27,791 research outputs found

    The effects on topic familiarity on online search behaviour and use of relevance criteria

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    This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of topic familiarity on the assessment behaviour of online searchers. In particular we investigate the effect of topic familiarity on the resources and relevance criteria used by searchers. Our results indicate that searching on an unfamiliar topic leads to use of more generic and fewer specialised resources and that searchers employ different relevance criteria when searching on less familiar topics

    Constraint on the early Universe by relic gravitational waves: From pulsar timing observations

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    Recent pulsar timing observations by the Parkers Pulsar Timing Array and European Pulsar Timing Array teams obtained the constraint on the relic gravitational waves at the frequency f∗=1/yrf_*=1/{\rm yr}, which provides the opportunity to constrain H∗H_*, the Hubble parameter when these waves crossed the horizon during inflation. In this paper, we investigate this constraint by considering the general scenario for the early Universe: we assume that the effective (average) equation-of-state ww before the big bang nucleosynthesis stage is a free parameter. In the standard hot big-bang scenario with w=1/3w=1/3, we find that the current PPTA result follows a bound H_*\leq 1.15\times10^{-1}\mpl, and the EPTA result follows H_*\leq 6.92\times10^{-2}\mpl. We also find that these bounds become much tighter in the nonstandard scenarios with w>1/3w>1/3. When w=1w=1, the bounds become H_*\leq5.89\times10^{-3}\mpl for the current PPTA and H_*\leq3.39\times10^{-3}\mpl for the current EPTA. In contrast, in the nonstandard scenario with w=0w=0, the bound becomes H_*\leq7.76\mpl for the current PPTA.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, PRD in pres

    Evaluation of Formal posterior distributions via Markov chain arguments

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    We consider evaluation of proper posterior distributions obtained from improper prior distributions. Our context is estimating a bounded function ϕ\phi of a parameter when the loss is quadratic. If the posterior mean of ϕ\phi is admissible for all bounded ϕ\phi, the posterior is strongly admissible. We give sufficient conditions for strong admissibility. These conditions involve the recurrence of a Markov chain associated with the estimation problem. We develop general sufficient conditions for recurrence of general state space Markov chains that are also of independent interest. Our main example concerns the pp-dimensional multivariate normal distribution with mean vector θ\theta when the prior distribution has the form g(∥θ∥2)dθg(\|\theta\|^2) d\theta on the parameter space Rp\mathbb{R}^p. Conditions on gg for strong admissibility of the posterior are provided.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS542 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Relic gravitational waves: latest revisions and preparations for new data

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    The forthcoming release of data from the Planck mission, and possibly from the next round of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations, make it necessary to revise the evaluations of relic gravitational waves in the existing data and, at the same time, to refine the assumptions and data analysis techniques in preparation for the arrival of new data. We reconsider with the help of the commonly used CosmoMC numerical package the previously found indications of relic gravitational waves in the 7-year (WMAP7) data. The CosmoMC approach reduces the confidence of these indications from approximately 2σ\sigma level to approximately 1σ\sigma level, but the indications do not disappear altogether. We critically analyze the assumptions that are currently used in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analyzes and outline the strategy that should help avoid the oversight of relic gravitational waves in the future CMB data. In particular, it is important to keep away from the unwarranted assumptions about density perturbations. The prospects of confident detection of relic gravitational waves by the Planck satellite have worsened, but they are still good. It appears that more effort will be required in order to mitigate the foreground contamination.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; v.3: improvements, published versio

    Geometrical Expression for the Angular Resolution of a Network of Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    We report for the first time general geometrical expressions for the angular resolution of an arbitrary network of interferometric gravitational-wave (GW) detectors when the arrival-time of a GW is unknown. We show explicitly elements that decide the angular resolution of a GW detector network. In particular, we show the dependence of the angular resolution on areas formed by projections of pairs of detectors and how they are weighted by sensitivities of individual detectors. Numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the current GW detector network. We confirm that the angular resolution is poor along the plane formed by current LIGO-Virgo detectors. A factor of a few to more than ten fold improvement of the angular resolution can be achieved if the proposed new GW detectors LCGT or AIGO are added to the network. We also discuss the implications of our results for the design of a GW detector network, optimal localization methods for a given network, and electromagnetic follow-up observations.Comment: 13 pages, for Phys. Rev.

