1 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Climate Change Risk, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Cotton and Sugarcane Producing Regions of Ethiopia

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    Climate change is a global concern mainly due to its effect on two parameters that affect the ecological setup particularly agriculture – increase in the average temperature and rainfall variability. Even though the agriculture sector as a whole is vulnerable to climate hazards including flood and drought, climate change poses a particular threat to certain agricultural commodities and social groups, due to difference in agro-ecology and heterogeneity in non – climate change drivers of vulnerability. This context specific nature of the impact of climate change calls for the need to identify adaptation options to build a climate resilient production of particular agricultural commodities and vulnerable groups. In addition to coffee, the Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI) strategy and the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) clearly stipulate that sugar and textile are strategic export commodities in the industrial development strategy of Ethiopia. They are labour intensive, have broad linkages with the rest of the economy, use agricultural products as inputs, are export-oriented and import substituting, and contribute to rapid technological transfer. They are strategic commodities because they are crucial in transforming the country’s economy from the agriculture – led into industry - led economy within the GTP period of 2011 - 2015