564 research outputs found

    Unitarity and Causality in Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Non-Chronal Spacetimes

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    Spacetime must be foliable by spacelike surfaces for the quantum mechanics of matter fields to be formulated in terms of a unitarily evolving state vector defined on spacelike surfaces. When a spacetime cannot be foliated by spacelike surfaces, as in the case of spacetimes with closed timelike curves, a more general formulation of quantum mechanics is required. In such generalizations the transition matrix between alternatives in regions of spacetime where states {\it can} be defined may be non-unitary. This paper describes a generalized quantum mechanics whose probabilities consistently obey the rules of probability theory even in the presence of such non-unitarity. The usual notion of state on a spacelike surface is lost in this generalization and familiar notions of causality are modified. There is no signaling outside the light cone, no non-conservation of energy, no ``Everett phones'', and probabilities of present events do not depend on particular alternatives of the future. However, the generalization is acausal in the sense that the existence of non-chronal regions of spacetime in the future can affect the probabilities of alternatives today. The detectability of non-unitary evolution and violations of causality in measurement situations are briefly considered. The evolution of information in non-chronal spacetimes is described.Comment: 40pages, UCSBTH92-0

    The sigma term and the quark number operator in QCD

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    We discuss the relationship of the forward matrix element of the operator ψˉψ\bar\psi\psi, related to the so-called sigma term, to the quark number. We show that in the naive quark model in the canonical formalism these quantities coincide in the limit of small average quark momenta. In the QCD parton model defined through light-front quantization this result is preserved at leading perturbative order but it receives radiative corrections. We analyze the theoretical and phenomenological consequences of this result, which provides a bridge between a current algebra quantity, the sigma term, and a deep-inelastic quantity, the parton number.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, DFTT-92-6 (April 1993

    Consistent histories of systems and measurements in spacetime

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    Traditional interpretations of quantum theory in terms of wave function collapse are particularly unappealing when considering the universe as a whole, where there is no clean separation between classical observer and quantum system and where the description is inherently relativistic. As an alternative, the consistent histories approach provides an attractive "no collapse" interpretation of quantum physics. Consistent histories can also be linked to path-integral formulations that may be readily generalized to the relativistic case. A previous paper described how, in such a relativistic spacetime path formalism, the quantum history of the universe could be considered to be an eignestate of the measurements made within it. However, two important topics were not addressed in detail there: a model of measurement processes in the context of quantum histories in spacetime and a justification for why the probabilities for each possible cosmological eigenstate should follow Born's rule. The present paper addresses these topics by showing how Zurek's concepts of einselection and envariance can be applied in the context of relativistic spacetime and quantum histories. The result is a model of systems and subsystems within the universe and their interaction with each other and their environment.Comment: RevTeX 4; 37 pages; v2 is a revision in response to reviewer comments, connecting the discussion in the paper more closely to consistent history concepts; v3 has minor editorial corrections; accepted for publication in Foundations of Physics; v4 has a couple minor typographical correction

    Quasi-Black Holes from Extremal Charged Dust

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    One can construct families of static solutions that can be viewed as interpolating between nonsingular spacetimes and those containing black holes. Although everywhere nonsingular, these solutions come arbitrarily close to having a horizon. To an observer in the exterior region, it becomes increasingly difficulty to distinguish these from a true black hole as the critical limiting solution is approached. In this paper we use the Majumdar-Papapetrou formalism to construct such quasi-black hole solutions from extremal charged dust. We study the gravitational properties of these solutions, comparing them with the the quasi-black hole solutions based on magnetic monopoles. As in the latter case, we find that solutions can be constructed with or without hair.Comment: 18 page

    The Superfluid and Conformal Phase Transitions of Two-Color QCD

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    The phase structure of two-color QCD is examined as a function of the chemical potential and the number of light quark flavors. We consider effective Lagrangians for two-color QCD containing the Goldstone excitations, spin-one particles and negative intrinsic parity terms. We discuss the possibility of a conformal phase transition and the enhancement of the global symmetries as the number of flavors is increased. The effects of a quark chemical potential on the spin-one particles and on the negative intrinsic parity terms are analyzed. It is shown that the phase diagram that is predicted by the linearly realized effective Lagrangian at tree-level matches exactly that predicted by chiral perturbation theory.Comment: ReVTeX, 23 pages, 3 figures. Discussion of vector condensation extended, two figures added, references adde

