18,640 research outputs found

    Phases of the generalized two-leg spin ladder: A view from the SU(4) symmetry

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    The zero-temperature phases of a generalized two-leg spin ladder with four-spin exchanges are discussed by means of a low-energy field theory approach starting from an SU(4) quantum critical point. The latter fixed point is shown to be a rich multicritical point which unifies different competing dimerized orders and a scalar chirality phase which breaks spontaneously the time-reversal symmetry. The quantum phase transition between these phases is governed by spin-singlet fluctuations and belongs to the Luttinger universality class due to the existence of an exact U(1) self-duality symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Exactly solvable Kitaev model in three dimensions

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    We introduce a spin-1/2 model in three dimensions which is a generalization of the well-known Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice. Following Kitaev, we solve the model exactly by mapping it to a theory of non-interacting fermions in the background of a static Z_2 gauge field. The phase diagram consists of a gapped phase and a gapless one, similar to the two-dimensional case. Interestingly, unlike in the two-dimensional model, in the gapless phase the gap vanishes on a contour in the k space. Furthermore, we show that the flux excitations of the gauge field, due to some local constraints, form loop like structures; such loops exist on a lattice formed by the plaquettes in the original lattice and is topologically equivalent to the pyrochlore lattice. Finally, we derive a low-energy effective Hamiltonian that can be used to study the properties of the excitations in the gapped phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; published version; a new section and more references adde

    Quasi-adiabatic Continuation of Quantum States: The Stability of Topological Ground State Degeneracy and Emergent Gauge Invariance

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    We define for quantum many-body systems a quasi-adiabatic continuation of quantum states. The continuation is valid when the Hamiltonian has a gap, or else has a sufficiently small low-energy density of states, and thus is away from a quantum phase transition. This continuation takes local operators into local operators, while approximately preserving the ground state expectation values. We apply this continuation to the problem of gauge theories coupled to matter, and propose a new distinction, perimeter law versus "zero law" to identify confinement. We also apply the continuation to local bosonic models with emergent gauge theories. We show that local gauge invariance is topological and cannot be broken by any local perturbations in the bosonic models in either continuous or discrete gauge groups. We show that the ground state degeneracy in emergent discrete gauge theories is a robust property of the bosonic model, and we argue that the robustness of local gauge invariance in the continuous case protects the gapless gauge boson.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Bulk and Edge excitations in a ν=1\nu =1 quantum Hall ferromagnet

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    In this article, we shall focus on the collective dynamics of the fermions in a ν=1\nu = 1 quantum Hall droplet. Specifically, we propose to look at the quantum Hall ferromagnet. In this system, the electron spins are ordered in the ground state due to the exchange part of the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli exclusion principle. The low energy excitations are ferromagnetic magnons. To provide a means for describing these magnons, we shall discuss a method of introducing collective coordinates in the Hilbert space of many-fermion systems. These collective coordinates are bosonic in nature. They map a part of the fermionic Hilbert space into a bosonic Hilbert space. Using this technique, we shall interpret the magnons as bosonic collective ex citations in the Hilbert space of the many-electron Hall system. By considering a Hall droplet of finite extent, we shall also obtain the effective Lagrangian governing the spin collective excitations at the edge of the sample.Comment: Plain TeX 18 Pages Proceedings for the Y2K conference on strongly c orrelated fermionic systems, Calcutta, Indi

    Thermodynamics with density and temperature dependent particle masses and properties of bulk strange quark matter and strangelets

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    Thermodynamic formulas for investigating systems with density and/or temperature dependent particle masses are generally derived from the fundamental derivation equality of thermodynamics. Various problems in the previous treatments are discussed and modified. Properties of strange quark matter in bulk and strangelets at both zero and finite temperature are then calculated based on the new thermodynamic formulas with a new quark mass scaling, which indicates that low mass strangelets near beta equilibrium are multi-quark states with an anti-strange quark, such as the pentaquark (u^2d^2\bar{s}) for baryon nmber 1 and the octaquark (u^4d^3\bar{s}) for dibaryon etc.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, Revtex4 styl

    The Grassmannian Sigma Model in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    Spin-charge separation in pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory was recently found to involve the dynamics of an O(3) non-linear sigma model and, seemingly, a Grassmannian non-linear sigma model. In this article we explicitly construct the Grassmannian sigma model of the form appearing in the the spin-charge separated SU(2) theory through a quaternionic decomposition of the manifold, thus verifying its relevance in this context. The coupling between this model and the O(3) non-linear sigma model is further commented upon.Comment: 11 pages, undergraduate research project; version published in J. Phys.

    Non-canonical statistics of finite quantum system

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    The canonical statistics describes the statistical properties of an open system by assuming its coupling with the heat bath infinitesimal in comparison with the total energy in thermodynamic limit. In this paper, we generally derive a non-canonical distribution for the open system with a finite coupling to the heat bath, which deforms the energy shell to effectively modify the conventional canonical way. The obtained non-canonical distribution reflects the back action of system on the bath, and thus depicts the statistical correlations through energy fluctuations