5 research outputs found

    Decoding the future from past experience: learning shapes predictions in early visual cortex.

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    Learning the structure of the environment is critical for interpreting the current scene and predicting upcoming events. However, the brain mechanisms that support our ability to translate knowledge about scene statistics to sensory predictions remain largely unknown. Here we provide evidence that learning of temporal regularities shapes representations in early visual cortex that relate to our ability to predict sensory events. We tested the participants' ability to predict the orientation of a test stimulus after exposure to sequences of leftward- or rightward-oriented gratings. Using fMRI decoding, we identified brain patterns related to the observers' visual predictions rather than stimulus-driven activity. Decoding of predicted orientations following structured sequences was enhanced after training, while decoding of cued orientations following exposure to random sequences did not change. These predictive representations appear to be driven by the same large-scale neural populations that encode actual stimulus orientation and to be specific to the learned sequence structure. Thus our findings provide evidence that learning temporal structures supports our ability to predict future events by reactivating selective sensory representations as early as in primary visual cortex.This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to AEW (095183/Z/10/Z) and grants to ZK from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [H012508], a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (RF-2011-378) and the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement no. PITN-GA-2011-290011.This is the published version. It first appeared at http://jn.physiology.org/content/early/2015/02/27/jn.00753.2014

    IRF7: activation, regulation, modification and function

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    Interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) was originally identified in the context of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection, and has since emerged as the crucial regulator of type I interferons (IFNs) against pathogenic infections, which activate IRF7 by triggering signaling cascades from pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize pathogenic nucleic acids. Moreover, IRF7 is a multifunctional transcription factor, underscored by the fact that it is associated with EBV latency, in which IRF7 is induced as well as activated by the EBV principal oncoprotein latent membrane protein-1 (LMP1). Aberrant production of type I IFNs is associated with many types of diseases such as cancers and autoimmune disorders. Thus, tight regulation of IRF7 expression and activity is imperative in dictating appropriate type I IFN production for normal IFN-mediated physiological functions. Posttranslational modifications have important roles in regulation of IRF7 activity, exemplified by phosphorylation, which is indicative of its activation. Furthermore, mounting evidence has shed light on the importance of regulatory ubiquitination in activation of IRF7. Albeit these exciting findings have been made in the past decade since its discovery, many questions related to IRF7 remain to be addressed