    Nonlinear Realization of Chiral Symmetry on the Lattice

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    We formulate lattice theories in which chiral symmetry is realized nonlinearly on the fermion fields. In this framework the fermion mass term does not break chiral symmetry. This property allows us to use the Wilson term to remove the doubler fermions while maintaining exact chiral symmetry on the lattice. Our lattice formulation enables us to address non-perturbative questions in effective field theories of baryons interacting with pions and in models involving constituent quarks interacting with pions and gluons. We show that a system containing a non-zero density of static baryons interacting with pions can be studied on the lattice without encountering complex action problems. In our formulation one can also decide non-perturbatively if the chiral quark model of Georgi and Manohar provides an appropriate low-energy description of QCD. If so, one could understand why the non-relativistic quark model works.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, revised version to be published in J. High Energy Phys. (changes in the 1st paragraph, additional descriptions on the nature of the coordinate singularities in Sec.2, references added

    Spinor gravity and diffeomorphism invariance on the lattice

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    The key ingredient for lattice regularized quantum gravity is diffeomorphism symmetry. We formulate a lattice functional integral for quantum gravity in terms of fermions. This allows for a diffeomorphism invariant functional measure and avoids problems of boundedness of the action. We discuss the concept of lattice diffeomorphism invariance. This is realized if the action does not depend on the positioning of abstract lattice points on a continuous manifold. Our formulation of lattice spinor gravity also realizes local Lorentz symmetry. Furthermore, the Lorentz transformations are generalized such that the functional integral describes simultaneously euclidean and Minkowski signature. The difference between space and time arises as a dynamical effect due to the expectation value of a collective metric field. The quantum effective action for the metric is diffeomorphism invariant. Realistic gravity can be obtained if this effective action admits a derivative expansion for long wavelengths.Comment: 13 pages, proceedings 6th Aegean Summer School, Naxos 201

    Wave function of the Universe in the early stage of its evolution

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    In quantum cosmological models, constructed in the framework of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metrics, a nucleation of the Universe with its further expansion is described as a tunneling transition through an effective barrier between regions with small and large values of the scale factor aa at non-zero (or zero) energy. The approach for describing this tunneling consists of constructing a wave function satisfying an appropriate boundary condition. There are various ways for defining the boundary condition that lead to different estimates of the barrier penetrability and the tunneling time. In order to describe the escape from the tunneling region as accurately as possible and to construct the total wave function on the basis of its two partial solutions unambiguously, we use the tunneling boundary condition that the total wave function must represent only the outgoing wave at the point of escape from the barrier, where the following definition for the wave is introduced: the wave is represented by the wave function whose modulus changes minimally under a variation of the scale factor aa. We construct a new method for a direct non-semiclassical calculation of the total stationary wave function of the Universe, analyze the behavior of this wave function in the tunneling region, near the escape point and in the asymptotic region, and estimate the barrier penetrability. We observe oscillations of modulus of wave function in the external region starting from the turning point which decrease with increasing of aa and which are not shown in semiclassical calculations. The period of such an oscillation decreases uniformly with increasing aa and can be used as a fully quantum dynamical characteristic of the expansion of the Universe.Comment: 19 pages, 21 files for 10 EPS figures, LaTeX svjour style. The Sec.2 (formalism of Wheeler-De Witt equation) is reduced. In Sec.3.1 definition of the outgoing wave from barrier is defined more accurately. In Sec.4.1 semiclassical calculations of wavew function and penetrability are performed and comparison with results in fully quantum approach is adde

    Global Strings in High Density QCD

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    We show that several types of global strings occur in colour superconducting quark matter due to the spontaneous violation of relevant U(1) symmetries. These include the baryon U(1)_B, and approximate axial U(1)_A symmetries as well as an approximate U(1)_S arising from kaon condensation. We discuss some general properties of these strings and their interactions. In particular, we demonstrate that the U(1)_A strings behave as superconducting strings. We draw some parallels between these strings and global cosmological strings and discuss some possible implications of these strings to the physics in neutron star cores.Comment: LaTeX JHEP-format (26 pages) Option in source for REVTeX4 forma

    Improved Effective Potential in Curved Spacetime and Quantum Matter - Higher Derivative Gravity Theory

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    \noindent{\large\bf Abstract.} We develop a general formalism to study the renormalization group (RG) improved effective potential for renormalizable gauge theories ---including matter-R2R^2-gravity--- in curved spacetime. The result is given up to quadratic terms in curvature, and one-loop effective potentials may be easiliy obtained from it. As an example, we consider scalar QED, where dimensional transmutation in curved space and the phase structure of the potential (in particular, curvature-induced phase trnasitions), are discussed. For scalar QED with higher-derivative quantum gravity (QG), we examine the influence of QG on dimensional transmutation and calculate QG corrections to the scalar-to-vector mass ratio. The phase structure of the RG-improved effective potential is also studied in this case, and the values of the induced Newton and cosmological coupling constants at the critical point are estimated. Stability of the running scalar coupling in the Yukawa theory with conformally invariant higher-derivative QG, and in the Standard Model with the same addition, is numerically analyzed. We show that, in these models, QG tends to make the scalar sector less unstable.Comment: 23 pages, Oct 17 199