    Food Consumption and Demographics in Japan: Implications for an Aging Population

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    This study estimates a cross-sectional model based on the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) to examine the determinants of food consumption patterns in Japan over life-cycle periods. The test of structural changes, the analysis of the effects of demographic characteristics, and the estimation of expenditure and price elasticities are conducted from a random sample of 1,281 households from a Japanese household survey in 1997. Results show that each economic or non-economic factor has a different impact on food consumption over a lifetime. Changes in consumption of some food groups can be explained by price and income effects where others can be explained by demographic characteristics. Financial constraint is not binding and residential location is likely to have little or no impact on predicting consumers’ food choices at different periods of their lives. Other key factors that affect consumption pattern include family size, number of children, lifestyle and health concern.Japan, Food Demand, Life-Cycle, AIDS, Household

    Mosaic spin models with topological order

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    We study a class of two-dimensional spin models with the Kitaev-type couplings in mosaic structure lattices to implement topological orders. We show that they are exactly solvable by reducing them to some free Majorana fermion models with gauge symmetries. The typical case with a 4-8-8 close packing is investigated in detail to display the quantum phases with Abelian and non-Abelian anyons. Its topological properties characterized by Chern numbers are revealed through the edge modes of its spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Temperature dependence and resonance effects in Raman scattering of phonons in NdFeAsOx_{x}F1−x_{1-x} single crystals

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    We report plane-polarized Raman scattering spectra of iron oxypnictide superconductor NdFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_x single crystals with varying fluorine xx content. The spectra exhibit sharp and symmetrical phonon lines with a weak dependence on fluorine doping xx. The temperature dependence does not show any phonon anomaly at the superconducting transition. The Fe related phonon intensity shows a strong resonant enhancement below 2 eV. We associate the resonant enhancement to the presence of an interband transition around 2 eV observed in optical conductivity. Our results point to a rather weak coupling between Raman-active phonons and electronic excitations in iron oxypnictides superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mode-Locking in Quantum-Hall-Effect Point Contacts

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    We study the effect of an ac drive on the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a tunnel junction between two fractional Quantum Hall fluids at filling ν−1\nu ^{-1} an odd integer. Within the chiral Luttinger liquid model of edge states, the point contact dynamics is described by a driven damped quantum mechanical pendulum. In a semi-classical limit which ignores electron tunnelling, this model exhibits mode-locking, which corresponds to current plateaus in the I-V curve at integer multiples of I=eω/2πI= e\omega /2\pi, with ω\omega the ac drive angular frequency. By analyzing the full quantum model at non-zero ν\nu using perturbative and exact methods, we study the effect of quantum fluctuation on the mode-locked plateaus. For ν=1\nu=1 quantum fluctuations smear completely the plateaus, leaving no trace of the ac drive. For ν≥1/2\nu \ge 1/2 smeared plateaus remain in the I-V curve, but are not centered at the currents I=neω/2πI=n e \omega /2\pi. For ν<1/2\nu < 1/2 rounded plateaus centered around the quantized current values are found. The possibility of using mode locking in FQHE point contacts as a current-to-frequency standard is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, minor change

    Sharp and Smooth Boundaries of Quantum Hall Liquids

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    We study the transition between sharp and smooth density distributions at the edges of Quantum Hall Liquids in the presence of interactions. We find that, for strong confining potentials, the edge of a ν=1\nu=1 liquid is described by the ZF=1Z_F=1 Fermi Liquid theory, even in the presence of interactions, a consequence of the chiral nature of the system. When the edge confining potential is decreased beyond a point, the edge undergoes a reconstruction and electrons start to deposit a distance ∼2\sim 2 magnetic lengths away from the initial QH Liquid. Within the Hartree-Fock approximation, a new pair of branches of gapless edge excitations is generated after the transition. We show that the transition is controlled by the balance between a long-ranged repulsive Hartree term and a short-ranged attractive exchange term. Such transition also occurs for Quantum Dots in the Quantum Hall Regime, and should be observable in resonant tunneling experiments. Electron tunneling into the reconstructed edge is also discussed.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 18 figures available upon request, cond-mat/yymmnn
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