,其可售果產量分別為934、716、654及513g/plant,因此蕃茄產量隨著處理的養液EC值提高而減少。此外,鹽份處理使果實鮮重下降及增加尻腐病的發生率,但總果實數沒有顯著影響。果實可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量高於EC值2.5ms/cm分別為20%和26%。植株的生育顯著受到鹽分處理的影響,EC值4.5和5.5 ms/cm 處理的全株葉鮮重和葉面積顯著減少。The objectives of this study was to improve tomato fresh quality by increasing medium EC value. Tomato ‘known-You 301' were grown in bag culture and watered with nutrient solution amended with sodium chloride to 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 ms/cm. Results indicated that both total fruited yield and marketable yield decreased as nutrient solution salinity increased. Total fruited yields of the plants with EC 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 ms/cm of nutrient solution were 1306, 903, 886 and 809 g/plant, respectively and total marketable yield was 934, 716, 654, and513, respectively. Yield were adversely affected by increased EC values of nutrient solution. The effect of salinity on average fruit weight followed the same trends as total fruited yield and marketable yield. However, the total fruit number per plant was not affected. The total soluble solids and titratable acidity of fruit juice increased as salinity increased. The total soluble solids and titratable acidity of fruit from plant treated with EC 5.5 ms/cm was 20% and 26% higher than those treated EC 2.5 ms/cm. However, blossom-end rot increased at higher EC values. Salinity treatments also affect plant vegetable growth significantly. The most evident EC effect was found on the reduction of leaf expansion


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    本研究為探討Ribaviri及Dithiouracil化學藥劑處理對四季蔥瓶苗去病毒效果之影響。先以酵素連結免疫抗體法(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay,ELISA)方法篩選'蘭陽l號'及'桃園3號'兩四季蔥品種之罹病株,切取帶三枚葉鞘之莖頂(含基盤)做為培植體,於瓶苗階段進行化學藥劑處理,以比較兩處理對二品種四季蔥分蔥潛隱痛毒去病毒(Shallot latent virus, SLV)之效果。兩品種以25mg/l Ribavirin藥劑處理2週後,即可完全排除SLV,且在延長培養期間,仍可繼續維持無病毒感染的狀態。但隨著處理濃度之增加及處理時間的延長,培植體鮮重、株高、葉片數及葉綠素的含量都呈現顯著下降的趨勢。培植體以Dithiouracil藥劑處理者,不論處理的時間及處理濃度為何,都無法達到去病毒效果。但隨著處理濃度的增加及處理時間的延長,培植體的鮮重、株高、葉片數及葉綠素的含量都顯著的優於以Ribavirin藥劑處理者。The objectives of this study was to evaluate the chemotherapy effects of Ribaviri and Dithiouracil on the Shallot latent virus-elimination. The shoot tips with three leaf sheath were cut off from Shallot latent virus-infected (SLV-infected) plants of two green onion cultivars ‘Lan Yang No. 1'and ‘Tao Yuan No.3'. Results revealed that SLV was elminated completely by the medium with 25 mg/l of Ribavirin and cultivated for 2 weeks. However, there were adverse effects on fresh weight, height, number of leaf and chlorophyll content of explants as the chemical concentration and cultural period increased. The chemotherapy effect of Dithiouracil was not satisfied at any concentration, although it showed beneficial effect on plant height, fresh weight, leaf number and chlorophyll contents