36,430 research outputs found

    Anisotropic swim stress in active matter with nematic order

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    Active Brownian Particles (ABPs) transmit a swim pressure Πswim=nζDswim\Pi^{swim}=n\zeta D^{swim} to the container boundaries, where ζ\zeta is the drag coefficient, DswimD^{swim} is the swim diffusivity and nn is the uniform bulk number density far from the container walls. In this work we extend the notion of the isotropic swim pressure to the anisotropic tensorial swim stress σswim=−nζDswim\mathbf{\sigma}^{swim} = - n \zeta \mathbf{D}^{swim}, which is related to the anisotropic swim diffusivity Dswim\mathbf{D}^{swim}. We demonstrate this relationship with ABPs that achieve nematic orientational order via a bulk external field. The anisotropic swim stress is obtained analytically for dilute ABPs in both 2D and 3D systems, and the anisotropy is shown to grow exponentially with the strength of the external field. We verify that the normal component of the anisotropic swim stress applies a pressure Πswim=−(σswim⋅n)⋅n\Pi^{swim}=-(\mathbf{\sigma}^{swim}\cdot\mathbf{n})\cdot\mathbf{n} on a wall with normal vector n\mathbf{n}, and, through Brownian dynamics simulations, this pressure is shown to be the force per unit area transmitted by the active particles. Since ABPs have no friction with a wall, the difference between the normal and tangential stress components -- the normal stress difference -- generates a net flow of ABPs along the wall, which is a generic property of active matter systems

    Anti-Swarming: Structure and Dynamics of Repulsive Chemically Active Particles

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    Chemically active Brownian particles with surface catalytic reactions may repel each other due to diffusiophoretic interactions in the reaction and product concentration fields. The system behavior can be described by a `chemical' coupling parameter Γc\Gamma_c that compares the strength of diffusiophoretic repulsion to Brownian motion, and by a mapping to the classical electrostatic One Component Plasma (OCP) system. When confined to a constant-volume domain, Body-Centered Cubic crystals spontaneously form from random initial configurations when the repulsion is strong enough to overcome Brownian motion. Face-Centered Cubic crystals may also be stable. The `melting point' of the `liquid-to-crystal transition' occurs at Γc≈140\Gamma_c\approx140 for both BCC and FCC lattices

    The curved kinetic boundary layer of active matter

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    The finite reorient-time of swimmers leads to a finite run length ℓ\ell and the kinetic accumulation boundary layer on the microscopic length scale δ\delta on a non-penetrating wall. That boundary layer is the microscopic origin of the swim pressure, and is impacted by the geometry of the boundary [Yan \& Brady, \textit{J. Fluid. Mech.}, 2015, \textbf{785}, R1]. In this work we extend the analysis to analytically solve the boundary layer on an arbitrary-shaped body distorted by the local mean curvature. The solution gives the swim pressure distribution and the total force (torque) on an arbitrarily shaped body immersed in swimmers, with a general scaling of the curvature effect Πswim∼λδ2/L\Pi^{swim}\sim\lambda\delta^2/L
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