60 research outputs found

    Deep quantum neural networks equipped with backpropagation on a superconducting processor

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    Deep learning and quantum computing have achieved dramatic progresses in recent years. The interplay between these two fast-growing fields gives rise to a new research frontier of quantum machine learning. In this work, we report the first experimental demonstration of training deep quantum neural networks via the backpropagation algorithm with a six-qubit programmable superconducting processor. In particular, we show that three-layer deep quantum neural networks can be trained efficiently to learn two-qubit quantum channels with a mean fidelity up to 96.0% and the ground state energy of molecular hydrogen with an accuracy up to 93.3% compared to the theoretical value. In addition, six-layer deep quantum neural networks can be trained in a similar fashion to achieve a mean fidelity up to 94.8% for learning single-qubit quantum channels. Our experimental results explicitly showcase the advantages of deep quantum neural networks, including quantum analogue of the backpropagation algorithm and less stringent coherence-time requirement for their constituting physical qubits, thus providing a valuable guide for quantum machine learning applications with both near-term and future quantum devices.Comment: 7 pages (main text) + 11 pages (Supplementary Information), 10 figure

    Beating the break-even point with a discrete-variable-encoded logical qubit

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    Quantum error correction (QEC) aims to protect logical qubits from noises by utilizing the redundancy of a large Hilbert space, where an error, once it occurs, can be detected and corrected in real time. In most QEC codes, a logical qubit is encoded in some discrete variables, e.g., photon numbers. Such encoding schemes make the codewords orthogonal, so that the encoded quantum information can be unambiguously extracted after processing. Based on such discrete-variable encodings, repetitive QEC demonstrations have been reported on various platforms, but there the lifetime of the encoded logical qubit is still shorter than that of the best available physical qubit in the entire system, which represents a break-even point that needs to be surpassed for any QEC code to be of practical use. Here we demonstrate a QEC procedure with a logical qubit encoded in photon-number states of a microwave cavity, dispersively coupled to an ancilla superconducting qubit. By applying a pulse featuring a tailored frequency comb to the ancilla, we can repetitively extract the error syndrome with high fidelity and perform error correction with feedback control accordingly, thereby exceeding the break-even point by about 16% lifetime enhancement. Our work illustrates the potential of the hardware-efficient discrete-variable QEC codes towards a reliable quantum information processor.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Supplement: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 table
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