9,938 research outputs found

    Decay of correlations in the dissipative two-state system

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    We study the equilibrium correlation function of the polaron-dressed tunnelling operator in the dissipative two-state system and compare the asymptoptic dynamics with that of the position correlations. For an Ohmic spectral density with the damping strength K=1/2K=1/2, the correlation functions are obtained in analytic form for all times at any TT and any bias. For K<1K<1, the asymptotic dynamics is found by using a diagrammatic approach within a Coulomb gas representation. At T=0, the tunnelling or coherence correlations drop as t−2Kt^{-2K}, whereas the position correlations show universal decay ∝t−2\propto t^{-2}. The former decay law is a signature of unscreened attractive charge-charge interactions, while the latter is due to unscreened dipole-dipole interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Duality Relation for Quantum Ratchets

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    A duality relation between the long-time dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle in a tilted ratchet potential and a driven dissipative tight-binding model is reported. It relates a situation of weak dissipation in one model to strong dissipation in the other one, and vice versa. We apply this duality relation to investigate transport and rectification in ratchet potentials: From the linear mobility we infer ground-state delocalization for weak dissipation. We report reversals induced by adiabatic driving and temperature in the ratchet current and its dependence on the potential shape.Comment: Modified content, corrected typo

    Ultraslow quantum dynamics in a sub-Ohmic heat bath

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    We show that the low-frequency modes of a sub-Ohmic bosonic heat bath generate an effective dynamical asymmetry for an intrinsically symmetric quantum spin -1/2. An initially fully polarized spin first decays towards a quasiequilibrium determined by the dynamical asymmetry, thereby showing coherent damped oscillations on the (fast) time scale of the spin splitting. On top of this, the dynamical asymmetry itself decays on an ultraslow time scale and vanishes asymptotically since the global equilibrium phase is symmetric. We quantitatively study the nature of the initial fast decay to the quasiequilibrium and discuss the features of ultraslow dynamics of the quasiequilibrium itself. The dynamical asymmetry is more pronounced for smaller values of the sub-Ohmic exponent and for lower temperatures, which emphasizes the quantum many-body nature of the effect. The symmetry breaking is related to the dynamic crossover between coherent and overdamped relaxation of the spin polarization and is not connected to the localization quantum phase transition. In addition to this delocalized phase, we identify a novel phase which is characterized by damped coherent oscillations in the localized phase. This allows for a sketch of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model with four distinct phases.Comment: published version (minor changes), 8 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of coherent impurity effects in solid state qubits

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    We propose a characterisation of the effects of bistable coherent impurities in solid state qubits. We introduce an effective impurity description in terms of a tunable spin-boson environment and solve the dynamics for the qubit coherences. The dominant rate characterizing the asymptotic time limit is identified and signatures of non-Gaussian behavior of the quantum impurity at intermediate times are pointed out. An alternative perspective considering the qubit as a measurement device for the spin-boson impurity is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Replaced with published version, minor change

    A Single Impurity in Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids

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    The problem of a single impurity in one dimensional Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids with a repulsive electron-electron interaction is discussed. We find that the renormalization group flow diagram for the parameters characterizing the impurity is rather complex. Apart from the fixed points corresponding to two weakly connected semi-infinite wires, the flow diagram contains additional fixed points which control the low temperature physics when the bare potential of the impurity is not strong.Comment: To be published in the Philosophical Magazine in the Proceedings of the "MINERVA WORKSHOP on MESOSCOPICS, FRACTALS and NEURAL NETWORKS", Eilat, Israel, March 199

    Entanglement spectroscopy of a driven solid-state qubit and its detector

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    We study the asymptotic dynamics of a driven quantum two level system coupled via a quantum detector to the environment. We find multi-photon resonances which are due to the entanglement of the qubit and the detector. Different regimes are studied by employing a perturbative Floquet-Born-Markov approach for the qubit+detector system, as well as non-perturbative real-time path integral schemes for the driven spin-boson system. We find analytical results for the resonances, including the red and the blue sidebands. They agree well with those of exact ab-initio calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting entanglement of two electron spin qubits with witness operators

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    We propose a scheme for detecting entanglement between two electron spin qubits in a double quantum dot using an entanglement witness operator. We first calculate the optimal configuration of the two electron spins, defined as the position in the energy level spectrum where, averaged over the nuclear spin distribution, 1) the probability to have two separated electrons, and 2) the degree of entanglement of the quantum state quantified by the concurrence are both large. Using a density matrix approach, we then calculate the evolution of the expectation value of the witness operator for the two-spin singlet state, taking into account the effect of decoherence due to quantum charge fluctuations modeled as a boson bath. We find that, for large interdot coupling, it is possible to obtain a highly entangled and robust ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic Miniband Structure and Quantum Oscillations in Lateral Semiconductor Superlattices

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    We present fully quantum-mechanical magnetotransport calculations for short-period lateral superlattices with one-dimensional electrostatic modulation. A non-perturbative treatment of both magnetic field and modulation potential proves to be necessary to reproduce novel quantum oscillations in the magnetoresistance found in recent experiments in the resistance component parallel to the modulation potential. In addition, we predict oscillations of opposite phase in the component perpendicular to the modulation not yet observed experimentally. We show that the new oscillations originate from the magnetic miniband structure in the regime of overlapping minibands.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figure

    Non-Markovian incoherent quantum dynamics of a two-state system

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    We present a detailed study of the non-Markovian two-state system dynamics for the regime of incoherent quantum tunneling. Using perturbation theory in the system tunneling amplitude Δ\Delta, and in the limit of strong system-bath coupling, we determine the short time evolution of the reduced density matrix and thereby find a general equation of motion for the non-Markovian evolution at longer times. We relate the nonlocality in time due to the non-Markovian effects with the environment characteristic response time. In addition, we study the incoherent evolution of a system with a double-well potential, where each well consists several quantized energy levels. We determine the crossover temperature to a regime where many energy levels in the wells participate in the tunneling process, and observe that the required temperature can be much smaller than the one associated with the system plasma frequency. We also discuss experimental implications of our theoretical analysis.Comment: 10 pages, published versio
