477 research outputs found

    The Effects of Abandonment Options on Investment Timing and Profit Sharing of FDI

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    The paper incorporates cooperative game theory into a real option method in a foreign direct investment setting and examines the operational decisions of a multinational corporation in a cooperative framework, where the corporation is endowed with an abandonment option and shares its profit with the host country. In particular, we investigate how the abandonment options affect the optimal investment timing and the optimal profit share of a foreign direct investment using a real option game method. We show that the flexibility of the abandonment option induces the corporation to investment earlier, which indicates the negative effects on investment trigger. The result is consistent with intuition since the abandonment option provides insurance and thus reduces the overall risk of the project. We also find that the introduction of the abandonment option reduces the optimal profit share in a cooperative framework and in turn the lower profit share increases the investment trigger, thereby having a positive effect on the investment threshold to hinder the investment. By numerical analysis, we find that the overall effect of the abandonment options is inversely related to the investment trigger. These findings provide quantitative analysis about the decisions regarding cooperation in international investment extraction projects

    Efficiently Disassemble-and-Pack for Mechanism

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    In this paper, we present a disassemble-and-pack approach for a mechanism to seek a box which contains total mechanical parts with high space utilization. Its key feature is that mechanism contains not only geometric shapes but also internal motion structures which can be calculated to adjust geometric shapes of the mechanical parts. Our system consists of two steps: disassemble mechanical object into a group set and pack them within a box efficiently. The first step is to create a hierarchy of possible group set of parts which is generated by disconnecting the selected joints and adjust motion structures of parts in groups. The aim of this step is seeking total minimum volume of each group. The second step is to exploit the hierarchy based on breadth-first-search to obtain a group set. Every group in the set is inserted into specified box from maximum volume to minimum based on our packing strategy. Until an approximated result with satisfied efficiency is accepted, our approach finish exploiting the hierarchy.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    An Evolutionary Computation Based Feature Selection Method for Intrusion Detection

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    Data Availability: The data used to support the fndings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61403206, 61771258, and 61876089), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20141005 and BK20160910), the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (14KJB520025), the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, the Open Research Fund of Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Communication and Network Technology, NJUPT (JSGCZX17001), and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK20140883.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pulsar discovery prospect of FASTA

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    The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) has discovered more than 650 new pulsars, which account for 20% of our known Galactic pulsar population. In this paper, we estimate the prospect of a pulsar survey with a radio telescope array to be planned -- the FAST Array (FASTA), consists of six "FAST-type" telescopes. Such a sensitive radio telescope array would be a powerful instrument in probing the pulsar population deep into our Galaxy as well as in nearby galaxies. We simulate the FASTA pulsar discovery prospects with different Galactic pulsar population models and instrumental parameter combinations. We find that FASTA could detect tens of thousands of canonical pulsars and well-over thousands of millisecond pulsars. We also estimate the potential yield if the FASTA is used to search for pulsars from the nearby spiral galaxy M31, and find that it would probably discover around a hundred new radio pulsars

    Llam-Mdcnet for Detecting Remote Sensing Images of Dead Tree Clusters

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    Clusters of dead trees are forest fires-prone. To maintain ecological balance and realize its protection, timely detection of dead trees in forest remote sensing images using existing computer vision methods is of great significance. Remote sensing images captured by Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) typically have several issues, e.g., mixed distribution of adjacent but different tree classes, interference of redundant information, and high differences in scales of dead tree clusters, making the detection of dead tree clusters much more challenging. Therefore, based on the Multipath dense composite network (MDCN), an object detection method called LLAM-MDCNet is proposed in this paper. First, a feature extraction network called Multipath dense composite network is designed. The network\u27s multipath structure can substantially increase the extraction of underlying and semantic features to enhance its extraction capability for rich-information regions. Following that, in the row, column, and diagonal directions, the Longitude Latitude Attention Mechanism (LLAM) is presented and incorporated into the feature extraction network. The multi-directional LLAM facilitates the suppression of irrelevant and redundant information and improves the representation of high-level semantic feature information. Lastly, an AugFPN is employed for down-sampling, yielding a more comprehensive representation of image features with the combination of low-level texture features and high-level semantic information. Consequently, the network\u27s detection effect for dead tree cluster targets with high-scale differences is improved. Furthermore, we make the collected high-quality aerial dead tree cluster dataset containing 19,517 images shot by drones publicly available for other researchers to improve the work in this paper. Our proposed method achieved 87.25% mAP with an FPS of 66 on our dataset, demonstrating the effectiveness of the LLAM-MDCNet for detecting dead tree cluster targets in forest remote sensing images

    Observation of pi/2 modes in an acoustic Floquet system

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    Topological phases of matter have remained an active area of research in the last few decades. Periodic driving is known to be a powerful tool for enriching such exotic phases, which leads to various phenomena with no static analogs. One such phenomenon is the emergence of the elusive pi/2pi/2 modes, i.e., a type of topological boundary state pinned at a quarter of the driving frequency. The latter may lead to the formation of Floquet parafermions in the presence of interaction, which is known to support more computational power than Majorana particles. In this work, we experimentally verify the signature of π/2\pi/2 modes in an acoustic waveguide array, which is designed to simulate a square-root periodically driven Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. This is accomplished by confirming the 4T4T-periodicity (TT being the driving period) profile of an initial-boundary excitation, which we also show theoretically to be the smoking gun evidence of π/2\pi/2 modes. Our findings are expected to motivate further studies of π/2\pi/2 modes in quantum systems for potential technological applications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure. Comments are welcom

    Design Methodology for Six-Port Equal/Unequal Quadrature and Rat-Race Couplers With Balanced and Unbalanced Ports Terminated by Arbitrary Resistances

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    For the first time, the 6-port quadrature and rat-race couplers with balanced-unbalanced-hybrid ports are proposed. The corresponding design methodology is presented, which is capable of designing the proposed couplers with arbitrary power divisions and terminated resistances. In this paper, four types including quadrature and rat-race couplers are fully analyzed, covering all the application configurations of the balanced/unbalanced ports. Besides, the design equations are rigorously derived, with the final design procedures presented. Eventually, prototypes of the four coupler types are fabricated and experimentally measured. The final results sufficiently validate the proposed methodology