385 research outputs found

    Two stage superconducting quantum interference device amplifier in a high-Q gravitational wave transducer

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    We report on the total noise from an inductive motion transducer for a gravitational-wave antenna. The transducer uses a two-stage SQUID amplifier and has a noise temperature of 1.1 mK, of which 0.70 mK is due to back-action noise from the SQUID chip. The total noise includes thermal noise from the transducer mass, which has a measured Q of 2.60 X 10^6. The noise temperature exceeds the expected value of 3.5 \mu K by a factor of 200, primarily due to voltage noise at the input of the SQUID. Noise from flux trapped on the chip is found to be the most likely cause.Comment: Accepted by Applied Physics Letters tentatively scheduled for March 13, 200

    Decoupling a Cooper-pair box to enhance the lifetime to 0.2 ms

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    We present a circuit QED experiment in which a separate transmission line is used to address a quasi-lumped element superconducting microwave resonator which is in turn coupled to an Al/AlOx_{x}/Al Cooper-pair box (CPB) charge qubit. In our measurements we find a strong correlation between the measured lifetime of the CPB and the coupling between the qubit and the transmission line. By monitoring perturbations of the resonator's 5.44 GHz resonant frequency, we have measured the spectrum, lifetime (T1T_{1}), Rabi, and Ramsey oscillations of the CPB at the charge degeneracy point while the CPB was detuned by up to 2.5 GHz . We find a maximum lifetime of the CPB was T1=200 μT_{1} = 200\ \mus for f=4f = 4 to 4.5 GHz. Our measured T1T_{1}'s are consistent with loss due to coupling to the transmission line, spurious microwave circuit resonances, and a background decay rate on the order of 5×1035\times 10^{3} s−1^{-1} of unknown origin, implying that the loss tangent in the AlOx_{x} junction barrier must be less than about 4×10−84\times 10^{-8} at 4.5 GHz, about 4 orders of magnitude less than reported in larger area Al/AlOx_{x}/Al tunnel junctions

    Comparison of coherence times in three dc SQUID phase qubits

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    We report measurements of spectroscopic linewidth and Rabi oscillations in three thin-film dc SQUID phase qubits. One device had a single-turn Al loop, the second had a 6-turn Nb loop, and the third was a first order gradiometer formed from 6-turn wound and counter-wound Nb coils to provide isolation from spatially uniform flux noise. In the 6 - 7.2 GHz range, the spectroscopic coherence times for the gradiometer varied from 4 ns to 8 ns, about the same as for the other devices (4 to 10 ns). The time constant for decay of Rabi oscillations was significantly longer in the single-turn Al device (20 to 30 ns) than either of the Nb devices (10 to 15 ns). These results imply that spatially uniform flux noise is not the main source of decoherence or inhomogenous broadening in these devices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Quantitative imaging of dielectric permittivity and tunability with a near-field scanning microwave microscope

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    We describe the use of a near-field scanning microwave microscope to image the permittivity and tunability of bulk and thin film dielectric samples on a length scale of about 1 micron. The microscope is sensitive to the linear permittivity, as well as to nonlinear dielectric terms, which can be measured as a function of an applied electric field. We introduce a versatile finite element model for the system, which allows quantitative results to be obtained. We demonstrate use of the microscope at 7.2 GHz with a 370 nm thick barium strontium titanate thin film on a lanthanum aluminate substrate. This technique is nondestructive and has broadband (0.1-50 GHz) capability. The sensitivity of the microscope to changes in relative permittivity is 2 at permittivity = 500, while the nonlinear dielectric tunability sensitivity is 10^-3 cm/kV.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Rev. Sci. Instrum., July, 200

    Strong-field effects in the Rabi oscillations of the superconducting phase qubit

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    Rabi oscillations have been observed in many superconducting devices, and represent prototypical logic operations for quantum bits (qubits) in a quantum computer. We use a three-level multiphoton analysis to understand the behavior of the superconducting phase qubit (current-biased Josephson junction) at high microwave drive power. Analytical and numerical results for the ac Stark shift, single-photon Rabi frequency, and two-photon Rabi frequency are compared to measurements made on a dc SQUID phase qubit with Nb/AlOx/Nb tunnel junctions. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Quantum logic gates for coupled superconducting phase qubits

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    Based on a quantum analysis of two capacitively coupled current-biased Josephson junctions, we propose two fundamental two-qubit quantum logic gates. Each of these gates, when supplemented by single-qubit operations, is sufficient for universal quantum computation. Numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation demonstrate that these operations can be performed with good fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revised for publicatio

    Spectroscopy of Three-Particle Entanglement in a Macroscopic Superconducting Circuit

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    We study the quantum mechanical behavior of a macroscopic, three-body, superconducting circuit. Microwave spectroscopy on our system, a resonator coupling two large Josephson junctions, produced complex energy spectra well explained by quantum theory over a large frequency range. By tuning each junction separately into resonance with the resonator, we first observe strong coupling between each junction and the resonator. Bringing both junctions together into resonance with the resonator, we find spectroscopic evidence for entanglement between all three degrees of freedom and suggest a new method for controllable coupling of distant qubits, a key step toward quantum computation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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